Color values used in the sprites/character palettes
ROM | Size | Ofs | CRC | SHA1 |
prom-5.5n | 32 | 0 | 54603c6b | 62f1279a784ab2f8218c4137c71a6dea13b4af155d9cb5b999a75d4f1eb9c71346accda00e6a3490 |
The PROMpaletteChar and PROMpaletteSprite files reference these colors by index.
The mame source describes the one-byte color format as: BB GGG RRR, where each color is 3 bits (the LSB of blue is 0). Each of the 3 bits has a weight in the final byte value (MSB to LSB): 0x97, 0x47, 0x21.
The last 16 colors (10-1F) aren't used in any color set (characters or sprites). The 0A color isn't used either.
0000: F6 ; 11 110 110 #DEDEDE 0001: 07 ; 00 000 111 #FF0000 0002: 3F ; 00 111 111 #FFFF00 0003: 27 ; 00 100 111 #FF9700 0004: 2F ; 00 101 111 #FFB800 0005: C7 ; 11 000 111 #FF00DE 0006: F8 ; 11 111 000 #00FFDE 0007: ED ; 11 101 101 #B8B8DE 0008: 16 ; 00 010 110 #DE4700 0009: 38 ; 00 111 000 #00FF00 000A: 21 ; 00 100 001 #219700 (not used in palettes) 000B: D8 ; 11 011 000 #0068DE 000C: C4 ; 11 000 100 #9700DE 000D: C0 ; 11 000 000 #0000DE 000E: A0 ; 10 100 000 #009797 000F: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000 0010: F6 ; 11 110 110 #DEDEDE 0011: 07 ; 00 000 111 #FF0000 0012: 3F ; 00 111 111 #FFFF00 0013: 27 ; 00 100 111 #FF9700 0014: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000 0015: C7 ; 11 000 111 #FF00DE 0016: F8 ; 11 111 000 #00FFDE 0017: E8 ; 11 101 000 #00B8DE 0018: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000 0019: 38 ; 00 111 000 #00FF00 001A: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000 001B: D8 ; 11 011 000 #0068DE 001C: C5 ; 11 000 101 #B800DE 001D: C0 ; 11 000 000 #0000DE 001E: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000 001F: 00 ; 00 000 000 #000000