4020:4021 | screenPtr | next screen memory to print to |
4FF5:4FF6 | tmp1A7 | used in decoding the input |
4FF7 | tmp1A9 | used in comparing X to Y |
4FF8 | not1AA | never used |
4FF9 | tmp1AB | used in lots of places |
4FFA | not1AC | never used |
4FFB | tmp1AD | used in the phrase decoding |
4FFC | not1AE | never used |
4FFD | not1AF | never used |
4FFE | not1B0 | never used |
4FFF | not1B1 | never used |
5000 | tmp1B2 | used in word decoding |
5001 | verbWord | input verb word number |
5002 | perpWord | preposition word number |
5003 | prepGiven | preposition given flag |
5004 | phrasePrep | used in phrase decoding |
5005 | adjWord | adjective word number |
5006 | commandTarg | target object of input command |
5007 | not1B9 | cleared before decode but never used |
5008 | lsbAdj1 | screen LSB of 1st adjective |
5009 | lsbVerb | screen LSB of verb |
500A | lsbCursor | screen lsb used in decoding the input line |
500B | lsbError | screen lsb used for flashing error messages |
500C | lastChar | last character printed to screen |
500D | VAR_OBJ_NUMBER | variable object number |
500E:500F | VAR_OBJ_DATA | variable object data |
5010 | not1C2 | never used |
5011 | FIRST_NOUN_NUM | first input noun number |
5012 | firstNounAdj | first input noun adjective word number |
5013 | firstNounLSB | first input noun screen LSB |
5014:5015 | FIRST_NOUN_DATA | first input noun object data |
5016 | firstNounParams | first input noun parameter bits |
5017 | SECOND_NOUN_NUM | second input noun number |
5018 | secondNounAdj | second input noun adjective word number |
5019 | secondNounLSB | second input noun noun screen LSB |
501A:501B | SECOND_NOUN_DATA | second input noun object data |
501C | secondNounParams | second input noun parameter bits |
501D | tmp1CF | another screen pointer used in decode |
501E | tmp1DO | used in making index of data fields |
501F | PHRASE_FORM | decoded phrase form |
5020 | ACTIVE_OBJ_NUM | active object |
5021:5022 | ACTIVE_OBJ_DATA | active object data |
5023 | CUR_ROOM | current room number |
5024:5025 | CUR_ROOM_DATA | current room data |
5026:5027 | nextToken | used in decoding input |
5028 | tmp1DA | used in unpacking bytes |
5029 | tmp1DB | used in unpacking bytes |
502A | tmp1DC | used in unpacking bytes |
502B | tmp1DD | used in unpacking bytes |
502C | tmp1DE | used in unpacking bytes |
502D | tmp1DF | used in unpacking bytes |
502E | tmp1EO | used in unpacking bytes |
502F | tmp1E1 | used in making index of data fields |
5030 | tmp1E2 | used in input processing |
5031 | tillMORE | rows left until MORE prompt (not used here) |
Stack initialized to 7FFF