Daggorath Code
Cool things to do: - Get this working enough in the emulator to walk down the halls - Map-drawing step function. Allow the user to pick existing seeds or put in new ones. - Write up on Task timing - Write up on structure contents
Good info on the math here: http://archive.li/mJKIz
TODO: what areas are mirrored? how does the flip happen? are graphics/text areas ended differently?
Start: C000: CE C0 D1 LDU #$C0D1 ; Play demo game code C003: 20 03 BRA PlayGame ; Do Demo ; C005: CE C1 24 LDU #$C124 ; Play normal game code ; PlayGame: C008: 10 CE 10 00 LDS #$1000 ; Stacks builds to lower from $1000 C00C: 8E FF 00 LDX #$FF00 ; PIA0 C00F: CC 34 FA LDD #$34FA ; A=34, B=FA C012: A7 03 STA 3,X ; CTRL-B = 0_0_110_1_00 : IRQs off ... C014: A7 01 STA 1,X ; CTRL_A = 0_0_110_1_00 : ... output register select C016: 8E FF 20 LDX #$FF20 ; PIA1 C019: A7 01 STA 1,X ; CTRL-B = 0_0_110_1_00 : IRQs off C01B: 6F 03 CLR 3,X ; DDR selected for B C01D: E7 02 STB 2,X ; DDRB = 11111010 (mem and serial inputs) C01F: 86 3C LDA #$3C ; 0_0_111_1_00 C021: A7 03 STA 3,X ; Turn off FIRQs C023: CC 20 46 LDD #$2046 ; 001000__0001000_110 C026: BD C2 66 JSR WriteToSAM ; Graphics=G6R,G6C Display=8*512 (0x1000) C029: 86 F8 LDA #$F8 ; Upper bits ... C02B: A7 02 STA 2,X ; ... of display mode (256x192 color) C02D: 8E 02 00 LDX #$0200 ; Clear ... C030: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; ... all ... C032: 8C 40 00 CMPX #$4000 ; ... temporary ... C035: 25 F9 BCS $C030 ; ... memory (base page) C037: EF E3 STU ,--S ; Store return to demo or game C039: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; DP = ... C03B: 1F 8B TFR A,DP ; ... 0200 C03D: 10 8E D7 E8 LDY #$D7E8 ; Table of inits C041: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ ; Get count C043: 27 41 BEQ $C086 ; All done ... move on C045: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ ; Get destination C047: 8D 02 BSR CopyYtoX ; Do copy C049: 20 F6 BRA $C041 ; Do all CopyYtoX: ; Copy bytes (A is count) from Y to X C04B: E6 A0 LDB ,Y+ ; Value from Y C04D: E7 80 STB ,X+ ; Store to X C04F: 4A DECA ; All done? C050: 26 F9 BNE CopyYtoX ; No ... do all C052: 39 RTS ; Out InitTasks: C053: 34 77 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A,CC ; Save all registers C055: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Turn OFF the IRQ interrupt C057: 8E 02 9F LDX #$029F ; Clear the ... C05A: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; ... linked list ... C05C: 8C 02 AD CMPX #$02AD ; ... of ... C05F: 25 F9 BCS $C05A ; ... task pointers C061: 8E 09 FD LDX #$09FD ; First game-task structure C064: 9F B9 STX <nextTask ; Next available task C066: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; Zero out ... C068: 8C 0B 07 CMPX #$0B07 ; ... game-task structures C06B: 25 F9 BCS $C066 ; ... slots ; C06D: 10 8E D7 DC LDY #$D7DC ; Initial task routines C071: 0A BB DEC <taskListsRebuilt ; C073: CC 00 0C LDD #$000C ; Offset to last index in the task linked list (tasks are going on the end) C076: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ ; Get next task entry C078: 27 0A BEQ $C084 ; All tasks have been made ... out C07A: BD C2 5C JSR ReserveTask ; Reserve a task structure (pointer returned in U) C07D: AF 43 STX 3,U ; Save code pointer in structure C07F: BD C2 1D JSR ChainTaskToEnd ; Chain the task to the end of the list and set counter to 0 C082: 20 F2 BRA $C076 ; Do all tasks C084: 35 F7 PULS CC,A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Done ; Initialization continues from C043 C086: 8D CB BSR InitTasks ; Initialize game tasks C088: CE DA 91 LDU #$DA91 ; Object distribution table C08B: 4F CLRA ; First object in table is type 0 (SUPREME RING) C08C: E6 C4 LDB ,U ; Get the info C08E: C4 0F ANDB #$0F ; Hold ... C090: D7 8C STB <numObjs ; ... number of objects C092: E6 C0 LDB ,U+ ; Get the info C094: 54 LSRB ; Hold ... C095: 54 LSRB ; ... ... C096: 54 LSRB ; ... ... C097: 54 LSRB ; ... ... C098: D7 8D STB <m028D ; ... first appear on level C09A: 3F SWI ; Make an instance of the object C09B: 17 ; 17: Create object structure C09C: 6A 05 DEC 5,X ; Object isn't in any list (room, player, monster) C09E: 5C INCB ; Next object on next level C09F: C1 05 CMPB #$05 ; Past level 4? C0A1: 2F 02 BLE $C0A5 ; No ... use next level C0A3: D6 8D LDB <m028D ; use C0A5: 0A 8C DEC <numObjs ; Decrement number of objects C0A7: 26 F1 BNE $C09A ; Go back to create more of this type C0A9: 4C INCA ; Next object type C0AA: 11 83 DA A3 CMPU #$DAA3 ; All object types done? C0AE: 25 DC BCS $C08C ; Not end of table ... go back ; C0B0: CE 03 88 LDU #$0388 ; Hand line screen descriptor C0B3: 0A B7 DEC <whereToPrint ; Printing goes to desired descriptor C0B5: 3F SWI ; Clear the hand line C0B6: 0A ; 0A: Clear hand descriptor C0B7: 3F SWI ; Print the copyright in the hand line C0B8: 02 ; 02: Uncompress message m and display C0B9: F8 DF 0C C9 27 45 00 02 65 C1 03 52 39 ; "COPYRIGHT DYNA MICRO MCMLXXXII" C0C6: 3C 00 68 DA CC 63 09 48 ; ; C0CE: 0F B7 CLR <whereToPrint ; Printing now goes to command area C0D0: 39 RTS ; Done PlayDemo: C0D1: 0A 77 DEC <gameMode ; Demo mode flag C0D3: 8D 3F BSR EndOfTapeAccess ; Configure interrupts C0D5: 8E DF 10 LDX #$DF10 ; Wizard picture C0D8: 0A 9E DEC <initBeamIn ; Initialize the beam in C0DA: 3F SWI ; Beam on the wizard C0DB: 14 ; SWI_14:Beam wizard in: C0DC: 3F SWI ; Print the first part of the message C0DD: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: C0DE: 9F D2 02 06 45 06 4A 02 BA 85 97 BD EF 80 ; "_1F_I DARE YE ENTER..._1F_" ; C0EC: 3F SWI ; Print the second part of the message C0ED: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: C0EE: F7 BD EA 20 A0 25 5C 72 BD D3 03 CC 02 04 ; "...THE DUNGEONS OF DAGGORATH!!!" C0FC: E7 7C 83 44 6F 7B ; ; C102: 3F SWI ; Wait 1.35 seconds C103: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: C104: 3F SWI ; Another 1.35 seconds C105: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: C106: 3F SWI ; Beam off the wizard C107: 15 ; SWI_15:Beam wizard out: C108: 3F SWI ; Wait 1.35 seconds C109: 09 ; SWI_9:Clear secondary screen: C10A: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; Trigger a screen flip C10C: 13 SYNC ; Wait for the draw C10D: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; Initial map level for demo is 2 (where the demon lives) C10F: CE D7 D5 LDU #$D7D5 ; Demo objects C112: 20 1D BRA $C131 ; Play the demo EndOfTapeAccess: C114: CC 34 3C LDD #$343C ; 0011_0100 and 0011_1100 C117: B7 FF 21 STA PIA1_CA ; Motor off C11A: F7 FF 23 STB PIA1_CB ; 6-bit Sound enabled C11D: 4C INCA ; Re-enable ... C11E: B7 FF 03 STA PIA0_CB ; ... 60Hz interrupt C121: 3C EF CWAI $EF ; Wait for a 60Hz interrupt to happen C123: 39 RTS ; Done PlayGame: C124: 8D EE BSR EndOfTapeAccess ; Configure interrupts and sound C126: CC 10 0B LDD #$100B ; Starting cell (Y=16, X=0B) C129: DD 13 STD <playerY ; C12B: 0F 17 CLR <pStrength ; MSB of strength (start out weak) C12D: 4F CLRA ; Initial map level for a new game is 0 (the first level) C12E: CE D7 D9 LDU #$D7D9 ; List of game objects (not demo objects) ; C131: 3F SWI ; Print "PREPARE!" C132: 16 ; SWI_16:Print PREPARE: C133: 3F SWI ; Setup the level C134: 1A ; SWI_1A:Set up level: C135: 10 8E 02 29 LDY #$0229 ; Pointer to 1st game object in Y C139: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ ; From the list of objects to make C13B: 2B 12 BMI $C14F ; All done ... start the game C13D: 3F SWI ; Create the game object (type in A) C13E: 17 ; SWI_17:Create object structure: C13F: 6C 05 INC 5,X ; Object starts out in pack C141: 1E 13 EXG X,U ; X->U (SWI 18 needs it in U) C143: 3F SWI ; Initial objects start off revealed C144: 18 ; SWI_18:Change object to proper name and data: C145: 1E 13 EXG X,U ; Restore X and U C147: 6F 0B CLR 11,X ; Already revealed C149: AF A4 STX ,Y ; Link this object to last C14B: 1F 12 TFR X,Y ; This is now last C14D: 20 EA BRA $C139 ; Do all game objects ; C14F: 0D 77 TST <gameMode ; Are we in play-game mode (not demo)? C151: 27 13 BEQ $C166 ; Yes ... don't start with the map C153: 0A 9B DEC <suspendTaskTime ; Suspend the tasks while we show the map for a bit C155: 8E CD B2 LDX #$CDB2 ; The routine for drawing ... C158: 9F B2 STX <displayFunction ; ... the scroll (seer and vision) C15A: 0A 94 DEC <scrollType ; This is a SEER scroll C15C: 3F SWI ; Redraw the display C15D: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: C15E: 3F SWI ; Wait for 1.35 seconds C15F: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: C160: 3F SWI ; Another 1.35. Total: 1.35*2 = 2.7 seconds C161: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: C162: 0F 9B CLR <suspendTaskTime ; C164: 13 SYNC ; Wait for two ... C165: 13 SYNC ; ... interrupts ; C166: 3F SWI ; Draw the screen C167: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: C168: 3F SWI ; Show the command prompt C169: 0F ; SWI_F:Ready command prompt: C16A: 7E C1 F5 JMP GameLoop ; Back to top of the game loop ReadCheckError: ; Read a block from tape to buffer. Restart the computer on an error. ; X points to the buffer to fill. Block type returned in B. C16D: BF 00 7E STX CASSPTR ; Read buffer C170: 10 3F SWI2 ; Read a block ... C172: 06 ; ... (A006: BLKIN) from tape C173: 4D TSTA ; Error? C174: 10 26 DE AF LBNE $A027 ; Yes ... restart the CoCo C178: F6 00 7C LDB CASSBLKTYPE ; Return block type C17B: 39 RTS ; Done StartOfTapeAccess: C17C: CE FF 00 LDU #$FF00 ; Base of PIA 0 C17F: CC 34 3C LDD #$343C ; 0011_0100 and 0011_1100 C182: A7 43 STA 3,U ; Disable 60Hz interrupt C184: B7 FF 23 STA PIA1_CB ; Disable cartridge-detect interrupt and sound off C187: F7 FF 21 STB PIA1_CA ; Disable RS-232 interrupt and Cassette motor ON C18A: 39 RTS ; Done QuarterSecDelay: C18B: 9E 00 LDX <CONST_00 ; C18D: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; Long ... C18F: 26 FC BNE $C18D ; ... delay loop C191: 39 RTS ; Done SaveToTape: C192: 8D E8 BSR StartOfTapeAccess ; Tape motor on C194: 8D F5 BSR QuarterSecDelay ; Wait C196: 8D F3 BSR QuarterSecDelay ; Wait (1/2 second total) C198: 10 3F SWI2 ; Write the tape header C19A: 0C ; A00C: WRTLDR C19B: 10 3F SWI2 ; Write the filename (we setup this block at D7C9) C19D: 08 ; A008: BLKOUT C19E: 8D EB BSR QuarterSecDelay ; Wait C1A0: 10 3F SWI2 ; Write the tape header again C1A2: 0C ; A00C: WRTLDR C1A3: 8E 02 00 LDX #$0200 ; Start of variables (the direct page) C1A6: CC 01 80 LDD #$0180 ; Block type = 1 (data) ... C1A9: FD 00 7C STD CASSBLKTYPE ; ... block size = 128 bytes C1AC: BF 00 7E STX CASSPTR ; Store for BASIC C1AF: 10 3F SWI2 ; Write the block C1B1: 08 ; A008: BLKOUT C1B2: 8C 0F 05 CMPX #$0F05 ; Written all of our memory? C1B5: 25 EF BCS $C1A6 ; No ... back for more C1B7: FF 00 7C STU CASSBLKTYPE ; U was last set at C17C. Clever. Block type = FF (end of file), length = 0 C1BA: 10 3F SWI2 ; Write an end block C1BC: 08 ; A008: BLKOUT C1BD: 8D CC BSR QuarterSecDelay ; Delay C1BF: 20 2B BRA $C1EC ; Turn off motor and fall into game loop LoadFromTape: C1C1: 8D B9 BSR StartOfTapeAccess ; Start tape access C1C3: 10 3F SWI2 ; Tape on and start reading C1C5: 04 ; A004: CRSDON C1C6: DE 0B LDU <backScreen ; Off screen buffer ... C1C8: AE C4 LDX ,U ; ... to use as scratch C1CA: 8D A1 BSR ReadCheckError ; Read block C1CC: 26 F8 BNE $C1C6 ; Is this a header? No ... keep looking C1CE: AE C4 LDX ,U ; Where we read the header C1D0: CE 03 13 LDU #$0313 ; Parsed filename C1D3: C6 08 LDB #$08 ; Is this the ... C1D5: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; ... requested ... C1D7: A1 C0 CMPA ,U+ ; ... data file? C1D9: 26 E6 BNE LoadFromTape ; No ... find the right header C1DB: 5A DECB ; Check 8 byte ... C1DC: 26 F7 BNE $C1D5 ; ... filename C1DE: 10 3F SWI2 ; Tape on and start reading C1E0: 04 ; A004: CRSDON C1E1: 8E 02 00 LDX #$0200 ; Start of variables to load (direct page) C1E4: 8D 87 BSR ReadCheckError ; Read a block C1E6: 2A FC BPL $C1E4 ; Keep reading if block type was not FF (end of file) C1E8: 10 CE 10 00 LDS #$1000 ; Reset stack ; C1EC: BD C1 14 JSR EndOfTapeAccess ; Turn off tape and reenable interrupts C1EF: 0F B8 CLR <tapeTrigger ; Tape operation complete C1F1: 3F SWI ; Draw normal display C1F2: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: C1F3: 3F SWI ; Draw ready prompt C1F4: 0F ; SWI_F:Ready command prompt: ; Fall into game loop
The code runs as a sequence of timed tasks that are re-queued/removed as needed.
A task structure is 7 bytes as follows:
00:01 Next task in the list or 0 if the last task in the list. 02 Countdown to run. When this reaches 0, the task is moved to the ready-to-run list. 03:04 Handler entry point. This is the task's code. 05:06 Pointer to the monster structure (only for monster tasks)
Task pool
There is a pool of task structures from 09FD through 0B05 (38 total structures). The word at 02B9 points to the next-available task structure. Tasks are created by advancing this pointer to remove a structure from the pool.
All tasks are removed and recreated as part of setting up the level. No task survives between levels.
Task timers
Tasks can appear on seven different timed lists. The timer interval is how often the task's counter is decremented. When the counter reaches zero, the task is moved to the "ready-to-run" list.
There are seven different lists that a task can be placed on: - Instant tasks. A list is reserved for this, but the use is not implemented. - ISR count tasks. These tasks are timed directly by the ISR (60Hz). - Tenths of a second tasks. These are timed down every 6 ISRs (10 times a second). - Seconds tasks. These are timed down once a second. - Minutes tasks. Timed down once a minute. - Hours tasks. Timed down once an hour. - Ready to run. Tasks are moved here to be run by the game loop and then moved back to the other lists.
There are five game tasks that run manage game play the level. And each monster gets a "handler task". There are 32 maximum monsters on a level (usually less) plus the 5 game tasks means a max of 37 task structures. The pool has room for 38. It is nicely sized.
The list at D7DC contains the game tasks: - D1EB T0_PlayerInput - D1C2 T1_Draw3DScreen - D1D5 T2_UpdateHeart - D19B T3_UpdateTorch - D7E4 T4_MakeCreature
Each creature gets a copy of the handler task: - D041 T5_MoveCreature
T0: Player Input Task
This tasks processes input from the user (or demo commands). It runs every single ISR tick (60Hz).
T1: Draw 3D Screen
This task redraws the 3D maze. It does NOT redraw the inventory screen or the map display. It runs on the tenths-of-a-second list with a countdown of 3 (every 3 tenths of a second).
T2: Update Heart Rate
This task updates the heart rate and handles fainting/recovery. It runs on the ISR tick, but the countdown depends on the heartrate itself.
T3: Update Torch
Torches burn down over time. This task manages the timing on the one-minute tick list -- one bump every minute.
T4: Make Creature
This task runs on the minute list -- once every 5 minutes. Every time it runs, the task creates a random creature that will appear on the CURRENT level when/if the user returns to this level. This is your punishment for climbing up to previous levels. The longer you hang out on a level, the more creatures will be waiting for you next time you come.
The task creates a random creature (but not: Wizard, Demon, Spider, Snake). There is a max of 32 creatures on any level. This task could refill all 32 creatures in 32*5 minutes ... just over two and a half hours.
T5: Handle Creature
Every monster gets a handler task. The task structure includes a pointer to the monster's data. Among other things, this structure contains the task reload rate for the tenth-of-a-second list. Faster creatures have lower reload rates.
- ReserveTask C25C - InitTasks C053 - UnchainTask C238 - TimeDownTasks C242 - Task timers by ISR (counter ends at C324) - Ready-to-run task list - Task runners in main loop - Running/reinitialize a task - CreateCreature makes task CFA5
Game Loop
This is the game loop. The interrupt service routine times all the game tasks and moves them to the "ready-to-run" list when they are ready to go. This loop runs the tasks that are ready to run.
This code also handles the tape save/loads.
The game tasks themselves can re-initialize all the task lists. This happens when the game switches level. When that happens, the game loop needs to restart at the top of the list instead of continuing to the next task. The flag at $BB tells the loop to restart.
GameLoop: C1F5: CE 02 AB LDU #$02AB ; Start of ready-to-run tasks C1F8: 0F BB CLR <taskListsRebuilt ; We are starting at the top of the task list C1FA: 1F 32 TFR U,Y ; Hold start of list C1FC: 0D B8 TST <tapeTrigger ; ZSAVE or ZLOAD requested? C1FE: 2E 92 BGT SaveToTape ; ZSAVE ... go do it C200: 2B BF BMI LoadFromTape ; ZLOAD ... go do it C202: EE C4 LDU ,U ; Next runable task C204: 27 EF BEQ GameLoop ; No more tasks to run ... back to top ; C206: 34 60 PSHS U,Y ; Hold registers C208: AD D8 03 JSR [$03,U] ; Execute game task (return reload in A, list number in B) C20B: 35 60 PULS Y,U ; Restore ; C20D: 0D BB TST <taskListsRebuilt ; Task list was rebuilt (as in change of level)? C20F: 26 E4 BNE GameLoop ; Yes ... restart the task-run from the first C211: C1 0C CMPB #$0C ; Task needs running again? C213: 27 E5 BEQ $C1FA ; Yes ... keep running it C215: 8D 21 BSR UnchainTask ; Remove the task from its current list C217: 8D 04 BSR ChainTaskToEnd ; Add it to the end of its target list C219: 1F 23 TFR Y,U ; Next task C21B: 20 DF BRA $C1FC ; Do all tasks ChainTaskToEnd: ; Add the task U to the end of a linked task list ; U is task to add ; A is countdown timer reload ; B is offset to the target list -- the index in the list of lists C21D: 34 17 PSHS X,B,A,CC ; Preserve C21F: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Turn OFF the IRQ interrupt C221: A7 42 STA 2,U ; Reload the countdown timer C223: 8E 02 9F LDX #$029F ; Start of task slots C226: 3A ABX ; Where to insert in the list C227: 4F CLRA ; This target task is ... C228: 5F CLRB ; ... now ... C229: ED C4 STD ,U ; ... the end of the list C22B: 10 A3 84 CMPD ,X ; Are we at the previous ... C22E: 27 04 BEQ $C234 ; ... end of list? C230: AE 84 LDX ,X ; No ... move to next task and ... C232: 20 F7 BRA $C22B ; ... keep looking for end C234: EF 84 STU ,X ; Chain the target task to the end C236: 35 97 PULS CC,A,B,X,PC ; Restore UnchainTask: ; Remove a task from its linked list of tasks ; U points to target task to remove ; Y points to parent of target task C238: 34 11 PSHS X,CC ; Preserve C23A: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Turn OFF the IRQ interrupt C23C: AE C4 LDX ,U ; Get pointer to next task (or end marker) C23E: AF A4 STX ,Y ; Change parent to point to next C240: 35 91 PULS CC,X,PC ; Restore TimeDownTasks: ; Decrement the counters on all tasks of a single list. When they reach zero, move ; the tasks to the ready-to-run list C242: 34 74 PSHS U,Y,X,B ; Preserve C244: 0D 9B TST <suspendTaskTime ; Is the main loop showing demo scroll? C246: 26 12 BNE $C25A ; Yes ... skip task timing C248: 1F 32 TFR U,Y ; Y=Parent of task C24A: EE C4 LDU ,U ; U=Current task C24C: 27 0C BEQ $C25A ; End of list ... we are done C24E: 6A 42 DEC 2,U ; Time for this task to run? C250: 26 F6 BNE $C248 ; No ... leave it be C252: 8D E4 BSR UnchainTask ; Pull the task from its list C254: C6 0C LDB #$0C ; Move the task ... C256: 8D C5 BSR ChainTaskToEnd ; ... to the ready to run list C258: 20 EE BRA $C248 ; Keep timing down all tasks C25A: 35 F4 PULS B,X,Y,U,PC ; Restore ReserveTask: ; Move the next-task-pointer to the next seven-byte slot. ; Return reserved slot pointer in U. C25C: 34 10 PSHS X ; Hold X C25E: DE B9 LDU <nextTask ; Get the next-free structure pointer C260: 30 47 LEAX 7,U ; Point to next structure C262: 9F B9 STX <nextTask ; New next-free structure pointer C264: 35 90 PULS X,PC ; Out WriteToSAM: ; The SAM chip is mapped only to the address bus. Writing to an even adress ; clears the target register bit. Writing to the next (odd) address sets the ; bit. This routine copies the 10-bit value in D to the first 10 SAM registers. ; ; The SAM is 16 bits and the value passed is 16 bits, and looks correct for ; the full register set. But this routine only changes the lowest 10 bits. ; ; F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 V2 V1 V0 ; ; V is the video mode ; F is the video memory address (F*512 is the address) ; C266: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A ; Preserve the registers C268: 8E FF C0 LDX #$FFC0 ; Start of SAM memory C26B: 44 LSRA ; Next bit ... C26C: 56 RORB ; ... into carry C26D: 25 03 BCS $C272 ; It is a one ... set the bit C26F: A7 84 STA ,X ; Set the zero (even address) C271: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction C272: A7 01 STA 1,X ; Set the one (odd address) C274: 30 02 LEAX 2,X ; Next register bit C276: 8C FF D4 CMPX #$FFD4 ; All done? C279: 25 F0 BCS $C26B ; No ... keep going C27B: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; Restore and out
Interrupt Service
InterruptServiceRoutine: C27D: 8E FF 20 LDX #$FF20 ; 6-bit sound value C280: A6 88 E3 LDA -$1D,X ; FF03 ... 16.67MS (60Hz) interrupt status C283: 10 2A 00 99 LBPL $C320 ; Upper bit 0 ... must have been the horizontal ... ignore C287: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; Set DP to ... C289: 1F 8B TFR A,DP ; ... base 02xx (in case we are interrupting a BASIC routine) C28B: 0D B4 TST <flipScreens ; Time to flip screens? C28D: 27 0E BEQ $C29D ; No ... keep what we have C28F: DC 09 LDD <activeScreen ; Get the current visible C291: DE 0B LDU <backScreen ; Get the current drawing C293: DD 0B STD <backScreen ; Flip the ... C295: DF 09 STU <activeScreen ; ... visible and drawing screens C297: EC 44 LDD 4,U ; Get the SAM settings for the new visible screen C299: 8D CB BSR WriteToSAM ; Set the SAM registers to flip the screen C29B: 0F B4 CLR <flipScreens ; Acknowledge the flip ; C29D: 0D 9C TST <beamSound ; Is the wizard beaming in or out (cut scenes)? C29F: 27 08 BEQ $C2A9 ; No ... skip it C2A1: 03 9D COM <beamSoundVal ; Toggle the wizard sound square wave C2A3: 96 9D LDA <beamSoundVal ; Get sound value C2A5: 48 ASLA ; 8 bit to ... C2A6: 48 ASLA ; ... 6 bit value (divide by 4) C2A7: A7 84 STA ,X ; Store to FF20 (6 bit sound) ; C2A9: 0D B1 TST <hearHeart ; Are we between rounds? C2AB: 27 2F BEQ $C2DC ; Yes .. no heart C2AD: 0A AE DEC <heartCounter ; Time to change heart pattern? C2AF: 26 2B BNE $C2DC ; No ... skip it C2B1: 96 AF LDA <heartCounterRel ; Reload the ... C2B3: 97 AE STA <heartCounter ; ... heart counter C2B5: E6 02 LDB 2,X ; FF22 ... current single-bit sound C2B7: C8 02 EORB #$02 ; Toggle the single-bit ... C2B9: E7 02 STB 2,X ; ... sound (makes a pop) C2BB: 0D AD TST <scrollShowing ; Scroll showing? C2BD: 27 1D BEQ $C2DC ; Yes ... skip drawing the heart C2BF: CE 03 88 LDU #$0388 ; Hand line area ?active or inactive? C2C2: AE 44 LDX 4,U ; Hold onto current cursor (we might be printing) C2C4: CC 00 0F LDD #$000F ; New cursor ... C2C7: ED 44 STD 4,U ; ... middle of the line C2C9: 86 20 LDA #$20 ; 20, 21 ... small-heart characters C2CB: 03 B0 COM <heartPicture ; Toggle heart picture tracking C2CD: 27 02 BEQ $C2D1 ; Zero now? Draw the small heart C2CF: 86 22 LDA #$22 ; 22, 23 ... large-heart characters C2D1: BD CA 17 JSR PrintRegChar ; Draw the first heart character C2D4: 6C 45 INC 5,U ; Bump the cursor for the second picture C2D6: 4C INCA ; Second heart picture C2D7: BD CA 17 JSR PrintRegChar ; Draw the second heart character C2DA: AF 44 STX 4,U ; Restore the text cursor ; C2DC: CE 02 A1 LDU #$02A1 ; Run quick tasks ... C2DF: BD C2 42 JSR TimeDownTasks ; ... once every interrupt ; C2E2: 8E 02 95 LDX #$0295 ; Start of counters for tasks C2E5: 10 8E C3 24 LDY #$C324 ; Counter end points C2E9: 6C 84 INC ,X ; Bump this counter C2EB: 8C 02 9A CMPX #$029A ; All counters done? (did we just bump days) C2EE: 27 0F BEQ $C2FF ; Yes ... done (nothing runs on the day bump) C2F0: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the counter value C2F2: A1 A0 CMPA ,Y+ ; Overflowed? C2F4: 2D 09 BLT $C2FF ; No ... not time to do anything C2F6: 6F 80 CLR ,X+ ; Restart the counter C2F8: 33 42 LEAU 2,U ; Pointer to list C2FA: BD C2 42 JSR TimeDownTasks ; Time down the list of tasks and queue any that are ready to run C2FD: 20 EA BRA $C2E9 ; Carry over into next timed task ; C2FF: 0D 28 TST <fainting ; Are we fainting? C301: 26 1D BNE $C320 ; Yes .. ignore the keyboard C303: 0D 77 TST <gameMode ; Are we in a live game? C305: 27 11 BEQ $C318 ; Yes ... don't restart the game on a key C307: 7F FF 02 CLR PIA0_DB ; Activate all keyboard columns C30A: B6 FF 00 LDA PIA0_DA ; Check all rows C30D: 84 7F ANDA #$7F ; Ignore the joystick bit C30F: 81 7F CMPA #$7F ; Any key pressed? C311: 27 0D BEQ $C320 ; No ... skip processing the key C313: 8E C0 05 LDX #$C005 ; Any key was pressed ... start a new game C316: AF 6A STX 10,S ; Return address C318: 10 3F SWI2 ; BASIC function ... C31A: 00 ; ... POLCAT C31B: 4D TSTA ; Was it a valid key (not, say, SHIFT) C31C: 27 02 BEQ $C320 ; No ... don't store it (but we are still starting a new game) C31E: 8D 20 BSR CharToBuf ; Store character in ring buffer ; C320: B6 FF 02 LDA PIA0_DB ; Acknowledge the interrupt so it can fire again C323: 3B RTI ; Return from interrupt ; Counter end points for task timings C324: 06 ; Every 6 interrupts ... once every 0.1 seconds C325: 0A ; Every 10 ... once every second C326: 3C ; Every 60 ... once every minute C327: 3C ; Every 60 ... once every hour C328: 18 ; Every 24 ... once every day CharFromBuf: ; Read character A from input ring buffer and advance the tail. Return 0 ; if nothing to read. C329: 34 15 PSHS X,B,CC ; Save C32B: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Turn OFF the IRQ interrupt C32D: 4F CLRA ; Initial return ... no key in buffer C32E: 8E 02 D1 LDX #$02D1 ; 32-byte input ring buffer C331: D6 BC LDB <inputHead ; The ring-buffer head C333: D1 BD CMPB <inputTail ; Same as the ring-buffer tail? C335: 27 07 BEQ $C33E ; Yes ... return 0 (no input) C337: A6 85 LDA B,X ; Get the next character from the head C339: 5C INCB ; Advance the head ... C33A: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; ... and wrap ... C33C: D7 BC STB <inputHead ; ... if needed C33E: 35 95 PULS CC,B,X,PC ; Done CharToBuf: ; Save character A to input ring buffer and advance tail C340: 34 15 PSHS X,B,CC ; Save all C342: 1A 10 ORCC #$10 ; Turn OFF the IRQ interrupt C344: 8E 02 D1 LDX #$02D1 ; 32-byte ring buffer C347: D6 BD LDB <inputTail ; Get tail index C349: A7 85 STA B,X ; Store the character to the tail C34B: 5C INCB ; Advance the tail ... C34C: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; ... and wrap ... C34E: D7 BD STB <inputTail ; ... if needed C350: 35 95 PULS CC,B,X,PC ; Done
SWI Handler
TODO discussion about this technique
TODO Immediate data and address links
SWI | Immediate Data | Address | Function |
00 | Set light level | ||
01 | Draw picture X on screen | ||
02 | Uncompress message m and display | ||
03 | Display uncompressed message X | ||
04 | Display a single character A | ||
05 | Uncompress message X to buffer | ||
06 | Uncompress message X to buffer U | ||
07 | Get random number | ||
08 | Clear display screen | ||
09 | Clear secondary screen | ||
0A | Clear hand descriptor | ||
0B | Clear play field | ||
0C | Update heart rate | ||
0D | Print hands | ||
0E | Display playing screen | ||
0F | Ready command prompt | ||
10 | Pause for 1.35 seconds | ||
11 | Fill X to U with 0s | ||
12 | Fill X to U with FFs | ||
13 | Beam on picture X | ||
14 | Beam subroutine | ||
15 | Beam subroutine | ||
16 | Print PREPARE | ||
17 | Create object structure | ||
18 | Change object to proper | ||
19 | Bring up normal display | ||
1A | Build level | ||
1B | Play sound i at full volume | ||
1C | Play sound A at volume B |
SWIHandler: ; C352: 1C EF ANDCC #$EF ; Re-enable the IRQ C354: AE 6A LDX 10,S ; The Program Counter in the calling frame C356: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Get the interrupt number immediate C358: AF 6A STX 10,S ; Update the calling frame program counter C35A: 8E C3 84 LDX #$C384 ; Offset of first routine C35D: CE C9 95 LDU #$C995 ; SWI routine offset bytes C360: E6 C0 LDB ,U+ ; Get offset byte to routine C362: 3A ABX ; Add it to code pointer C363: 4A DECA ; Found the one we are looking for? C364: 2A FA BPL $C360 ; No ... keep off-setting C366: AF E3 STX ,--S ; Push the address of the routine on the stack C368: EC 63 LDD 3,S ; A and B passed from caller C36A: AE 66 LDX 6,S ; X from the caller C36C: EE 6A LDU 10,S ; U from the caller C36E: AD F1 JSR [,S++] ; Call the SWI routine C370: 3B RTI ; Return to caller SWI2Handler: ; Execute one of the vectored routines in the BASIC ROM ; 00 = POLCAT ; 02 = CHROUT ; 04 = CSRDON ; 06 = BLKIN ; 08 = BLKOUT ; 0A = JOYIN ; 0C = WRTLDR ; C371: 5F CLRB ; BASIC functions need ... C372: 1F 9B TFR B,DP ; ... DP = 0 C374: EE 6A LDU 10,S ; The Program Counter in the calling frame C376: E6 C0 LDB ,U+ ; Get the interrupt number immediate C378: EF 6A STU 10,S ; Update the calling frame program counter C37A: CE A0 00 LDU #$A000 ; BASIC function jump table C37D: AD D5 JSR [B,U] ; Call the BASIC function C37F: A7 61 STA 1,S ; Return A value to caller C381: AF 64 STX 4,S ; Return Y value to caller C383: 3B RTI ; Return to caller SWI_0: ; Light level C384: 96 6E LDA <m026E ; C386: 0D 75 TST <m0275 ; C388: 27 04 BEQ $C38E ; C38A: 96 6F LDA <m026F ; C38C: 0F 75 CLR <m0275 ; C38E: 5F CLRB C38F: 80 07 SUBA #$07 C391: 90 8B SUBA <drwMazeCellNum ; C393: 2C 0A BGE $C39F ; C395: 5A DECB C396: 81 F9 CMPA #$F9 C398: 2F 05 BLE $C39F ; C39A: 8E CB 96 LDX #$CB96 C39D: E6 86 LDB A,X C39F: D7 2D STB <dotFrequency ; New dot frequency C3A1: 39 RTS SWI_1: ; Draw picture X on screen ; X: points to picture script ; C3A2: 0F 51 CLR <continueLine ; Starting new line segment C3A4: 96 2D LDA <dotFrequency ; Dot Frequency C3A6: 4C INCA ; Anything to draw? C3A7: 27 4D BEQ $C3F6 ; No, out ; C3A9: E6 84 LDB ,X ; Else get command C3AB: C0 FA SUBB #$FA ; Is this a command? C3AD: 25 20 BCS $C3CF ; No, go to standard line C3AF: 30 01 LEAX 1,X ; Next in list C3B1: 10 8E C3 B9 LDY #$C3B9 ; Graphics Commands C3B5: E6 A5 LDB B,Y ; Get offset C3B7: 6E A5 JMP B,Y ; Go to command ; ; Special graphics commands ; 00-FA: Standard line command C3B9: 10 ; FA: Return from graphics subroutine C3BA: 06 ; FB: Jump to subroutine C3BB: 5E ; FC: Multiple short segments C3BC: 0D ; FD: Jump to xxxx C3BD: 3D ; FE: Exit C3BE: 12 ; FF: Start a new segment ; ; Command FB: Jump to subroutine C3BF: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; Get new address C3C1: AF E3 STX ,--S ; Save return C3C3: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; D->X ; Command FD: Jump to XXXX C3C5: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction C3C6: AE 84 LDX ,X ; Jump address from X ; Command FA: Return from graphics subroutine C3C8: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction C3C9: AE E1 LDX ,S++ ; Jump address from stack ; Command FF: Start a new segment C3CB: 0F 51 CLR <continueLine ; New segment C3CD: 20 DA BRA $C3A9 ; Continue ; ; Regular line command C3CF: 0D 51 TST <continueLine ; Already have start point? C3D1: 26 06 BNE $C3D9 ; Yes ... get second coordinate and draw line C3D3: 8D 0D BSR $C3E2 ; No ... get first coordinate and return (nothing drawn) C3D5: 0A 51 DEC <continueLine ; Flag that now we have a continuation point C3D7: 20 D0 BRA $C3A9 ; Continue ; C3D9: 8D 05 BSR $C3E0 ; Set up one coordinate continued for line C3DB: BD CA B7 JSR DrawLine ; Draw line C3DE: 20 C9 BRA $C3A9 ; Back for more ; C3E0: 8D 15 BSR $C3F7 ; Move old end to new start C3E2: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; Y coordinate C3E4: D7 54 STB <m0254 ; Hold on to it C3E6: 8D 18 BSR ScaleYCoord ; Scale the Y coordinate C3E8: D3 07 ADDD <m0207 ; Y center of screen C3EA: DD 33 STD <oldPointY ; Store new end Y C3EC: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; X coordinate C3EE: D7 52 STB <m0252 ; Hold on to it C3F0: 8D 14 BSR ScaleXCoord ; Scale the X coordinate C3F2: D3 05 ADDD <m0205 ; X center of screen C3F4: DD 35 STD <oldPointX ; Store new end X ; Command FE: Exit C3F6: 39 RTS ; Done ; C3F7: DC 33 LDD <oldPointY ; Move old Y... C3F9: DD 2F STD <newPointY ; ... to new Y C3FB: DC 35 LDD <oldPointX ; Move old X C3FD: DD 31 STD <newPointX ; ... to new X C3FF: 39 RTS ; Done ; ; The scaling factor is a fractional value with 128 treated as one. Values above 128 expand the picture. ; Values below 128 shrink the picture. ; ScaleYCoord: C400: 96 50 LDA <yScaleFactor ; Y Scale factor C402: D0 08 SUBB <m0207+1 ; Offset coordinate from Y center of screen C404: 20 04 BRA $C40A ; Handle signed multiply ; ScaleXCoord: C406: 96 4F LDA <xScaleFactor ; X scale factor C408: D0 06 SUBB <m0205+1 ; Offset coordinate from X center of screen ; C40A: 25 03 BCS $C40F ; Value is negative ... handle the sign manually ; C40C: 3D MUL ; Value is positive ... normal multiply C40D: 20 05 BRA $C414 ; And divide by 128 ; C40F: 50 NEGB ; Make the negative value a positive C410: 3D MUL ; Do multiply C411: BD CA 99 JSR NegativeD ; Negate D ; C414: 7E D3 77 JMP DRight7 ; Divide D by 128 (fractional math) ; ; Command FC: Multiple short segments C417: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Next description C419: 27 B0 BEQ $C3CB ; 0 means done C41B: 8D DA BSR $C3F7 ; Move old end to new beginning C41D: E6 1F LDB -1,X ; Byte C41F: 57 ASRB ; Upper ... C420: 57 ASRB ; ... 4 bits ... C421: 57 ASRB ; ... ... C422: 57 ASRB ; ... ... C423: 58 ASLB ; ... *2 C424: DB 54 ADDB <m0254 ; Add to old Y C426: D7 54 STB <m0254 ; New Y C428: 8D D6 BSR ScaleYCoord ; Do multiply and prepare C42A: D3 07 ADDD <m0207 ; Offset center of screen C42C: DD 33 STD <oldPointY ; Save new Y C42E: E6 1F LDB -1,X ; Descriptor C430: C4 0F ANDB #$0F ; Lower four bits C432: C5 08 BITB #$08 ; Is this negative? C434: 27 02 BEQ $C438 ; No, C436: CA F0 ORB #$F0 ; Else make it negative C438: 58 ASLB ; *2 C439: DB 52 ADDB <m0252 ; Offset X coordinate C43B: D7 52 STB <m0252 ; Store New C43D: 8D C7 BSR ScaleXCoord ; Scale it C43F: D3 05 ADDD <m0205 ; Add offset to center C441: DD 35 STD <oldPointX ; Absolute coordinate C443: BD CA B7 JSR DrawLine ; Draw line segment C446: 20 CF BRA $C417 ; Continue multiple segments SWI_2: ; Uncompress message m and display ; Message bytes are in the code at the call site. Flow continues ; after the compressed data. ; C448: AE 6C LDX 12,S ; PC from stack C44A: 3F SWI ; Decompress the message C44B: 05 ; SWI_5:Uncompress message X to buffer: C44C: AF 6C STX 12,S ; Update the PC to skip message C44E: 8E 03 35 LDX #$0335 ; Temporary buffer C451: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction C452: 3F SWI ; Print character in A C453: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: SWI_3: ; Display uncompressed message pointed to by X ; X: points to uncompressed data C454: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Next character from X C456: 2A FA BPL $C452 ; Printable ... do it C458: 39 RTS ; End of string SWI_4: ; Display a single character in A ; The destination depends on $B7. If B7==0, the command-area descriptor is used. If ; B7!=0, then the descriptor is passed in U. ; A: the character ; U: the area descriptor (ignored if $B7==0) C459: 0D B7 TST <whereToPrint ; Put text in command window? C45B: 26 03 BNE $C460 ; No ... use the requested descriptor C45D: CE 03 90 LDU #$0390 ; Yes ... print on the upper half of the screen C460: AE 44 LDX 4,U ; Current cursor C462: BD C9 B2 JSR PrintCharCRBS ; Draw the character and advance the cursor C465: AC 42 CMPX 2,U ; Filled this area up? C467: 25 03 BCS $C46C ; No ... no scrolling C469: BD C9 D4 JSR ScrollTextArea ; Yes ... scroll the text area C46C: AF 44 STX 4,U ; New text cursor offset C46E: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_5: ; Uncompress message X to buffer ; X: the compressed message C46F: CE 03 35 LDU #$0335 SWI_6: ; Uncompress message X to given buffer U ; X: the compressed message ; U: the buffer C472: 31 5F LEAY -1,U ; First in buffer holds the algorithm spot C474: 6F A4 CLR ,Y ; Start with 0 C476: 8D 14 BSR $C48C ; Get next byte to B C478: 1F 98 TFR B,A ; A holds the length C47A: 8D 10 BSR $C48C ; Get the byte C47C: E7 C0 STB ,U+ ; Store to buffer C47E: 4A DECA ; All done? C47F: 2A F9 BPL $C47A ; No ... keep going C481: A7 C4 STA ,U ; Store terminator FF C483: 6D A4 TST ,Y ; Did the algorithm finish on a byte boundary? C485: 27 02 BEQ $C489 ; Yes ... X is pointing to next correctly C487: 30 01 LEAX 1,X ; Advance ... C489: AF 66 STX 6,S ; ... X to next message C48B: 39 RTS ; Done ; Uncompress routine ; Y points to algorithm number ; Return byte in B (5 bits) ; Advance compression to next ; ; The algorithm decompresses 8 5-bit values into 5 bytes ; There are 8 algorithm steps to peel out the 5 bit value and advance the pointer ; if the next step needs it advanced. ; ; AAAAABBB BBCCCCCD DDDDEEEE EFFFFFGG GGGHHHHH ; C48C: 34 42 PSHS U,A ; Hold buffer and length C48E: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; Get algorithm spot C490: CE C4 A2 LDU #$C4A2 ; Offset table C493: A6 C6 LDA A,U ; Get offset C495: AD C6 JSR A,U ; Execute next decompress step C497: A6 A4 LDA ,Y ; Bump ... C499: 4C INCA ; ... to next step C49A: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; Rolls back to 0 C49C: A7 A4 STA ,Y ; Next step C49E: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; Decompressed is 5 bit C4A0: 35 C2 PULS A,U,PC ; Return ; C4A2: 08 ; C4A2 + 08 = C4AA AAAAA C4A3: 0E ; C4A2 + 0E = C4B0 BBBBB C4A4: 13 ; C4A2 + 13 = C4B5 CCCCC C4A5: 17 ; C4A2 + 17 = C4B9 DDDDD C4A6: 1C ; C4A2 + 1C = C4BE EEEEE C4A7: 21 ; C4A2 + 21 = C4C3 FFFFF C4A8: 25 ; C4A2 + 25 = C4C7 GGGGG C4A9: 2A ; C4A2 + 2A = C4CC HHHHH ; ; Get AAAAA C4AA: E6 84 LDB ,X ; B = [X] C4AC: 54 LSRB ; B = B >> 3 (0 in bit 7) C4AD: 54 LSRB ; ... C4AE: 54 LSRB ; ... C4AF: 39 RTS ; Done ; ; Get BBBBB C4B0: EC 80 LDD ,X+ ; D = [X++] C4B2: 7E D3 79 JMP DRight6 ; D = D>>6 ; ; Get CCCCC C4B5: E6 84 LDB ,X ; B = [X] C4B7: 20 F5 BRA $C4AE ; B = B>>1 ; ; Get DDDDD C4B9: EC 80 LDD ,X+ ; D = [X++] C4BB: 7E D3 7D JMP DRight4 ; D = D>>4 ; ; Get EEEEE C4BE: EC 80 LDD ,X+ ; D = [X++] C4C0: 7E D3 77 JMP DRight7 ; D = D>>7 ; ; Get FFFFF C4C3: E6 84 LDB ,X ; B = [X] C4C5: 20 E6 BRA $C4AD ; B = B>>2 ; ; Get GGGGG C4C7: EC 80 LDD ,X+ ; D = [X++] C4C9: 7E D3 7B JMP DRight5 ; D = D>>5 ; ; Get HHHHH C4CC: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; B = [X++] C4CE: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_7: ; Get random number ; Return A: random byte C4CF: 8E 00 08 LDX #$0008 ; 8 rolls ; C4D2: 5F CLRB ; Count of 1's C4D3: 10 8E 00 08 LDY #$0008 ; Counting 8 bits in the byte C4D7: 96 6D LDA <rndSeedC ; Upper most seed C4D9: 84 E1 ANDA #$E1 ; 1110_0001 C4DB: 48 ASLA ; Count ... C4DC: 24 01 BCC $C4DF ; ... the ... C4DE: 5C INCB ; ... 1's ... C4DF: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y ; ... in the ... C4E1: 26 F8 BNE $C4DB ; ... value in A ; C4E3: 54 LSRB ; 1 to carry if number of 1's was odd C4E4: 09 6B ROL <rndSeedA ; Three ... C4E6: 09 6C ROL <rndSeedB ; ... byte ... C4E8: 09 6D ROL <rndSeedC ; ... roll ... C4EA: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; ... with B going ... C4EC: 26 E4 BNE $C4D2 ; ... far right ... ; C4EE: 96 6B LDA <rndSeedA ; C4F0: A7 63 STA 3,S ; Return the value in A C4F2: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_8: ; Clear display screen ; C4F3: DE 09 LDU <activeScreen ; U = Visible screen descriptor C4F5: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction ; SWI_9: ; Clear secondary screen ; C4F6: DE 0B LDU <backScreen ; Drawing screen descriptor C4F8: D6 2C LDB <backgroundColor ; Background color (00 or FF) C4FA: 8D 1B BSR $C517 ; Clear the area C4FC: EF 6A STU 10,S ; Return pointer to the descriptor C4FE: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_A: ; Clear hand descriptor ; (both screen buffers) C4FF: 8E 03 88 LDX #$0388 ; Hand descriptor space C502: CE D8 7C LDU #$D87C ; Clearing Data C505: 20 06 BRA $C50D ; Clear out hand descriptor SWI_B: ; Clear play field ; (both screen buffers) C507: 8E 03 90 LDX #$0390 ; Playing field C50A: CE D8 88 LDU #$D888 ; 1st screen buffer area ; C50D: 6F 04 CLR 4,X ; Move cursor... C50F: 6F 05 CLR 5,X ; ... to beginning C511: E6 06 LDB 6,X ; Color C513: 8D 02 BSR $C517 ; Clear space pointed to by U C515: 33 46 LEAU 6,U ; Now clear 2nd screen buffer area ; C517: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Hold all C519: 1D SEX ; Expand color mask to word C51A: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; D->Y for a double word C51C: 30 C4 LEAX ,U ; First address in space C51E: EE 42 LDU 2,U ; Last address in space C520: 36 26 PSHU Y,B,A ; Wipe 2 word area, back up two C522: 11 A3 84 CMPU ,X ; Done? C525: 26 F9 BNE $C520 ; No, do all C527: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Out SWI_C: ; Update heart rate C529: 0F C1 CLR <temp1 ; C52B: DC 17 LDD <pStrength ; Strength C52D: DD C2 STD <m02C2 ; C52F: 86 06 LDA #$06 C531: 08 C3 LSL <m02C3 ; C533: 09 C2 ROL <m02C2 ; C535: 09 C1 ROL <temp1 ; C537: 4A DECA C538: 26 F7 BNE $C531 ; C53A: 0F C4 CLR <m02C4 ; C53C: DC 21 LDD <m0221 ; C53E: DD C5 STD <m02C5 ; C540: 08 C6 LSL <m02C6 ; C542: 09 C5 ROL <m02C5 ; C544: 09 C4 ROL <m02C4 ; C546: DC 17 LDD <pStrength ; C548: D3 C5 ADDD <m02C5 ; C54A: DD C5 STD <m02C5 ; C54C: D6 C4 LDB <m02C4 ; C54E: C9 00 ADCB #$00 C550: D7 C4 STB <m02C4 ; C552: 0F C7 CLR <m02C7 ; C554: DC C2 LDD <m02C2 ; C556: 93 C5 SUBD <m02C5 ; C558: DD C2 STD <m02C2 ; C55A: 96 C1 LDA <temp1 ; C55C: 92 C4 SBCA <m02C4 ; C55E: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; C560: 0C C7 INC <m02C7 ; C562: 24 F0 BCC $C554 ; C564: 96 C7 LDA <m02C7 ; C566: 80 13 SUBA #$13 C568: 97 AF STA <heartCounterRel ; C56A: 0D 28 TST <fainting ; Are we fainting? C56C: 26 27 BNE $C595 ; Yes ... ?? C56E: 81 03 CMPA #$03 C570: 2E 3C BGT $C5AE ; C572: 3F SWI C573: 0B ; SWI_B:Clear play field: C574: 96 6E LDA <m026E ; C576: 97 70 STA <m0270 ; C578: 0A 6F DEC <m026F ; C57A: AD 9F 02 B2 JSR [displayFunction] ; Display playing screen C57E: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; C580: 13 SYNC ; Wait for display C581: 0A 6E DEC <m026E ; Light level down C583: 96 6E LDA <m026E ; Down C585: 81 F8 CMPA #$F8 ; All fainted out? C587: 2E EF BGT $C578 ; No, keep going C589: 3F SWI ; Clear screen C58A: 09 ; SWI_9:Clear secondary screen: C58B: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; C58D: 0A 28 DEC <fainting ; Decrement the faint counter C58F: 0F BC CLR <inputHead ; Drop ... C591: 0F BD CLR <inputTail ; ... input keys C593: 20 19 BRA $C5AE ; ; C595: 81 04 CMPA #$04 C597: 2F 15 BLE $C5AE ; C599: AD 9F 02 B2 JSR [displayFunction] ; Display playing screen C59D: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; C59F: 13 SYNC ; Wait a display C5A0: 0C 6F INC <m026F ; C5A2: 0C 6E INC <m026E ; C5A4: 96 6E LDA <m026E ; C5A6: 91 70 CMPA <m0270 ; C5A8: 2F EF BLE $C599 ; C5AA: 0F 28 CLR <fainting ; No longer fainting C5AC: 3F SWI ; Display playing screen C5AD: 0F ; SWI_F:Ready command prompt: ; C5AE: 9E 17 LDX <pStrength ; Strength C5B0: 9C 21 CMPX <m0221 ; Heart level C5B2: 25 01 BCS $C5B5 ; Can not support it, die C5B4: 39 RTS ; Player is dead! C5B5: 8E DF 10 LDX #$DF10 ; Beam on Moon Wizard (not Star Wizard) C5B8: 0A 9E DEC <initBeamIn ; Initialize the beam in C5BA: 3F SWI ; Beam on the wizard C5BB: 13 ; SWI_13:Beam on picture pointed to by X: C5BC: 3F SWI ; Print "Yet Another Does Not Return" C5BD: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: C5BE: FF C1 92 D0 01 73 E8 82 C8 04 79 66 07 3E ; "_1F_ YET ANOTHER DOES NOT RETURN..." C5CC: 80 91 69 59 3B DE F0 ; C5D3: 0F 28 CLR <fainting ; No longer fainting C5D5: 0A 77 DEC <gameMode ; ; C5D7: 20 FE BRA $C5D7 ; Endless loop SWI_D: ; Print contents of hands on status line ; C5D9: CE 03 88 LDU #$0388 ; Hand line descriptor C5DC: 0A B7 DEC <whereToPrint ; Force print to desired descriptor C5DE: 96 2C LDA <backgroundColor ; Base color C5E0: 43 COMA ; Hands are reverse color C5E1: A7 46 STA 6,U ; New color C5E3: 4F CLRA ; Coordinates... C5E4: 5F CLRB ; ...far left C5E5: 8D 22 BSR $C609 ; Blank left hand slot C5E7: ED 44 STD 4,U ; Reposition cursor C5E9: 9E 1D LDX <leftHand ; Left hand object C5EB: 8D 2A BSR GetObjDscrpt ; Create string C5ED: 3F SWI ; And print C5EE: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: C5EF: CC 00 11 LDD #$0011 ; Start of right hand space C5F2: 8D 15 BSR $C609 ; Blank right hand area C5F4: 9E 1F LDX <rightHand ; Right hand object C5F6: 8D 1F BSR GetObjDscrpt ; Decode it C5F8: 1F 12 TFR X,Y ; Over to Y C5FA: CC 00 21 LDD #$0021 ; Far right coordinates C5FD: 5A DECB ; Shift right hand from right C5FE: 6D A0 TST ,Y+ ; All accounted for? C600: 2A FB BPL $C5FD ; No, keep counting from right C602: ED 44 STD 4,U ; Coordinates for right hand C604: 3F SWI ; Print right hand contents C605: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: C606: 0F B7 CLR <whereToPrint ; Printing goes to command line area now C608: 39 RTS ; Done ; C609: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Hold these C60B: ED 44 STD 4,U ; Coordinates C60D: CC 00 0F LDD #$000F ; 15 C610: 3F SWI ; Print a space C611: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: C612: 5A DECB ; All blanked? C613: 26 FB BNE $C610 ; No, blank all C615: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ; Done GetObjDscrpt: ; Unpack the words to build the description for the given object. ; X = pointer to object ; Return X = pointer to buffer C617: 34 66 PSHS U,Y,B,A ; Hold these C619: 31 84 LEAY ,X ; Get pointer to object C61B: 26 05 BNE $C622 ; Yes, it is something C61D: 8E C6 50 LDX #$C650 ; EMPTY message C620: 20 1A BRA $C63C ; Skip all decoding and use EMPTY C622: CE 03 13 LDU #$0313 ; Buffer for hand printing C625: 6D 2B TST 11,Y ; Revealed? C627: 26 09 BNE $C632 ; No, skip proper name C629: A6 29 LDA 9,Y ; Get proper name token C62B: 8E D8 F4 LDX #$D8F4 ; Proper name table C62E: 8D 0E BSR $C63E ; Find proper name C630: 6F 5F CLR -1,U ; Stick space on end of proper name C632: A6 2A LDA 10,Y ; Object class C634: 8E D9 6B LDX #$D96B ; Class name table C637: 8D 05 BSR $C63E ; Find class name C639: 8E 03 13 LDX #$0313 ; Return pointer to buffer C63C: 35 E6 PULS A,B,Y,U,PC ; Done ; C63E: 34 12 PSHS X,A ; Hold these C640: 3F SWI ; Uncompress message C641: 05 ; SWI_5:Uncompress message X to buffer: C642: 4A DECA ; Found proper one? C643: 2A FB BPL $C640 ; No, keep going C645: 8E 03 36 LDX #$0336 ; Uncompress buffer C648: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Copy from uncompressed... C64A: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; ... to hand string C64C: 2A FA BPL $C648 ; Copy all, including end marker C64E: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ; Done C650: 05 0D 10 14 19 ; 'EMPTY' C655: FF ; END SWI_E: ; Display playing screen ; C656: 0D 28 TST <fainting ; Fainting? C658: 26 05 BNE $C65F ; Yes, skip this C65A: 8D 04 BSR $C660 ; Refresh display C65C: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; C65E: 13 SYNC ; Wait on display C65F: 39 RTS ; Out ; C660: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Hold these C662: DC 26 LDD <m0226 ; Ambient light level C664: DE 24 LDU <torchPtr ; Torch pointer C666: 27 04 BEQ $C66C ; No torch lit, go with ambient level C668: AB 47 ADDA 7,U ; Add ambient... C66A: EB 48 ADDB 8,U ; ... to torch's power C66C: DD 6E STD <m026E ; Light level to display things with C66E: AD 9F 02 B2 JSR [displayFunction] ; Refresh screen C672: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Done SWI_F: ; Ready command prompt C674: 8E C6 7A LDX #$C67A ; Prompt CR and cursor C677: 3F SWI ; Print the prompt and back up over cursor C678: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: C679: 39 RTS ; Done C67A: 1F 1E 1C 24 FF ; CR "." "_" BACK END SWI_10: ; Pause for 1.35 seconds C67F: C6 51 LDB #$51 ; 81 / 60 = 1.35 seconds C681: 13 SYNC ; Wait for 60Hz interrupt C682: 5A DECB ; Wait ... C683: 26 FC BNE $C681 ; ... for all interrupts C685: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_11: ; Fill X to U with 0s C686: 4F CLRA ; Fill with 0's (black background) C687: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction SWI_12: ; Fill X to U with FFs C688: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; Fill with FF's (white background) C68A: A7 80 STA ,X+ ; Clear the ... C68C: AC 6A CMPX 10,S ; ... entire ... (calling U) C68E: 26 FA BNE $C68A ; ... buffer C690: 39 RTS ; Done ; Execute a BASIC ROM routine ; This is never used. Instead the code uses SWI2, which is structured identically but ; designed for an RTI instead of RTS. C691: 5F CLRB ; Set DP to ... C692: 1F 9B TFR B,DP ; ... zero for BASIC C694: EE 6C LDU 12,S ; Read immediate ... C696: E6 C0 LDB ,U+ ; ... byte from code ... C698: EF 6C STU 12,S ; Update the return C69A: CE A0 00 LDU #$A000 ; Execute the ... C69D: AD D5 JSR [B,U] ; ... ROM routine C69F: A7 63 STA 3,S ; Return A C6A1: AF 66 STX 6,S ; Return X C6A3: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_13: ; Beam in picture pointed to by X (demon, wizard, star-wizard) C6A4: 0F B1 CLR <hearHeart ; Disable heart beat C6A6: 3F SWI ; Clear the hand line C6A7: 0A ; SWI_A:Clear hand descriptor: SWI_14: ; Beam wizard in C6A8: 3F SWI ; Clear the play field C6A9: 0B ; SWI_B:Clear play field: C6AA: CC 80 80 LDD #$8080 ; X and Y scaling factors to ... C6AD: DD 4F STD <xScaleFactor ; ... one C6AF: D6 9E LDB <initBeamIn ; Init the beam in? C6B1: 27 04 BEQ $C6B7 ; No ... continue where we were (I don't think this is ever used) C6B3: C6 20 LDB #$20 ; Start with 32 for dot spacing as we beam on C6B5: 0A 9C DEC <beamSound ; Trigger the beam sound in the ISR C6B7: 8D 1E BSR DrawBeamingWizard ; Draw the new wizard image C6B9: 5A DECB ; Decrease the ... C6BA: 5A DECB ; ... space between dots C6BB: 2A FA BPL $C6B7 ; Loop until the wizard is solid C6BD: 0F 9C CLR <beamSound ; Stop the beam sound C6BF: 0F 9E CLR <initBeamIn ; Beaming is done C6C1: 3F SWI ; Play wizard strike AFTER beaming on C6C2: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: C6C3: 16 ; Sound 16 = Wizard strike C6C4: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_15: ; Beam wizard out ; Always follows a beam-in, so center of screen is still set C6C5: 3F SWI ; Clear the play field C6C6: 0B ; SWI_B:Clear play field: C6C7: 8D F8 BSR $C6C1 ; Play the wizard strike BEFORE beaming out C6C9: 5F CLRB ; Start with solid picture C6CA: 0A 9C DEC <beamSound ; Trigger the beam sound in the ISR C6CC: 8D 09 BSR DrawBeamingWizard ; Draw the new wizard image C6CE: 5C INCB ; Increase the ... C6CF: 5C INCB ; ... space between dots C6D0: C1 20 CMPB #$20 ; Beamed out as far as we want? C6D2: 26 F8 BNE $C6CC ; No ... keep beaming C6D4: 0F 9C CLR <beamSound ; Stop the beam sound C6D6: 39 RTS ; Done DrawBeamingWizard: C6D7: 34 50 PSHS U,X ; Preserve C6D9: D7 2D STB <dotFrequency ; C6DB: D7 9D STB <beamSoundVal ; C6DD: 3F SWI ; Clear the secondary screen C6DE: 09 ; SWI_9:Clear secondary screen: C6DF: 3F SWI ; Draw the new dot-frequency picture C6E0: 01 ; SWI_1:Draw picture X on screen: C6E1: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; Trigger a screen flip C6E3: 13 SYNC ; Wait for draw C6E4: 35 D0 PULS X,U,PC ; Restore SWI_16: ; Print PREPARE C6E6: BD D4 89 JSR SetForExamine ; C6E9: CC 01 2C LDD #$012C C6EC: ED 44 STD 4,U C6EE: 3F SWI C6EF: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: C6F0: 3C 24 58 06 45 D8 ; "PREPARE!" ; C6F6: 0F B7 CLR <whereToPrint ; Printing goes to command area now C6F8: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; C6FA: 39 RTS SWI_17: ; Create object structure ; ; The object structure is filled out with all the class information for ; the object. If the object is a torch, shield, or sword then the base ; class info is used instead (pine, leather, wooden). When the object ; is revealed then it takes its own properties. ; ; A = type ; B = maze level ; Return X = pointer to object ; C6FB: DE 0F LDU <nextObjSlot ; Current object pointer C6FD: EF 66 STU 6,S ; Return this C6FF: 30 4E LEAX 14,U ; Point to ... C701: 9F 0F STX <nextObjSlot ; ... next object C703: A7 49 STA 9,U ; Object type C705: E7 44 STB 4,U ; Maze level C707: 3F SWI ; Fill out object ... C708: 18 ; SWI_18:Change object to proper name and data: C709: E6 4A LDB 10,U ; Object class C70B: 8E C7 19 LDX #$C719 ; Base type table C70E: A6 85 LDA B,X ; Get the basic model for this class C710: 2B 06 BMI $C718 ; There is no basic ... skip C712: E6 4B LDB 11,U ; Preserve needed-to-reveal C714: 3F SWI ; Copy over the basic ... C715: 18 ; SWI_18:Change object to proper name and data: C716: E7 4B STB 11,U ; Preserve the needed-to-reveal C718: 39 RTS ; Done ; Basic type for each class (if applicable). This is used when the object is ; not revealed. Thus unrevealed IRON SWORD acts like the basic WOODEN SWORD. C719: FF ; Flask no basic type C71A: FF ; Ring no basic type C71B: FF ; Scroll no basic type C71C: 10 ; Shield (10 = LEATHER SHIELD) C71D: 11 ; Sword (11 = WOODEN SWORD) C71E: 0F ; Torch (0F = PINE TORCH) SWI_18: ; Change object to proper name and data ; Change object to proper name and data ; A = object type C71F: 48 ASLA ; Type times ... C720: 48 ASLA ; ... 4 bytes per entry C721: 8E DA 00 LDX #$DA00 ; Object descriptors C724: 31 86 LEAY A,X ; Get the object data C726: 30 4A LEAX 10,U ; Destination in structure C728: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; Four bytes C72A: BD C0 4B JSR CopyYtoX ; Copy 4 bytes from Y to X C72D: 8E DA 60 LDX #$DA60 ; Special object properties (backed up one slot) C730: 30 04 LEAX 4,X ; Point to next object C732: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Object's type C734: 2B 0C BMI $C742 ; End of list ... out C736: A1 63 CMPA 3,S ; Is this special data for us? C738: 26 F6 BNE $C730 ; No ... keep looking C73A: EC 01 LDD 1,X ; Copy ... C73C: ED 46 STD 6,U ; ... 3 ... C73E: A6 03 LDA 3,X ; ... bytes of ... C740: A7 48 STA 8,U ; ... special data C742: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_19: ; Bring up normal display C743: 3F SWI C744: 0A ; SWI_A:Clear hand descriptor: C745: 3F SWI C746: 0B ; SWI_B:Clear play field: C747: 3F SWI C748: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: C749: 0C AE INC <heartCounter ; C74B: 0A AD DEC <scrollShowing ; Scroll is NOT showing C74D: 0A B1 DEC <hearHeart ; C74F: 3F SWI C750: 0D ; SWI_D:Print contents of hands on status line: ; Fall into LOOK
LOOK command
CmdLOOK: C751: 8E CE 66 LDX #$CE66 ; The routine for drawing ... C754: 9F B2 STX <displayFunction ; ... then normal game screen C756: 3F SWI ; Redraw the screen C757: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: C758: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_1A: ; Set up level ; C759: 97 81 STA <currentLevel ; Current level C75B: C6 0C LDB #$0C ; 12 bytes each (one byte to count each type of creature) C75D: 3D MUL ; Pointer to ... C75E: C3 03 98 ADDD #$0398 ; ... creature count on level C761: DD 82 STD <creatureCounts ; Hold pointer to creature count ; C763: D6 81 LDB <currentLevel ; Current level C765: 8E CF FD LDX #$CFFD ; Table of holes and ladders C768: 9F 86 STX <currentHoles ; C76A: A6 80 LDA ,X+ C76C: 2A FC BPL $C76A ; C76E: 5A DECB C76F: 2A F7 BPL $C768 ; C771: 8E 03 D4 LDX #$03D4 C774: CE 05 F4 LDU #$05F4 C777: 3F SWI C778: 11 ; SWI_11:Fill X to U with 0s: C779: BD C0 53 JSR InitTasks ; Re-create the game tasks C77C: BD CC 9C JSR MakeMazeLevel ; Create the maze level ; C77F: DE 82 LDU <creatureCounts ; Pointer to creature counts C781: 86 0B LDA #$0B ; Start with most powerful C783: E6 C6 LDB A,U ; Get count of creature type in A C785: 27 06 BEQ $C78D ; None to make ... skip C787: BD CF A5 JSR CreateCreature ; Make a creature of type in A C78A: 5A DECB ; Make all ... C78B: 26 FA BNE $C787 ; ... of that creature type C78D: 4A DECA ; Next creature type C78E: 2A F3 BPL $C783 ; Do all creature types ; C790: CE 03 C3 LDU #$03C3 ; (03D4 - 11) Start of monsters on this level C793: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; Scan from start of objects C795: BD CF 63 JSR GetNextOject ; Find next object on this level C798: 27 1C BEQ $C7B6 ; No objects ... done C79A: 6D 05 TST 5,X ; Somebody already holding this object? C79C: 2A F7 BPL $C795 ; Yes ... leave it alone C79E: 33 C8 11 LEAU $11,U ; Point to next monster on this level C7A1: 11 83 05 F4 CMPU #$05F4 ; At end of list? C7A5: 25 03 BCS $C7AA ; No ... leave pointer C7A7: CE 03 D4 LDU #$03D4 ; Yes ... start back with 1st monster C7AA: 6D 4C TST 12,U ; Is this monster alive? C7AC: 27 F0 BEQ $C79E ; No ... go to next monster (?? there better be at least one or this is an infinite loop) C7AE: EC 48 LDD 8,U ; Chain .... C7B0: AF 48 STX 8,U ; ... object ... C7B2: ED 84 STD ,X ; ... to monster C7B4: 20 DF BRA $C795 ; Keep going ; ; Set the colors of the screen areas C7B6: 96 81 LDA <currentLevel ; C7B8: 84 01 ANDA #$01 ; Just the lower bit C7BA: 40 NEGA ; 0->00000000, 1->11111111 C7BB: 97 2C STA <backgroundColor ; ? color C7BD: B7 03 96 STA comColor ; C7C0: B7 03 86 STA examineColor ; C7C3: 43 COMA ; Toggle color for hands C7C4: B7 03 8E STA hndColor ; Color of hands area C7C7: 39 RTS ; Done SWI_1B: ; Play sound i at full volume ; C7C8: AE 6C LDX 12,S ; Caller's PC C7CA: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Get the effect number C7CC: AF 6C STX 12,S ; Restore the caller's PC C7CE: C6 FF LDB #$FF ; Full volume ; SWI_1C: ; Play sound A at volume B ; C7D0: D7 61 STB <m0261 ; Store the volume C7D2: 8E C7 DC LDX #$C7DC ; Effect table C7D5: 48 ASLA ; Sound number to offset C7D6: AD 96 JSR [A,X] ; Execute the sound routine C7D8: 7F FF 20 CLR PIA1_DA ; All sound off C7DB: 39 RTS ; Done SoundEffectsRoutines: ; Sound effects routine entry points ; C7DC: C8 2B ; 00 Spider C7DE: C8 50 ; 01 Snake C7E0: C9 51 ; 02 Giant C7E2: C8 3C ; 03 Blob C7E4: C8 E2 ; 04 Knight C7E6: C9 55 ; 05 Hatchet Giant C7E8: C8 4A ; 06 Scorpion C7EA: C8 DE ; 07 Shielded Knight C7EC: C8 4D ; 08 Wraith C7EE: C9 59 ; 09 Galdrog C7F0: C8 77 ; 0A Demon C7F2: C8 77 ; 0B Wizard ; C7F4: C8 0A ; 0C Flask C7F6: C8 11 ; 0D Ring C7F8: C8 27 ; 0E Scroll C7FA: C8 DA ; 0F Shield C7FC: C8 A6 ; 10 Sword C7FE: C8 B2 ; 11 Torch ; C800: C9 3F ; 12 Player hit C802: C8 E6 ; 13 Wizard beam C804: C8 72 ; 14 Wall hit C806: C8 6D ; 15 Creature dying C808: C8 8A ; 16 Wizard strike SoundFlask: C80A: CE C8 23 LDU #$C823 ; C80D: 86 04 LDA #$04 ; C80F: 20 05 BRA $C816 ; SoundRing: C811: CE C8 1F LDU #$C81F ; C814: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; C816: 97 5F STA <m025F ; C818: AD C4 JSR ,U ; C81A: 0A 5F DEC <m025F ; C81C: 26 FA BNE $C818 ; C81E: 39 RTS C81F: 8E 00 40 LDX #$0040 ; C822: 10 ;CMPY opcode to skip next instruction C823: 8E 00 80 LDX #$0080 ; C826: 10 ;CMPY opcode to skip next instruction SoundScroll: C827: 8E 01 00 LDX #$0100 ; C82A: 10 ;CMPY opcode to skip next instruction SoundSpider: C82B: 8E 00 20 LDX #$0020 ; C82E: 8D 05 BSR $C835 ; C830: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; C832: 26 FA BNE $C82E ; C834: 39 RTS ; C835: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; C837: 8D 30 BSR $C869 ; C839: 4F CLRA ; C83A: 20 2D BRA $C869 ; SoundBlob: C83C: 8E 05 00 LDX #$0500 ; C83F: 8D F4 BSR $C835 ; C841: 30 88 30 LEAX $30,X ; C844: 8C 08 00 CMPX #$0800 ; C847: 25 F6 BCS $C83F ; C849: 39 RTS ; SoundScorpion: C84A: 86 02 LDA #$02 ; Two shakes C84C: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction SoundWraith: C84D: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; One shake C84F: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction SoundSnake: C850: 86 0A LDA #$0A ; 10 shakes C852: 97 62 STA <m0262 ; C854: 10 8E 00 C0 LDY #$00C0 ; C858: 8D 74 BSR $C8CE ; C85A: 8D 69 BSR $C8C5 ; C85C: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y ; C85E: 26 F8 BNE $C858 ; C860: 8D 58 BSR $C8BA ; C862: 0A 62 DEC <m0262 ; C864: 26 EE BNE $C854 ; C866: 39 RTS ; C867: 8D 65 BSR $C8CE ; C869: 8D 5A BSR $C8C5 ; C86B: 20 50 BRA $C8BD ; SoundMonsDeath: C86D: CE DB DA LDU #$DBDA ; C870: 20 21 BRA $C893 ; SoundWallHit: C872: CE DB D2 LDU #$DBD2 ; C875: 20 1C BRA $C893 ; SoundWizard: SoundDemon: C877: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; C879: 97 5F STA <m025F ; C87B: 8D 51 BSR $C8CE ; C87D: 4F CLRA ; C87E: 54 LSRB ; C87F: 26 01 BNE $C882 ; C881: 5C INCB ; C882: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; C884: 8D A8 BSR $C82E ; C886: 0A 5F DEC <m025F ; C888: 26 F1 BNE $C87B ; SoundWizStrike: C88A: CE DB D2 LDU #$DBD2 ; C88D: 8D 04 BSR $C893 ; C88F: 8D 29 BSR $C8BA ; C891: 33 44 LEAU 4,U ; C893: AE C4 LDX ,U ; C895: 10 AE 42 LDY 2,U ; C898: 8D CD BSR $C867 ; C89A: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y ; C89C: 26 FA BNE $C898 ; C89E: 30 02 LEAX 2,X ; C8A0: 8C 01 50 CMPX #$0150 ; C8A3: 26 F0 BNE $C895 ; C8A5: 39 RTS ; SoundSword: C8A6: BD C9 31 JSR $C931 ; C8A9: 80 ; Consumed by routine C8AA: 8D 76 BSR $C922 ; C8AC: 25 04 BCS SoundTorch ; C8AE: 8D 15 BSR $C8C5 ; C8B0: 20 F8 BRA $C8AA ; SoundTorch: C8B2: BD C9 2E JSR $C92E ; C8B5: A0 ; Consumed by routine C8B6: 8D 6E BSR $C926 ; C8B8: 20 FC BRA $C8B6 ; ; C8BA: 8E 10 00 LDX #$1000 ; C8BD: 34 10 PSHS X ; C8BF: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; C8C1: 26 FC BNE $C8BF ; C8C3: 35 90 PULS X,PC ; C8C5: D6 61 LDB <m0261 ; C8C7: 3D MUL ; C8C8: 84 FC ANDA #$FC ; C8CA: B7 FF 20 STA PIA1_DA ; C8CD: 39 RTS ; C8CE: DC 56 LDD <m0256 ; C8D0: 58 ASLB ; C8D1: 49 ROLA ; C8D2: 58 ASLB ; C8D3: 49 ROLA ; C8D4: D3 56 ADDD <m0256 ; C8D6: 5C INCB ; C8D7: DD 56 STD <m0256 ; C8D9: 39 RTS ; SoundShield: C8DA: 8D 39 BSR $C915 ; C8DC: 64 24 ; Consumed by routine. Returns to the one who called this. SoundShldKnight: C8DE: 8D 35 BSR $C915 ; C8E0: 32 12 ; Consumed by routine. Returns to the one who called this. SoundKnight: C8E2: 8D 31 BSR $C915 ; C8E4: AF 36 ; Consumed by routine. Returns to the one who called this. SoundWizBeam: C8E6: 8D 2D BSR $C915 ; C8E8: 19 09 ; Consumed by routine. Returns to the one who called this. C8EA: 8D 42 BSR $C92E ; C8EC: 60 ; Consumed by routine C8ED: 9E 63 LDX <m0263 ; C8EF: 10 9E 65 LDY <m0265 ; C8F2: 4F CLRA ; C8F3: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; C8F5: 26 06 BNE $C8FD ; C8F7: 9E 63 LDX <m0263 ; C8F9: 88 7F EORA #$7F ; C8FB: 8D 0D BSR $C90A ; C8FD: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y ; C8FF: 26 F2 BNE $C8F3 ; C901: 10 9E 65 LDY <m0265 ; C904: 88 80 EORA #$80 ; C906: 8D 02 BSR $C90A ; C908: 20 E9 BRA $C8F3 ; C90A: 97 59 STA <m0259 ; C90C: 8D 70 BSR $C97E ; C90E: 23 B3 BLS $C8C3 ; C910: 8D B3 BSR $C8C5 ; C912: 96 59 LDA <m0259 ; C914: 39 RTS ; C915: AE E1 LDX ,S++ ; Pull return from the stack (returning up a frame) C917: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; Get the immediate byte C919: 4F CLRA ; C91A: DD 63 STD <m0263 ; C91C: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; Get the next byte C91E: DD 65 STD <m0265 ; C920: 20 C8 BRA $C8EA ; C922: 8D AA BSR $C8CE ; C924: 20 67 BRA $C98D ; C926: 8D A6 BSR $C8CE ; C928: 8D 54 BSR $C97E ; C92A: 23 97 BLS $C8C3 ; C92C: 20 97 BRA $C8C5 ; C92E: 9E 03 LDX <CONST_FF ; C930: 10 ;LDY opcode to skip next instruction C931: 9E 00 LDX <CONST_00 ; C933: 9F 5B STX <m025B ; C935: AE E4 LDX ,S ; Return location C937: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; Get the immediate byte C939: 4F CLRA ; C93A: DD 5D STD <m025D ; C93C: AF E4 STX ,S ; Corrected return address C93E: 39 RTS ; Done SoundPlayerHit: C93F: 8D ED BSR $C92E ; C941: 60 ; Consumed by routine C942: BD C8 CE JSR $C8CE ; C945: 44 LSRA ; C946: 8D E0 BSR $C928 ; C948: BD C8 CE JSR $C8CE ; C94B: 8A 80 ORA #$80 ; C94D: 8D D9 BSR $C928 ; C94F: 20 F1 BRA $C942 ; SoundGiant: C951: 8E 03 00 LDX #$0300 ; C954: 10 ;CMPY skip next instruction SoundHchGiant: C955: 8E 02 00 LDX #$0200 ; C958: 10 ;CMPY skip next instruction SoundGaldrog: C959: 8E 01 00 LDX #$0100 ; C95C: 9F 5D STX <m025D ; C95E: 4F CLRA ; C95F: 5F CLRB ; C960: DD 5B STD <m025B ; C962: 8D BE BSR $C922 ; C964: 25 0B BCS $C971 ; C966: BD C8 C5 JSR $C8C5 ; C969: 8E 00 F0 LDX #$00F0 ; C96C: BD C8 BD JSR $C8BD ; C96F: 20 F1 BRA $C962 ; C971: 8D BB BSR $C92E ; C973: 40 NEGA ; C974: 8D B0 BSR $C926 ; C976: 8E 00 60 LDX #$0060 ; C979: BD C8 BD JSR $C8BD ; C97C: 20 F6 BRA $C974 ; C97E: 34 02 PSHS A ; C980: DC 5B LDD <m025B ; C982: 93 5D SUBD <m025D ; C984: 34 01 PSHS CC ; C986: DD 5B STD <m025B ; C988: E6 61 LDB 1,S ; C98A: 3D MUL ; C98B: 35 85 PULS CC,B,PC ; C98D: 34 02 PSHS A ; C98F: DC 5B LDD <m025B ; C991: D3 5D ADDD <m025D ; C993: 20 EF BRA $C984 ;
SWI Function Table
SWIOffsetTable: ; ; Address Description C995: 00 ; C384 SWI_0: Light level C996: 1E ; C3A2 SWI_1: Draw picture X on screen C997: A6 ; C448 SWI_2: Uncompress message m and display C998: 0C ; C454 SWI_3: Display uncompressed message pointed to by X C999: 05 ; C459 SWI_4: Display a single character in A C99A: 16 ; C46F SWI_5: Uncompress message X to buffer C99B: 03 ; C472 SWI_6: Uncompress message X to given buffer U C99C: 5D ; C4CF SWI_7: Get random number C99D: 24 ; C4F3 SWI_8: Clear display screen C99E: 03 ; C4F6 SWI_9: Clear secondary screen C99F: 09 ; C4FF SWI_A: Clear hand descriptor C9A0: 08 ; C507 SWI_B: Clear play field C9A1: 22 ; C529 SWI_C: Update heart rate C9A2: B0 ; C5D9 SWI_D: Print contents of hands on status line C9A3: 7D ; C656 SWI_E: Display playing screen C9A4: 1E ; C674 SWI_F: Ready command prompt C9A5: 0B ; C67F SWI_10: Pause for 1.35 seconds C9A6: 07 ; C686 SWI_11: Fill X to U with 0s C9A7: 02 ; C688 SWI_12: Fill X to U with FFs C9A8: 1C ; C6A4 SWI_13: Beam on picture pointed to by X C9A9: 04 ; C6A8 SWI_14: Beam wizard in C9AA: 1D ; C6C5 SWI_15: Beam wizard out C9AB: 21 ; C6E6 SWI_16: Print PREPARE C9AC: 15 ; C6FB SWI_17: Create object structure C9AD: 24 ; C71F SWI_18: Change object to proper name and data C9AE: 24 ; C743 SWI_19: Bring up normal display C9AF: 16 ; C759 SWI_1A: Set up level C9B0: 6F ; C7C8 SWI_1B: Play sound i at full volume C9B1: 08 ; C7D0 SWI_1C: Play sound A at volume B PrintCharCRBS: ; Print character ... handle backspace and carriage return ; 0 - 1E = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!_?." ; 1F = CR ; 20 = small heart (left) ; 21 = small heart (right) ; 22 = large heart (left) ; 23 = large heart (right) ; 24 = backspace ; C9B2: 81 24 CMPA #$24 ; Is it backspace? C9B4: 27 09 BEQ $C9BF ; Yes ... go do a backspace C9B6: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; Is it CR character? C9B8: 27 10 BEQ $C9CA ; Yes ... go do a CR C9BA: 8D 5B BSR PrintRegChar ; Print the character C9BC: 30 01 LEAX 1,X ; Advance the cursor C9BE: 39 RTS ; Done ; ; Backspace (wrap to end of area) C9BF: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; Back cursor up one space C9C1: 9C 03 CMPX <CONST_FF ; Did we underflow? C9C3: 26 04 BNE $C9C9 ; No ... keep it C9C5: AE 42 LDX 2,U ; Yes ... wrap ... C9C7: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; ... to end of area C9C9: 39 RTS ; Done ; ; Carriage return C9CA: 30 88 20 LEAX $20,X ; Drop to next row C9CD: 1E 01 EXG D,X ; Mask row offset ... C9CF: C4 E0 ANDB #$E0 ; ... back to beginning ... C9D1: 1E 01 EXG D,X ; ... of row C9D3: 39 RTS ; Done ScrollTextArea: ; Scroll the text area pointed to by U. Return the new cursor offset. C9D4: 34 36 PSHS Y,X,B,A ; Hold all C9D6: AE C4 LDX ,U ; Start of area C9D8: EC 42 LDD 2,U ; Number of characters in the area C9DA: 83 00 20 SUBD #$0020 ; Back up 32 characters (one row) C9DD: ED 62 STD 2,S ; Return the new cursor offset C9DF: 8D 2F BSR Dleft3 ; D = D * 8 (8 bytes per character) C9E1: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; Number of bytes to move in Y C9E3: EC 89 01 00 LDD $0100,X ; Data from next text row (32 columns * 8 rows) C9E7: 6D 47 TST 7,U ; Mirroring into both screen buffers? C9E9: 26 04 BNE $C9EF ; No ... skip the 2nd screen C9EB: ED 89 18 00 STD $1800,X ; Yes ... store it to 2nd screen C9EF: ED 81 STD ,X++ ; Store to first screen C9F1: 31 3E LEAY -2,Y ; All pixels moved up? C9F3: 26 EE BNE $C9E3 ; No ... keep scrolling ; Blank the new bottom line C9F5: E6 46 LDB 6,U ; Get color of area C9F7: 1D SEX ; Make it a double C9F8: 10 8E 01 00 LDY #$0100 ; 32 columns * 8 rows C9FC: 6D 47 TST 7,U ; Mirroring to second screen? C9FE: 26 04 BNE $CA04 ; No ... only one screen CA00: ED 89 18 00 STD $1800,X ; Mirror data to second screen CA04: ED 81 STD ,X++ ; Blank the area CA06: 31 3E LEAY -2,Y ; Entire row blanked? CA08: 26 F2 BNE $C9FC ; No ... keep blanking CA0A: 35 B6 PULS A,B,X,Y,PC ; Done ; Shift-D-to-the-left entry points Dleft5: CA0C: 58 ASLB ; D << 5 starts here CA0D: 49 ROLA ; Dleft4: CA0E: 58 ASLB ; D << 4 starts here CA0F: 49 ROLA ; Dleft3: CA10: 58 ASLB ; D << 3 starts here CA11: 49 ROLA ; Dleft2: CA12: 58 ASLB ; D << 2 starts here CA13: 49 ROLA ; Dleft1: CA14: 58 ASLB ; D << 1 starts here CA15: 49 ROLA ; ; CA16: 39 RTS ; Done PrintRegChar: ; Print character image or heart image ; U = screen descriptor CA17: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Save everything CA19: 81 20 CMPA #$20 ; Letter? CA1B: 25 0C BCS $CA29 ; Yes ... go handle CA1D: 80 20 SUBA #$20 ; Must be heart picture CA1F: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; 7 bytes ... CA21: 3D MUL ; ... per heart picture CA22: C3 DB B6 ADDD #$DBB6 ; Offset ... CA25: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; ... to bit mask CA27: 20 1B BRA $CA44 ; Already have the pattern -- use it ; Uncompress the character pattern CA29: C6 05 LDB #$05 ; Five bytes in each character image CA2B: 3D MUL ; Pointer now in D CA2C: C3 DB 1B ADDD #$DB1B ; Offset into character image table CA2F: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; To X CA31: CE 03 57 LDU #$0357 ; Expansion buffer CA34: 3F SWI ; Decompress the pattern CA35: 06 ; SWI_6:Uncompress message X to given buffer U: CA36: 8E 03 5E LDX #$035E ; Shift ... CA39: 68 82 ASL ,-X ; ... image two times to ... CA3B: 68 84 ASL ,X ; ... middle of ... CA3D: 8C 03 57 CMPX #$0357 ; ... raster ... CA40: 22 F7 BHI $CA39 ; ... buffer CA42: EE 66 LDU 6,S ; Pointer to screen area ; Draw the raster image CA44: EC 44 LDD 4,U ; Current cursor CA46: 8D C8 BSR Dleft3 ; Offset = (cur/32)*256 + (cur%32). From yyyxxxxx to yyy_000xxxxx ... CA48: 54 LSRB ; ... y is number of whole rows (32*8 = 256 bytes) ... CA49: 54 LSRB ; ... then x is the ... CA4A: 54 LSRB ; ... offset on the final row. Clever. CA4B: E3 C4 ADDD ,U ; Offset from beginning of area CA4D: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; To Y for indexing CA4F: C6 07 LDB #$07 ; 7 rows in an image CA51: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Get next row pattern CA53: A8 46 EORA 6,U ; Use the color from the area CA55: A7 A4 STA ,Y ; Store the pattern on the screen CA57: 6D 47 TST 7,U ; Are we mirroring? CA59: 26 04 BNE $CA5F ; No ... skip 2nd screen CA5B: A7 A9 18 00 STA $1800,Y ; Pattern to 2nd screen CA5F: 31 A8 20 LEAY $20,Y ; Next row CA62: 5A DECB ; All rows done? CA63: 26 EC BNE $CA51 ; No ... go do them all CA65: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Done CA67: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A CA69: 6F E4 CLR ,S CA6B: 6F 61 CLR 1,S CA6D: 0F C1 CLR <temp1 ; CA6F: DD C2 STD <m02C2 ; CA71: 27 24 BEQ $CA97 ; CA73: 10 A3 62 CMPD 2,S CA76: 26 04 BNE $CA7C ; CA78: 6C E4 INC ,S CA7A: 20 1B BRA $CA97 ; CA7C: 8E 00 10 LDX #$0010 CA7F: 08 C3 LSL <m02C3 ; CA81: 09 C2 ROL <m02C2 ; CA83: 09 C1 ROL <temp1 ; CA85: 68 61 ASL 1,S CA87: 69 E4 ROL ,S CA89: DC C1 LDD <temp1 ; CA8B: A3 62 SUBD 2,S CA8D: 25 04 BCS $CA93 ; CA8F: DD C1 STD <temp1 ; CA91: 6C 61 INC 1,S CA93: 30 1F LEAX -1,X CA95: 26 E8 BNE $CA7F ; CA97: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC NegativeD: ; Take the 2s complement of D. ; Signed D becomes -D CA99: 43 COMA ; D = ... CA9A: 53 COMB ; ... ... CA9B: C3 00 01 ADDD #$0001 ; ... ... CA9E: 39 RTS ; ... -D CA9F: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A CAA1: 9E 43 LDX <m0243 ; CAA3: EC E4 LDD ,S ; CAA5: 2A 07 BPL $CAAE ; CAA7: 8D F0 BSR NegativeD ; CAA9: 8D BC BSR $CA67 ; CAAB: 8D EC BSR NegativeD ; CAAD: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction CAAE: 8D B7 BSR $CA67 ; CAB0: ED E4 STD ,S CAB2: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC CAB4: 7E CB 8A JMP $CB8A ; DrawLine: CAB7: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A CAB9: 0C 2D INC <dotFrequency ; CABB: 27 F7 BEQ $CAB4 ; CABD: 96 2D LDA <dotFrequency ; CABF: 97 2E STA <m022E ; CAC1: DC 35 LDD <oldPointX ; CAC3: 93 31 SUBD <newPointX ; CAC5: DD 3E STD <m023E ; CAC7: 2A 02 BPL $CACB ; CAC9: 8D CE BSR NegativeD ; CACB: DD 43 STD <m0243 ; CACD: DC 33 LDD <oldPointY ; CACF: 93 2F SUBD <newPointY ; CAD1: DD 41 STD <m0241 ; CAD3: 2A 02 BPL $CAD7 ; CAD5: 8D C2 BSR NegativeD ; CAD7: 10 93 43 CMPD <m0243 ; CADA: 2D 04 BLT $CAE0 ; CADC: DD 43 STD <m0243 ; CADE: 27 D4 BEQ $CAB4 ; CAE0: DC 3E LDD <m023E ; CAE2: 8D BB BSR $CA9F ; CAE4: DD 3E STD <m023E ; CAE6: 1F 89 TFR A,B CAE8: 1D SEX CAE9: C6 01 LDB #$01 CAEB: 97 3D STA <m023D ; CAED: 2A 01 BPL $CAF0 ; CAEF: 50 NEGB CAF0: D7 45 STB <m0245 ; CAF2: DC 41 LDD <m0241 ; CAF4: 8D A9 BSR $CA9F ; CAF6: DD 41 STD <m0241 ; CAF8: 1F 89 TFR A,B CAFA: 1D SEX CAFB: C6 20 LDB #$20 CAFD: 97 40 STA <m0240 ; CAFF: 2A 01 BPL $CB02 ; CB01: 50 NEGB CB02: D7 46 STB <m0246 ; CB04: DC 31 LDD <newPointX ; CB06: DD 37 STD <m0237 ; CB08: DC 2F LDD <newPointY ; CB0A: DD 3A STD <m023A ; CB0C: 86 80 LDA #$80 CB0E: 97 39 STA <m0239 ; CB10: 97 3C STA <m023C ; CB12: AE 42 LDX 2,U CB14: 9F 49 STX <m0249 ; CB16: AE C4 LDX ,U CB18: 9F 47 STX <m0247 ; CB1A: DC 3A LDD <m023A ; CB1C: BD CA 0C JSR Dleft5 ; CB1F: 30 8B LEAX D,X CB21: DC 37 LDD <m0237 ; CB23: BD D3 7F JSR DRight3 ; CB26: 30 8B LEAX D,X CB28: CE CB 8E LDU #$CB8E ; Bit table (80,40,20,10,08,04,02,01) CB2B: 10 9E 43 LDY <m0243 ; CB2E: 0A 2E DEC <m022E ; CB30: 26 22 BNE $CB54 ; CB32: 96 2D LDA <dotFrequency ; CB34: 97 2E STA <m022E ; CB36: 0D 37 TST <m0237 ; CB38: 26 1A BNE $CB54 ; CB3A: 9C 47 CMPX <m0247 ; CB3C: 25 16 BCS $CB54 ; CB3E: 9C 49 CMPX <m0249 ; CB40: 24 12 BCC $CB54 ; CB42: D6 38 LDB <m0238 ; CB44: C4 07 ANDB #$07 CB46: A6 C5 LDA B,U ; A = 2^b CB48: 0D 2C TST <backgroundColor ; CB4A: 27 04 BEQ $CB50 ; CB4C: 43 COMA CB4D: A4 84 ANDA ,X CB4F: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction CB50: AA 84 ORA ,X CB52: A7 84 STA ,X CB54: 96 38 LDA <m0238 ; CB56: 84 F8 ANDA #$F8 CB58: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; CB5A: DC 38 LDD <m0238 ; CB5C: D3 3E ADDD <m023E ; CB5E: DD 38 STD <m0238 ; CB60: D6 37 LDB <m0237 ; CB62: D9 3D ADCB <m023D ; CB64: D7 37 STB <m0237 ; CB66: 84 F8 ANDA #$F8 CB68: 91 C1 CMPA <temp1 ; CB6A: 27 04 BEQ $CB70 ; CB6C: D6 45 LDB <m0245 ; CB6E: 30 85 LEAX B,X CB70: DC 3B LDD <m023B ; CB72: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; CB74: D3 41 ADDD <m0241 ; CB76: DD 3B STD <m023B ; CB78: D6 3A LDB <m023A ; CB7A: D9 40 ADCB <m0240 ; CB7C: D7 3A STB <m023A ; CB7E: 91 C1 CMPA <temp1 ; CB80: 27 04 BEQ $CB86 ; CB82: D6 46 LDB <m0246 ; CB84: 30 85 LEAX B,X CB86: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y CB88: 26 A4 BNE $CB2E ; CB8A: 0A 2D DEC <dotFrequency ; CB8C: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC BitNumbers: ; Left to right CB8E: 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 GetNextWord: CB96: 34 52 PSHS U,X,A ; Hold these CB98: 9E 11 LDX <m0211 ; Unparsed user input CB9A: CE 03 13 LDU #$0313 ; Decode buffer CB9D: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Next character CB9F: 27 FC BEQ $CB9D ; Skip to ... CBA1: 20 02 BRA $CBA5 ; ... first non-space CBA3: A6 80 LDA ,X+ CBA5: 2F 08 BLE $CBAF ; End of the input line CBA7: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; Store the non-space character CBA9: 11 83 03 33 CMPU #$0333 ; Only 32 characters input ... CBAD: 25 F4 BCS $CBA3 ; ... allowed CBAF: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; Mark the end ... CBB1: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; ... of the input CBB3: 9F 11 STX <m0211 ; CBB5: 7D 03 13 TST tmpBuffer1 ; Is there anything? CBB8: 35 D2 PULS A,X,U,PC ; Done CBBA: 0F 90 CLR <m0290 ; CBBC: 8E D9 6A LDX #$D96A ; Class names CBBF: 8D 2B BSR DecodeInput ; CBC1: 2B 05 BMI $CBC8 ; CBC3: 27 1A BEQ $CBDF ; CBC5: DD 8E STD <holdIncantWord ; CBC7: 39 RTS ; CBC8: 0A 90 DEC <m0290 ; CBCA: 8E D8 F3 LDX #$D8F3 ; Proper names CBCD: 8D 18 BSR $CBE7 ; CBCF: 2F 0E BLE $CBDF ; CBD1: DD 8E STD <holdIncantWord ; CBD3: 8E D9 6A LDX #$D96A ; Class names CBD6: 8D 14 BSR DecodeInput ; CBD8: 2F 05 BLE $CBDF ; CBDA: D1 8F CMPB <holdIncantLen ; CBDC: 26 01 BNE $CBDF ; CBDE: 39 RTS CBDF: 32 62 LEAS 2,S ; Skip a stack frame to return error CBE1: 3F SWI ; Print "???" CBE2: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: CBE3: 17 7B D0 ; "???" CBE6: 39 RTS ; Done CBE7: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A CBE9: 4F CLRA CBEA: 20 08 BRA $CBF4 ; DecodeInput: ; Find the next input word in the given table of words. ; X=pointer to word table ; $313 is the input word ; Return Z=1 if no input ; Return Z=0 if input but no match ; ?? Need to look at the flags more ... callers do BLE ; Return A=word number, FF=no match (or multiple matches) ; Return B=length of command word ; Return $7B=FF if exact match, 0 if not (important to incantation) CBEC: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Hold these CBEE: 4F CLRA ; Word number to return CBEF: 5F CLRB ; Command word length CBF0: 8D A4 BSR GetNextWord ; Get the next user input word CBF2: 2B 39 BMI $CC2D ; Nothing on the input. Return nothing. CBF4: 0F 78 CLR <foundMatch ; Found-a-match flag CBF6: 0F 7B CLR <perfectMatch ; Perfect input match CBF8: E6 80 LDB ,X+ ; Get the number ... CBFA: D7 79 STB <numWords ; ... of words in table CBFC: CE 03 13 LDU #$0313 ; Start of typed word CBFF: 3F SWI ; Uncompress the command word CC00: 05 ; SWI_5:Uncompress message X to buffer: CC01: 10 8E 03 36 LDY #$0336 ; 335 is the length, 336 starts the text CC05: E6 C0 LDB ,U+ ; Char from uncompressed CC07: 2B 0E BMI $CC17 ; We reached the end of the word ... a match CC09: E1 A0 CMPB ,Y+ ; User input match the command word? CC0B: 26 15 BNE $CC22 ; No ... CC0D: 6D A4 TST ,Y ; More in the user buffer? CC0F: 2A F4 BPL $CC05 ; Yes ... keep checking against the command word CC11: 6D C4 TST ,U ; No more. Did we check all of the command word? CC13: 2A 0D BPL $CC22 ; Yes ... we have a match CC15: 0A 7B DEC <perfectMatch ; FF means there was an exact match CC17: 0D 78 TST <foundMatch ; Do we already have a match? CC19: 26 10 BNE $CC2B ; Error ... this could match multiple words CC1B: 0C 78 INC <foundMatch ; Now we have a match CC1D: F6 03 35 LDB tmpBuffer2 ; Length of command word CC20: ED E4 STD ,S ; Store potential match on the stack to return CC22: 4C INCA ; Word number for next test word CC23: 0A 79 DEC <numWords ; Tried all words? CC25: 26 D5 BNE $CBFC ; No ... keep looking CC27: 0D 78 TST <foundMatch ; Did we find a match? CC29: 26 04 BNE $CC2F ; Yes ... leave it as it on the stack CC2B: DC 03 LDD <CONST_FF ; CC2D: ED E4 STD ,S ; No matches ... store error to return in D CC2F: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Done GetUserHand: ; The second word is LEFT or RIGHT. Return the pointer to the pointer in U and the ; pointer to the object in X. CC31: 8E D8 D9 LDX #$D8D9 ; Second words CC34: 8D B6 BSR DecodeInput ; Decode the input word CC36: 2F A7 BLE $CBDF ; Didn't get a match ... print "???" and abort CC38: CE 02 1F LDU #$021F ; Pointer to right hand CC3B: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; Word was "RIGHT" ? CC3D: 27 07 BEQ $CC46 ; Yes. Return slot and object CC3F: CE 02 1D LDU #$021D ; Pointer to left hand CC42: 81 00 CMPA #$00 ; Word was "LEFT" ? CC44: 26 99 BNE $CBDF ; No ... error and abort CC46: AE C4 LDX ,U ; Yes. Return slot and object CC48: 39 RTS ; Done GetNeighborCells: ; This function gets the cell values for the 8 cells surrounding a given cell (and the ; value of the center square as well). If a cell is on the edge of the map then the ; invalid neighbor value is FF ... just as if it were solid. ; ; Param A,B: The Y,X coordinate of the center cell ; Param U: The 9-byte buffer to store results in ; ; The cell values are stored in the U buffer in this order from the maze map. ; 0 1 2 ; 3 4 5 ; 6 7 8 ; CC49: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A ; Preserve registers CC4B: 4A DECA ; Y-1 CC4C: 8D 08 BSR $CC56 ; Check row (Y-1,*) CC4E: 4C INCA ; Back to center CC4F: 8D 05 BSR $CC56 ; Check row (Y,*) CC51: 4C INCA ; Y+1 CC52: 8D 02 BSR $CC56 ; Check row (Y+1,*) CC54: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ; Restore and out ; CC56: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Hold Y,X coordinates CC58: 5A DECB ; X-1 CC59: 8D 05 BSR $CC60 ; Check Y,X-1 CC5B: 5C INCB ; Back to center CC5C: 8D 02 BSR $CC60 ; Check Y,X CC5E: 5C INCB ; X+1 CC5F: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction CC60: 34 06 PSHS B,A CC62: 8D 2A BSR IsValidCell ; Is the cell valid? CC64: 26 05 BNE $CC6B ; No ... Store FF to cell buffer CC66: 8D 13 BSR GetCellPointer ; Get the pointer to the cell CC68: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the value from the maze CC6A: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction CC6B: 86 FF LDA #$FF CC6D: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; Store the result in the buffer CC6F: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ; Done GetRandomCell: ; This function returns a random X,Y coordinate in the maze ; and the pointer to the cell memory in X. ; ; Return A: 0-31 (Y coordinate) ; Return B: 0-31 (X coordinate) ; Return X: Pointer to cell in memory ; CC71: 3F SWI ; Get random number in A CC72: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CC73: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; 0-31 ... X coordinate CC75: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; Coordinate to B CC77: 3F SWI ; Get random number in A CC78: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CC79: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; 0-31 ... Y coordinate ; GetCellPointer: ; Return the pointer to cell memory in X for the Y,X coordinate in A,B ; CC7B: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Hold these CC7D: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; Limit coordiantes ... CC7F: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; ... (another entry point) CC81: 1F 01 TFR D,X ; Hold in X CC83: C6 20 LDB #$20 ; Multiply A (Y coordinate) ... CC85: 3D MUL ; ... by 32 (one row) CC86: C3 05 F4 ADDD #$05F4 ; Offset to maze CC89: 1E 01 EXG D,X ; X coordinate back to B CC8B: 3A ABX ; Add in the X coordinate CC8C: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ; Return coordinate and pointer IsValidCell: ; This function tests a given X,Y coordinate and returns ; Z=1 if within (31,31) or Z=0 if the coordinate is out ; of bounds. ; ; Param A: Y coordinate ; Param B: X coordinate ; ; Return Z: 1 if OK or 0 if out-of-bounds ; CC8E: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Push the coordinates on the stack CC90: 84 1F ANDA #$1F ; Mask the coordinate to within range CC92: A1 E4 CMPA ,S ; Is the coordinate within range? CC94: 26 04 BNE $CC9A ; No ... out CC96: C4 1F ANDB #$1F ; Mask the coordinate to within range CC98: E1 61 CMPB 1,S ; Is the coordinate within range? (return Z=1 if so) CC9A: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ; Return with Z=1 if OK or Z=0 if out of range MakeMazeLevel: ; The maze is a 32x32 cell (one byte per cell) table at $05F4. Each cell has 4 2-bit fields that ; describe the wall in a given direction. A value of 00 means the wall in that direction is open. ; A value of 01 is a normal door in that direction. A value of 10 is a magic door in that direction. ; A value of 11 is a solid wall. The 4 fields are stored in the byte as: LL_DD_RR_UU with UU being ; the least significant 2 bits. ; ; The maze is generated by carving out a series of random "runs". The code picks a random starting ; cell and a random direction. It picks a random "number of crossings" for the run from 1 to 8. ; Then it starts opening cells in that direction one by one until one of the following occurs: ; - The run crosses the randomly chosen number of other runs ; - The run reaches the edge of the map ; - The cell would create a block of 4 adjacent open cells ; ; The 3D display during game play can only draw hallways. Four adjacent open cells would create an ; open space that the display can't handle. Thus the check in the run algorithm. ; ; The algorithm keeps count of each new open cell created. Runs are generated until exactly 500 cells ; have been opened. Each level has exactly 500 open cells in it. ; ; Once the 500 cells are open the code adds exactly 70 regular doors and 45 magic doors between adjacent ; cells. Both cells get a copy of the door in opposite directions. ; ; It is possible (though unlikely) to create a run that does not overlap another. This would be an ; unreachable area that would trap the player or required monsters. Each level is drawn with a pre-chosen ; random number seed. Thus the level is always the same, and the designers chose seeds that produce good ; mazes. ; ; Holes and ladders are manually defined for each level and are kept in a separate table. ; ; Maze value: LL_DD_RR_UU ; 00 = open ; 01 = normal door ; 10 = magic door ; 11 = blocked ; CC9C: 8E 05 F4 LDX #$05F4 ; Start of level CC9F: CE 09 F4 LDU #$09F4 ; One past end of level (32*32=1024 byte) CCA2: 3F SWI ; Fill the buffer with FFs CCA3: 12 ; SWI_12:Fill X to U with FFs: CCA4: 8E CD 9F LDX #$CD9F ; Random number seeds CCA7: D6 81 LDB <currentLevel ; Offset into seeds ... CCA9: 3A ABX ; ... for this level CCAA: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; Copy the ... CCAC: DD 6B STD <rndSeedA ; ... 3 byte ... CCAE: A6 84 LDA ,X ; ... seed to ... CCB0: 97 6D STA <rndSeedC ; ... current seed CCB2: 10 8E 01 F4 LDY #$01F4 ; Make 500 cells in the "run" process CCB6: BD CC 71 JSR GetRandomCell ; Get a random coordinate CCB9: DD 7C STD <drwMazeY ; Hold the starting point ; ; Start a new maze "run" of cells CCBB: 3F SWI ; Get a random number CCBC: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CCBD: 84 03 ANDA #$03 ; Now a random direction (0-3) CCBF: 97 8A STA <drwMazeDir ; Hold current direction CCC1: 3F SWI ; Get a random number CCC2: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CCC3: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; Random 0..7 CCC5: 4C INCA ; Random 1..8 CCC6: 97 7E STA <drwMazeCross ; Store number of crossings CCC8: 20 08 BRA $CCD2 ; Start this run with a step CCCA: DC 88 LDD <drwMazeTmp ; Get the potential new coordinate CCCC: DD 7C STD <drwMazeY ; Make it the new cell CCCE: 0A 7E DEC <drwMazeCross ; All crossings in this run placed? CCD0: 27 E9 BEQ $CCBB ; Yes ... start a new run (done with this one) ; CCD2: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; Get the current cell pointer CCD4: BD D1 1B JSR StepInDirection ; Move in the random direction CCD7: 8D B5 BSR IsValidCell ; Is this cell out of bounds? CCD9: 26 E0 BNE $CCBB ; Yes ... start a new run CCDB: DD 88 STD <drwMazeTmp ; Hold the new coordinates CCDD: 6D 84 TST ,X ; Already an open cell there? CCDF: 27 E9 BEQ $CCCA ; Yes ... count it and keep going (no need to check it) CCE1: CE 09 F4 LDU #$09F4 ; Buffer to hold cell values ; ; These checks prevent opening a cell if it would make a block-of-4-opens. An open block can't be ; drawn during game play. CCE4: BD CC 49 JSR GetNeighborCells ; Get the neighbor cell values CCE7: A6 43 LDA 3,U ; Cell to the left CCE9: AB C4 ADDA ,U ; Cell to the upper left CCEB: AB 41 ADDA 1,U ; Cell above CCED: 27 CC BEQ $CCBB ; This would make the upper left corner 4-opens together. Skip ; CCEF: A6 41 LDA 1,U ; Cell above CCF1: AB 42 ADDA 2,U ; Cell to the upper right CCF3: AB 45 ADDA 5,U ; Cell to the right CCF5: 27 C4 BEQ $CCBB ; This would make the upper right corner 4-opens together. Skip ; CCF7: A6 45 LDA 5,U ; Cell to the right CCF9: AB 48 ADDA 8,U ; Cell to the lower right CCFB: AB 47 ADDA 7,U ; Cell below CCFD: 27 BC BEQ $CCBB ; This would make the lower right corner 4-opens together. Skip ; CCFF: A6 47 LDA 7,U ; Cell below CD01: AB 46 ADDA 6,U ; Cell to the lower left CD03: AB 43 ADDA 3,U ; Cell to the left CD05: 27 B4 BEQ $CCBB ; This would make the lower left corner 4-opens together. Skip ; CD07: 6F 84 CLR ,X ; Open this cell up CD09: 31 3F LEAY -1,Y ; All 500 cells done? CD0B: 26 BD BNE $CCCA ; No ... use this and keep going ; ; This loops over the cells and sets the "solid wall" bits for directions that are blocked. CD0D: 0F 7C CLR <drwMazeY ; Start with ... CD0F: 0F 7D CLR <drwMazeX ; ... Y,X = 0,0 CD11: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; Get the current coordinate CD13: BD CC 7B JSR GetCellPointer ; Get the cell pointer CD16: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the cell value CD18: 4C INCA ; Is this a solid? CD19: 27 26 BEQ $CD41 ; Yes ... skip it CD1B: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; Coordinates again CD1D: CE 09 F4 LDU #$09F4 ; Status buffer CD20: BD CC 49 JSR GetNeighborCells ; Get the status of the neighbors CD23: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the value of the cell CD25: C6 FF LDB #$FF ; Value FF (solid) for compares CD27: E1 41 CMPB 1,U ; Cell above us open? CD29: 26 02 BNE $CD2D ; No ... leave the bits open CD2B: 8A 03 ORA #$03 ; Set the "up" bits to solid wall CD2D: E1 43 CMPB 3,U ; Cell to the left open? CD2F: 26 02 BNE $CD33 ; No ... leave the bits open CD31: 8A C0 ORA #$C0 ; Set the "left" bits to solid wall CD33: E1 45 CMPB 5,U ; Cell to the right open? CD35: 26 02 BNE $CD39 ; No ... leave the bits open CD37: 8A 0C ORA #$0C ; Set the "right" bits to solid wall CD39: E1 47 CMPB 7,U ; Cell to the bottom open? CD3B: 26 02 BNE $CD3F ; No ... leave the bits open CD3D: 8A 30 ORA #$30 ; Set the "down" bits to solid wall CD3F: A7 84 STA ,X ; Set solid walls on the edge cells ; ; Add walls next to solid cells CD41: C6 20 LDB #$20 ; 32 for compare CD43: 0C 7D INC <drwMazeX ; Bump the X coordinate CD45: D1 7D CMPB <drwMazeX ; Reached end of row? CD47: 26 C8 BNE $CD11 ; No ... keep going CD49: 0F 7D CLR <drwMazeX ; Back to X=0 CD4B: 0C 7C INC <drwMazeY ; Bump the Y coordinate CD4D: D1 7C CMPB <drwMazeY ; End of maze? CD4F: 26 C0 BNE $CD11 ; No ... keep going ; ; Add 70 regular doors CD51: C6 46 LDB #$46 ; 70 regular doors to make CD53: CE CD AA LDU #$CDAA ; Table of bit patterns for regular doors CD56: 8D 15 BSR $CD6D ; Make a random regular door CD58: 5A DECB ; All done? CD59: 26 FB BNE $CD56 ; No ... do all ; ; Add 45 magic doors CD5B: C6 2D LDB #$2D ; 45 magic doors to make CD5D: CE CD AE LDU #$CDAE ; Table of bit patterns for magic doors CD60: 8D 0B BSR $CD6D ; Make a random magic door CD62: 5A DECB ; All done? CD63: 26 FB BNE $CD60 ; No ... do all ; ; Reseed the random number based on the number of seconds in the ISR counter CD65: D6 97 LDB <counterSeconds ; Number of seconds passed (random 0 to 59) CD67: 3F SWI ; Get next ... CD68: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CD69: 5A DECB ; Randomized the full count? CD6A: 26 FB BNE $CD67 ; No ... do all CD6C: 39 RTS ; Out ; ; Make a door (regular or magic) between two adjacent cells CD6D: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Preserve registers CD6F: 10 8E CD A6 LDY #$CDA6 ; Bit patterns for solid walls in each direction CD73: BD CC 71 JSR GetRandomCell ; Get random cell CD76: DD 88 STD <drwMazeTmp ; Hold coordinates CD78: E6 84 LDB ,X ; Get cell value CD7A: C1 FF CMPB #$FF ; Is it solid? CD7C: 27 F5 BEQ $CD73 ; Yes ... find an open cell CD7E: 3F SWI ; Get a random number CD7F: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: CD80: 84 03 ANDA #$03 ; Make it a direction CD82: 97 8A STA <drwMazeDir ; Store the direction CD84: E5 A6 BITB A,Y ; Is that direction open (no solid and no existing door)? CD86: 26 EB BNE $CD73 ; No ... find another CD88: EA C6 ORB A,U ; Or in the pattern for the door (magic or regular) CD8A: E7 84 STB ,X ; Set the new pattern CD8C: DC 88 LDD <drwMazeTmp ; Get coordinates CD8E: BD D1 1B JSR StepInDirection ; Step in that direction CD91: D6 8A LDB <drwMazeDir ; Get the direction we came in CD93: CB 02 ADDB #$02 ; Flip it ... CD95: C4 03 ANDB #$03 ; ... around CD97: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get value CD99: AA C5 ORA B,U ; Make same door in ... CD9B: A7 84 STA ,X ; ... on both sides CD9D: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Restore and out RandomSeeds: ; These seeds control the shape of the dungeon and placement ; of creatures. Three bytes instead of over 1K of data -- good ; idea. The levels overlap seeds as shown below. ; 0------- ; 1------- ; 2------- ; 3------- ; 4------- CD9F: 73 C7 5D 97 F3 13 87 ; Bit positions for walls in a given direction (0-3) ; 0U 1R 2D 3L CDA6: 03 0C 30 C0 ; Bit positions to add a regular door in a given direction CDAA: 01 04 10 40 ; Bit positions to add a magic door in a give direction CDAE: 02 08 20 80 ShowMap: ; This is the draw-screen function for the scroll CDB2: DE 0B LDU <backScreen ; Drawing screen descriptor CDB4: CC 1F 1F LDD #$1F1F ; 32x32 CDB7: DD 7C STD <drwMazeY ; Store the count ; ; First draw the open/closed states of all cells in the maze; CDB9: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; Get the current map coordinate CDBB: 8D 54 BSR GetMapCellMem ; Get a screen pointer to the cell in Y CDBD: BD CC 7B JSR GetCellPointer ; Get a pointer to the maze memory CDC0: 5F CLRB ; Initial cell state (open) CDC1: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the cell wall state CDC3: 4C INCA ; Is it FF (solid)? CDC4: 26 01 BNE $CDC7 ; No ... draw it open CDC6: 5A DECB ; Cell state is solid CDC7: 86 06 LDA #$06 ; Six rows per cell CDC9: E7 A4 STB ,Y ; Draw ... CDCB: 31 A8 20 LEAY $20,Y ; ... six ... CDCE: 4A DECA ; ... row ... CDCF: 26 F8 BNE $CDC9 ; ... block CDD1: 0A 7D DEC <drwMazeX ; Move left one cell CDD3: 2A E4 BPL $CDB9 ; Do all of the row CDD5: 86 1F LDA #$1F ; Restart row at ... CDD7: 97 7D STA <drwMazeX ; ... far right CDD9: 0A 7C DEC <drwMazeY ; Move up a row CDDB: 2A DC BPL $CDB9 ; Do all rows ; CDDD: 0D 94 TST <scrollType ; Is this a "seer" scroll? CDDF: 27 4A BEQ $CE2B ; No ... skip drawing monsters and objects ; ; Show objects on floor (Seer Scroll) CDE1: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; Start at top of list CDE3: BD CF 63 JSR GetNextOject ; Get next object on floor CDE6: 27 0F BEQ $CDF7 ; All done ... do monsters CDE8: 6D 05 TST 5,X ; Is this on the floor? CDEA: 26 F7 BNE $CDE3 ; No ... don't show it CDEC: EC 02 LDD 2,X ; Get the Y,X coordinate CDEE: 8D 21 BSR GetMapCellMem ; Get map screen pointer for coordinate CDF0: CC 00 08 LDD #$0008 ; 4 byte graphics pattern (small dot) for object CDF3: 8D 28 BSR DrawMapSymbol ; Draw an object on the map CDF5: 20 EC BRA $CDE3 ; Draw next object on floor ; ; Show monsters (Seer Scroll) CDF7: 8E 03 C3 LDX #$03C3 ; First monster (actually one slot before) CDFA: 30 88 11 LEAX $11,X ; Next monster CDFD: 8C 05 F4 CMPX #$05F4 ; All done? CE00: 27 29 BEQ $CE2B ; Yes ... draw holes and ladders CE02: 6D 0C TST 12,X ; Is this creature active? CE04: 27 F4 BEQ $CDFA ; No ... skip it CE06: EC 0F LDD 15,X ; Get the creature coordinates CE08: 8D 07 BSR GetMapCellMem ; Get a pointer to the map screen CE0A: CC 10 54 LDD #$1054 ; 4 byte graphics pattern (large dot) for monster CE0D: 8D 0E BSR DrawMapSymbol ; Draw a creature on the map CE0F: 20 E9 BRA $CDFA ; Do all creatures GetMapCellMem: ; This functions returns a pointer to the screen for a given cell (Y,X coordinate). ; On the screen, cells are 6-rows high and 8-pixels (one byte) wide. ; ; Param A,B: The Y,X cell coordinate ; Param U: Start of screen memory ; Return Y: Pointer to the screen memory for the cell ; CE11: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; Hold the coordinate CE13: C6 C0 LDB #$C0 ; Multiply Y time ... CE15: 3D MUL ; ... 32*6 (6 rows per cell) CE16: E3 C4 ADDD ,U ; Offset to screen row CE18: 1E 02 EXG D,Y ; X to B (pointer to Y) CE1A: 31 A5 LEAY B,Y ; Add in the column offset CE1C: 39 RTS ; Done DrawMapSymbol: ; Map symbols are 4 bytes on the screen. They are symmetrical in that the ; top and bottom row are the same and the middle two rows are the same. ; ; Param A: top and bottom pixel pattern ; Param B: middle 2 rows pixel pattern ; CE1D: A7 A8 20 STA $20,Y ; Top row pattern (A) CE20: E7 A8 40 STB $40,Y ; Middle row pattern (B) CE23: E7 A8 60 STB $60,Y ; Middle row pattern (B) CE26: A7 A9 00 80 STA $0080,Y ; Bottom row pattern (A) CE2A: 39 RTS ; Done ; Draws holes and player on map (both scroll types) CE2B: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Player Y,X coordinate CE2D: 8D E2 BSR GetMapCellMem ; Player's cell on map screen CE2F: CC 24 18 LDD #$2418 ; 4 byte pattern (X) for player CE32: 8D E9 BSR DrawMapSymbol ; Draw player on the map ; ; Two passes here. 1st draw the holes in the current ceiling. Then draw the holes ; in the current floor. CE34: 9E 86 LDX <currentHoles ; Pointer to ceiling holes/ladders for current level CE36: 8D 00 BSR $CE38 ; Draw the holes in this floor's ceiling (fall through to show floor holes) CE38: A6 80 LDA ,X+ ; Get hole type CE3A: 2B EE BMI $CE2A ; End of list? Yes ... out CE3C: EC 81 LDD ,X++ ; Get the hole's Y,X coordinate CE3E: 8D D1 BSR GetMapCellMem ; Convert to screen pointer CE40: CC 3C 24 LDD #$3C24 ; 4 byte pattern (open circle) for hole CE43: 8D D8 BSR DrawMapSymbol ; Draw the hole CE45: 20 F1 BRA $CE38 ; Keep going SetCellScaleFactor: CE47: 34 12 PSHS X,A ; Preserve CE49: 8E CF 48 LDX #$CF48 ; Scale factor table CE4C: 0D 73 TST <halfStepForward ; Are we drawing the maze stepped forward half step? CE4E: 26 0C BNE $CE5C ; Yes ... keep this "no draw" entry CE50: 30 89 00 01 LEAX $0001,X ; No ... keep the half-step entry CE54: 0D 74 TST <halfStepBack ; Are we drawing the maze stepped backward half step? CE56: 26 04 BNE $CE5C ; Yes ... keep this entry CE58: 30 89 FF F5 LEAX -$000B,X ; No ... use the regular factors CE5C: 96 8B LDA <drwMazeCellNum ; Get the room offset CE5E: A6 86 LDA A,X ; Set ... CE60: 97 4F STA <xScaleFactor ; ... the cells ... CE62: 97 50 STA <yScaleFactor ; ... scaling factor CE64: 35 92 PULS A,X,PC ; Restore NormalDisplay: ; This is the routine called to draw the normal game display CE66: 3F SWI ; Clear the back buffer CE67: 09 ; SWI_9:Clear secondary screen: CE68: 0F 8B CLR <drwMazeCellNum ; Start with room 0 in the line of rooms (player's room) CE6A: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Get the player's ... CE6C: DD 7C STD <drwMazeY ; ... X and Y coordinate CE6E: 8D D7 BSR SetCellScaleFactor ; Set the scaling factor to draw the room CE70: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; Currently drawing room coordinate CE72: BD CC 7B JSR GetCellPointer ; Get the info ... CE75: A6 84 LDA ,X ; ... about this cell CE77: CE 09 F4 LDU #$09F4 ; A temporary decode buffer for wall status CE7A: 8E 00 04 LDX #$0004 ; 4 wall values CE7D: 1F 89 TFR A,B ; Status ... CE7F: C4 03 ANDB #$03 ; ... of one door CE81: E7 44 STB 4,U ; Hold ... CE83: E7 C0 STB ,U+ ; ... the status CE85: 44 LSRA ; Shift ... CE86: 44 LSRA ; ... to next ... CE87: 30 1F LEAX -1,X ; ... door in the info CE89: 26 F2 BNE $CE7D ; Do all 4 directions CE8B: D6 23 LDB <playerDir ; Player's direction CE8D: CE 09 F4 LDU #$09F4 ; Decoded wall status CE90: 33 C5 LEAU B,U ; Get the status of the wall the player is facing CE92: 10 8E DB DE LDY #$DBDE ; Wall pictures ; CE96: A6 A0 LDA ,Y+ ; Wall status offset (from the wall table) CE98: 2B 3E BMI $CED8 ; End of wall table ... done CE9A: E6 C6 LDB A,U ; Offset into wall table CE9C: 58 ASLB ; Two bytes each CE9D: C1 04 CMPB #$04 ; Magic door? CE9F: 26 08 BNE $CEA9 ; No ... draw the one image door CEA1: AE A5 LDX B,Y ; Yes ... we draw two images. Get the magic triangle picture CEA3: 0A 75 DEC <m0275 ; ?? stop drawing down the hall? Hit a wall? CEA5: 8D 27 BSR $CECE ; Draw the wall CEA7: C6 06 LDB #$06 ; Solid wall CEA9: AE A5 LDX B,Y ; Draw the ... CEAB: 8D 21 BSR $CECE ; ... specific wall image CEAD: 31 28 LEAY 8,Y ; Next wall CEAF: 20 E5 BRA $CE96 ; Do all 3 walls CEB1: 39 RTS ; Done CEB2: 1F 12 TFR X,Y CEB4: 6D C5 TST B,U CEB6: 26 F9 BNE $CEB1 ; Done CEB8: DB 23 ADDB <playerDir ; CEBA: D7 8A STB <drwMazeDir ; CEBC: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; CEBE: BD D1 1B JSR StepInDirection ; CEC1: BD CF 82 JSR GetCreatureAt ; Is there a creature in this cell? CEC4: 27 EB BEQ $CEB1 ; No ... skip drawing it CEC6: 1E 12 EXG X,Y CEC8: 6D 22 TST 2,Y CECA: 27 02 BEQ $CECE ; CECC: 0A 75 DEC <m0275 ; CECE: 34 40 PSHS U ; Preserve CED0: 3F SWI ; Set the light level for the room CED1: 00 ; SWI_0:Light level: CED2: DE 0B LDU <backScreen ; Back screen buffer CED4: 3F SWI ; Draw the picture on the back screen CED5: 01 ; SWI_1:Draw picture X on screen: CED6: 35 C0 PULS U,PC ; Done CED8: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; CEDA: BD CF 82 JSR GetCreatureAt ; CEDD: 27 0C BEQ $CEEB ; CEDF: 1F 12 TFR X,Y CEE1: E6 2D LDB 13,Y CEE3: 58 ASLB CEE4: 8E DA A3 LDX #$DAA3 ; Get the picture ... CEE7: AE 85 LDX B,X ; ... of the creature CEE9: 8D DD BSR $CEC8 ; CEEB: C6 03 LDB #$03 CEED: 8E DC B0 LDX #$DCB0 ; Draw creature coming ... CEF0: 8D C0 BSR $CEB2 ; ... from left CEF2: C6 01 LDB #$01 CEF4: 8E DC B9 LDX #$DCB9 ; Draw creature coming ... CEF7: 8D B9 BSR $CEB2 ; ... from right CEF9: 8E DD 3C LDX #$DD3C ; ?? Part of the hole-in-floor CEFC: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; CEFE: BD CF E1 JSR ScanForHole ; CF01: 2B 06 BMI $CF09 ; CF03: 8E DC C2 LDX #$DCC2 ; Holes and ladders pictures CF06: 48 ASLA CF07: AE 86 LDX A,X CF09: 8D C3 BSR $CECE ; CF0B: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; CF0D: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; CF0F: BD CF 53 JSR GetObjectAtCoor ; CF12: 27 10 BEQ $CF24 ; CF14: A6 0A LDA 10,X CF16: 48 ASLA CF17: 8E D9 EE LDX #$D9EE ; Object pictures (by class) CF1A: AE 86 LDX A,X CF1C: 0A 75 DEC <m0275 ; CF1E: 8D AE BSR $CECE ; CF20: 8D AC BSR $CECE ; CF22: 20 E9 BRA $CF0D ; CF24: 6D C4 TST ,U CF26: 26 15 BNE $CF3D ; CF28: 96 23 LDA <playerDir ; CF2A: 97 8A STA <drwMazeDir ; CF2C: DC 7C LDD <drwMazeY ; CF2E: BD D1 1B JSR StepInDirection ; CF31: DD 7C STD <drwMazeY ; CF33: 0C 8B INC <drwMazeCellNum ; CF35: 96 8B LDA <drwMazeCellNum ; CF37: 81 09 CMPA #$09 CF39: 10 2F FF 31 LBLE $CE6E ; CF3D: 39 RTS CellZoomFactors: ; Used to draw the 3D rooms of the maze CF3E: C8 80 50 32 1F 14 0C 08 04 02 ; Full step zooms (10 rooms ... current room drawn larger) CF48: FF ; For step forward, first cell is NOT drawn CF49: 9C 64 41 28 1A 10 0A 06 03 01 ; Half step zooms (10 rooms ... current room drawn larger) GetObjectAtCoor: ; Get the next object on this level at the given coordinates CF53: 8D 0E BSR GetNextOject ; Get the next object CF55: 27 0B BEQ $CF62 ; End of list ... out CF57: 10 A3 02 CMPD 2,X ; Do the coordinates match? CF5A: 26 F7 BNE GetObjectAtCoor ; No ... keep looking CF5C: 6D 05 TST 5,X ; Is the object on the floor? CF5E: 26 F3 BNE GetObjectAtCoor ; No ... keep looking CF60: 1C FB ANDCC #$FB ; Clear the zero flag (object found) CF62: 39 RTS ; Done GetNextOject: ; Get the next (or first) object on this level. Start over at top of list ; if requested or continue from last iteration. ; ; This walks the objects in memory without looking at their chain pointers. ; ; Param >$91 0 to start at top of list, 1 to continue from last ; Return object descriptor in X (if found) ; Return Z=1 if no more, Z=0 if next is in X ; CF63: 34 02 PSHS A ; Preserve A CF65: 96 81 LDA <currentLevel ; Get current level number CF67: 9E 92 LDX <objIterator ; Get current object pointer CF69: 0D 91 TST <restartFind ; Start at top of list? CF6B: 26 05 BNE $CF72 ; No ... continue from last time CF6D: 8E 0B 07 LDX #$0B07 ; Start of list (-14 ... one slot before) CF70: 0A 91 DEC <restartFind ; Next time through we won't restart CF72: 30 0E LEAX 14,X ; Get pointer to next object CF74: 9F 92 STX <objIterator ; Remember it CF76: 9C 0F CMPX <nextObjSlot ; Have we reached the end of the list? CF78: 27 06 BEQ $CF80 ; Yes ... out with nothing found CF7A: A1 04 CMPA 4,X ; Level the same as what we want? CF7C: 26 F4 BNE $CF72 ; No ... next object CF7E: 1C FB ANDCC #$FB ; Clear the Z flag meaning there is a next object CF80: 35 82 PULS A,PC ; Restore A and out GetCreatureAt: ; Find the creature (if any) at the given Y,X coordinate. ; Param A,Y: The Y,X coordinate ; Return X: Pointer to creature if found ; Return NZ if found or Z if not found ; CF82: 8E 03 C3 LDX #$03C3 ; Start of creatures (minus pre-decrement) CF85: 30 88 11 LEAX $11,X ; Point to next creature CF88: 8C 05 F4 CMPX #$05F4 ; Reached the end of the list? CF8B: 27 09 BEQ $CF96 ; Yes ... return Z set (not found) CF8D: 10 A3 0F CMPD 15,X ; Right coordinates? CF90: 26 F3 BNE $CF85 ; No ... keep looking CF92: 6D 0C TST 12,X ; Creature is active? CF94: 27 EF BEQ $CF85 ; No ... keep looking (yes, Z=0) CF96: 39 RTS ; Return GetRandCell: ; Get a random open cell in the current maze. ; Return A,B: The Y,X coordinate of the random open cell ; CF97: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A ; Preserve registers CF99: BD CC 71 JSR GetRandomCell ; Get a random cell CF9C: ED E4 STD ,S ; Put it in return in case it is good CF9E: A6 84 LDA ,X ; Get the cell value CFA0: 4C INCA ; FF means all walls (solid) CFA1: 27 F6 BEQ $CF99 ; This is not a valid cell ... keep looking CFA3: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; Return the random cell in A,B CreateCreature: ; Create a new creature of the given type at the next available monster slot. ; The new creature is given a random valid coordinate. A handler task is created ; for the creature and queued on the tenths-of-a-second list ; ; Param A: The monster type ; CFA5: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Preserve registers CFA7: CE 03 C3 LDU #$03C3 ; Start of creatures (03D4 minus 11 pre-increment) CFAA: 33 C8 11 LEAU $11,U ; Point to next creature slot CFAD: 6D 4C TST 12,U ; Is this a living creature? CFAF: 26 F9 BNE $CFAA ; Yes ... find an empty slot CFB1: 6A 4C DEC 12,U ; Mark this creature living CFB3: A7 4D STA 13,U ; Set the type CFB5: C6 08 LDB #$08 ; 8 bytes of init data CFB7: 3D MUL ; Type * 8 CFB8: C3 DA BB ADDD #$DABB ; Add to creature-class data table CFBB: 1F 02 TFR D,Y ; Source to Y CFBD: 1F 31 TFR U,X ; Destination to X CFBF: 86 08 LDA #$08 ; Bytes to copy = 8 CFC1: BD C0 4B JSR CopyYtoX ; Copy the 8 bytes of initial data CFC4: 8D D1 BSR GetRandCell ; Get a random cell CFC6: 8D BA BSR GetCreatureAt ; Is there already a creature there? CFC8: 26 FA BNE $CFC4 ; Yes ... keep looking CFCA: ED 4F STD 15,U ; Put the creature in the random cell CFCC: 1F 31 TFR U,X ; Hold the monster structure CFCE: BD C2 5C JSR ReserveTask ; Get a new task CFD1: AF 45 STX 5,U ; Link the task to the monster structure CFD3: CC D0 41 LDD #$D041 ; Set the task ... CFD6: ED 43 STD 3,U ; ... handler entry CFD8: A6 06 LDA 6,X ; Task reload rate (speed of task) in tenths of a second CFDA: C6 04 LDB #$04 ; Place task on the ... CFDC: BD C2 1D JSR ChainTaskToEnd ; ... tenths-second-tick list CFDF: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Restore ScanForHole: ; There can only be one hole in the current cell. This scans for a hole in the current ; cell and returns the type in A (or A is negative for none). ; ; Param A,B: Y,X cell coordinate to check ; Return A: Hole type (if found: 00=hole in ceiling, 01=ladder in ceiling, 10=hole in floor, 11=ladder in floor) ; Return Negative if not found, positive if found ; CFE1: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A ; Preserve registers CFE3: DE 86 LDU <currentHoles ; Holes in ceiling of current level CFE5: 8D 0B BSR $CFF2 ; Check for a hole in the ceiling CFE7: 4D TSTA ; Is there one? CFE8: 2A 04 BPL $CFEE ; Yes ... keep the data and skip the floor CFEA: 8D 06 BSR $CFF2 ; Check for a hole in the floor CFEC: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; Flag that it is in the floor CFEE: A7 E4 STA ,S ; Save the hole result (returns in A) CFF0: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC ; Out ; ; Run a list of holes and return the type of the hole ; that has the check coordiantes (or bit 7 set if not found) CFF2: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ ; Get hole type CFF4: 2B 06 BMI $CFFC ; End of list ... out CFF6: AE C1 LDX ,U++ ; Get hole coordinate CFF8: AC 62 CMPX 2,S ; Matches the test coordinate? CFFA: 26 F6 BNE $CFF2 ; No ... keep looking CFFC: 39 RTS ; Return A is hole type or bit 7 set if not found HolesAndLadders: ; The game maintains a pointer-to-holes-in-current-ceiling in $286. The next list ; after is the list of holes-in-current-floor. ; ; Holes between surface and level 0 (none ... no surface) CFFD: 80 ; ; Holes between levels 0 and 1 CFFE: 01 00 17 ; Ladder Y=00, X=17 D001: 00 0F 04 ; Hole Y=0F, X=04 D004: 00 14 11 ; Hole Y=14, X=11 D007: 01 1C 1E ; Ladder Y=1C, X=1E D00A: 80 ; ; Holes between levels 1 and 2 D00B: 01 02 03 ; Ladder Y=02, X=03 D00E: 00 03 1F ; Hole Y=03, X=1F D011: 00 13 14 ; Hole Y=13, X=14 D014: 00 1F 00 ; Hole Y=1F, X=00 D017: 80 ; ; Holes between levels 3 and 4 (none) D018: 80 ; ; Holes between levels 4 and 5 D019: 00 00 1F ; Hole Y=00, X=1F D01C: 00 05 00 ; Hole Y=05, X=00 D01F: 00 16 1C ; Hole Y=16, X=1C D022: 00 1F 10 ; Hole Y=1F, X=10 D025: 80 ; ; Holes between levels 5 and 6 (none ... no level 6) D026: 80 T4_MakeCreature: D027: 9E 82 LDX <creatureCounts ; Creature count table D029: C6 0B LDB #$0B ; Last creature type (wizard) D02B: 4F CLRA ; Count of creatures on level D02C: AB 85 ADDA B,X ; Add up ... D02E: 5A DECB ; ... total ... D02F: 2A FB BPL $D02C ; ... creatures on level D031: 81 20 CMPA #$20 ; Already at a max of 32? D033: 24 08 BCC $D03D ; Yes ... skip D035: 3F SWI ; Get a random creature number D036: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: D037: 84 07 ANDA #$07 ; From ... 0 through 7 D039: 8B 02 ADDA #$02 ; From ... 2 through 9 (not spider, snake, demon, or wizard) D03B: 6C 86 INC A,X ; Creature is created next time we init the level D03D: CC 05 08 LDD #$0508 ; Reloads to 5 on the minute-tick list D040: 39 RTS ; Done T_MoveCreature: ; U points to the task structure (contains a pointer to the creature) D041: 10 AE 45 LDY 5,U ; Get pointer to creature from task structure D044: 0D 2B TST <wizardDead ; Is the wizard dead? D046: 26 22 BNE $D06A ; Yes ... skip all actions D048: E6 2C LDB 12,Y ; Is this creature alive? D04A: 26 01 BNE $D04D ; Yes ... let it move D04C: 39 RTS ; No ... done with this one ; D04D: A6 2D LDA 13,Y ; Creature type D04F: 81 06 CMPA #$06 ; SCORPION? D051: 27 1A BEQ $D06D ; Yes ... they don't pick up things D053: 81 0A CMPA #$0A ; DEMON or WIZARD? D055: 2C 16 BGE $D06D ; Yes ... they don't pick up things D057: EC 2F LDD 15,Y ; Monster's coordinates D059: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; Reset find cursor to 1st object D05B: BD CF 53 JSR GetObjectAtCoor ; Get an object on the floor here D05E: 27 0D BEQ $D06D ; Nothing to pick up D060: EC 28 LDD 8,Y ; This monster's list of held items D062: AF 28 STX 8,Y ; Push this object to ... D064: ED 84 STD ,X ; ... the top of the list D066: 6A 05 DEC 5,X ; Set object location to MONSTER D068: 3F SWI ; Update the screen (stuff was picked up) D069: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: ; D06A: 7E D1 03 JMP $D103 ; Skip further action ; D06D: EC 2F LDD 15,Y ; Monster's coordinates D06F: 10 93 13 CMPD <playerY ; Same as the players? D072: 26 3E BNE $D0B2 ; No ... no attack D074: A6 2D LDA 13,Y ; Play creature ... D076: C6 FF LDB #$FF ; ... sound ... D078: 3F SWI ; ... at full volume D079: 1C ; SWI_1C:Play sound A at volume B: D07A: CC 80 80 LDD #$8080 D07D: 9E 1D LDX <leftHand ; D07F: 8D 1D BSR $D09E ; D081: 9E 1F LDX <rightHand ; D083: 8D 19 BSR $D09E ; D085: 97 1A STA <m021A ; D087: D7 1C STB <m021C ; D089: 1F 21 TFR Y,X D08B: CE 02 17 LDU #$0217 D08E: BD D3 D7 JSR $D3D7 ; D091: 2B 06 BMI $D099 ; D093: 3F SWI ; Play player hit sound at full volume D094: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D095: 13 ; 13 = Player hit D096: BD D4 0C JSR $D40C ; ?? D099: 3F SWI ; Update the heart rate D09A: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: D09B: 7E D1 0F JMP $D10F ; ; D09E: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D0A0: 27 0E BEQ $D0B0 ; D0A2: A6 0A LDA 10,X D0A4: 81 03 CMPA #$03 D0A6: 26 08 BNE $D0B0 ; D0A8: AE 06 LDX 6,X D0AA: AC E4 CMPX ,S D0AC: 24 02 BCC $D0B0 ; D0AE: AF E4 STX ,S D0B0: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; We can see the player D0B2: 91 13 CMPA <playerY ; D0B4: 26 0D BNE $D0C3 ; D0B6: A6 A8 10 LDA $10,Y D0B9: C6 01 LDB #$01 D0BB: 90 14 SUBA <playerX ; D0BD: 2B 11 BMI $D0D0 ; D0BF: C6 03 LDB #$03 D0C1: 20 0D BRA $D0D0 ; D0C3: EC 2F LDD 15,Y D0C5: D1 14 CMPB <playerX ; D0C7: 26 1B BNE $D0E4 ; D0C9: C6 02 LDB #$02 D0CB: 90 13 SUBA <playerY ; D0CD: 2B 01 BMI $D0D0 ; D0CF: 5F CLRB D0D0: D7 8A STB <drwMazeDir ; D0D2: EC 2F LDD 15,Y D0D4: 8D 60 BSR $D136 ; D0D6: 26 0C BNE $D0E4 ; D0D8: 10 93 13 CMPD <playerY ; D0DB: 26 F7 BNE $D0D4 ; D0DD: D6 8A LDB <drwMazeDir ; D0DF: E7 2E STB 14,Y D0E1: 5F CLRB D0E2: 20 1D BRA $D101 ; D0E4: 8E D1 14 LDX #$D114 D0E7: 3F SWI D0E8: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: D0E9: 4D TSTA D0EA: 2B 02 BMI $D0EE ; D0EC: 30 03 LEAX 3,X D0EE: 84 03 ANDA #$03 D0F0: 26 02 BNE $D0F4 ; D0F2: 30 01 LEAX 1,X D0F4: 86 03 LDA #$03 D0F6: E6 80 LDB ,X+ D0F8: 8D 55 BSR $D14F ; D0FA: 27 07 BEQ $D103 ; D0FC: 4A DECA D0FD: 26 F7 BNE $D0F6 ; D0FF: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; ?? returned if not in player's room D101: 8D 4C BSR $D14F ; ; ; Different reload rate if the player is in the same room ; D103: A6 26 LDA 6,Y ; Normal task speed reload D105: AE 2F LDX 15,Y ; Is the creature with ... D107: 9C 13 CMPX <playerY ; ... the player? D109: 26 06 BNE $D111 ; No ... use the normal rate D10B: 3F SWI ; Update the screen D10C: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D10D: 0F B5 CLR <m02B5 ; D10F: A6 27 LDA 7,Y ; Task rate (tenths of a second) D111: C6 04 LDB #$04 ; Add task back to tenth-second-tick list D113: 39 RTS ; Done D114: 00 03 01 00 01 03 00 StepInDirection: ; This function moves the Y,X coordinates in A,B in the direction in $8A. ; ; Param A,B: The Y,X coordinates ; ; Return A,B: The new Y,X coordinates ; Return X: Pointer to the new cell ; D11B: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Hold coordinates D11D: D6 8A LDB <drwMazeDir ; Get direction D11F: C4 03 ANDB #$03 ; Only four D121: 58 ASLB ; 2 bytes for each table entry D122: 8E D1 2E LDX #$D12E ; Table of X,Y offsets for direction D125: EC 85 LDD B,X ; Get the X,Y offsets D127: AB E0 ADDA ,S+ ; Offset the Y D129: EB E0 ADDB ,S+ ; Offset the X D12B: 7E CC 7B JMP GetCellPointer ; Get cell pointer and return ; ; Y,X offsets for each direction ; D12E: FF 00 ; 00 Up (Y-1, X) D130: 00 01 ; 01 Right (Y, X+1) D132: 01 00 ; 02 Down (y+1, X) D134: 00 FF ; 03 Left (Y, X-1) D136: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A D138: 8D E1 BSR StepInDirection ; D13A: BD CC 8E JSR IsValidCell ; D13D: 26 0E BNE $D14D ; D13F: 1F 03 TFR D,U D141: A6 84 LDA ,X D143: 4C INCA D144: 27 06 BEQ $D14C ; D146: EF E4 STU ,S D148: AF 62 STX 2,S D14A: 86 01 LDA #$01 D14C: 4A DECA D14D: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC D14F: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D151: EB 2E ADDB 14,Y D153: C4 03 ANDB #$03 D155: D7 8A STB <drwMazeDir ; D157: EC 2F LDD 15,Y D159: 8D DB BSR $D136 ; D15B: 26 3C BNE $D199 ; D15D: BD CF 82 JSR GetCreatureAt ; D160: 26 37 BNE $D199 ; D162: ED 2F STD 15,Y D164: D6 8A LDB <drwMazeDir ; D166: E7 2E STB 14,Y D168: EC 2F LDD 15,Y D16A: 90 13 SUBA <playerY ; D16C: 2A 01 BPL $D16F ; D16E: 40 NEGA D16F: D0 14 SUBB <playerX ; D171: 2A 01 BPL $D174 ; D173: 50 NEGB D174: D7 C1 STB <temp1 ; D176: 91 C1 CMPA <temp1 ; D178: 2C 02 BGE $D17C ; D17A: 1E 89 EXG A,B D17C: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; D17E: 81 08 CMPA #$08 D180: 2E 16 BGT $D198 ; D182: C1 02 CMPB #$02 D184: 2E 12 BGT $D198 ; D186: 3F SWI D187: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: D188: 85 01 BITA #$01 D18A: 27 0A BEQ $D196 ; D18C: 96 C1 LDA <temp1 ; D18E: C6 1F LDB #$1F D190: 3D MUL D191: 53 COMB D192: A6 2D LDA 13,Y D194: 3F SWI D195: 1C ; SWI_1C:Play sound A at volume B: D196: 0A B5 DEC <m02B5 ; D198: 4F CLRA D199: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC T3_TimeTorch: D19B: DE 24 LDU <torchPtr ; Currently lit torch D19D: 27 1D BEQ $D1BC ; None ... skip timing down D19F: A6 46 LDA 6,U ; Time already at 0? (dead torch) D1A1: 27 19 BEQ $D1BC ; Yes ... skip it D1A3: 4A DECA ; Drop the ... D1A4: A7 46 STA 6,U ; ... count D1A6: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; More than 5 minutes remain on this one? D1A8: 2E 06 BGT $D1B0 ; Yes ... ?? D1AA: C6 18 LDB #$18 D1AC: E7 49 STB 9,U D1AE: 6F 4B CLR 11,U D1B0: A1 47 CMPA 7,U D1B2: 2C 02 BGE $D1B6 ; D1B4: A7 47 STA 7,U D1B6: A1 48 CMPA 8,U D1B8: 2C 02 BGE $D1BC ; D1BA: A7 48 STA 8,U D1BC: 0A B5 DEC <m02B5 ; D1BE: CC 01 08 LDD #$0108 ; Reload task one tick on minute-tick list D1C1: 39 RTS ; Done T1_Draw3DScreen: D1C2: 0D B5 TST <m02B5 ; D1C4: 26 07 BNE $D1CD ; D1C6: 8E CD B2 LDX #$CDB2 ; Are we showing the ... D1C9: 9C B2 CMPX <displayFunction ; ... map display? D1CB: 26 04 BNE $D1D1 ; D1CD: 0F B5 CLR <m02B5 ; D1CF: 3F SWI D1D0: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D1D1: CC 03 04 LDD #$0304 D1D4: 39 RTS T2_UpdateHeart: D1D5: 4F CLRA D1D6: 5F CLRB D1D7: 93 21 SUBD <m0221 ; D1D9: BD D3 79 JSR DRight6 ; D1DC: D3 21 ADDD <m0221 ; D1DE: 2E 02 BGT $D1E2 ; D1E0: 4F CLRA D1E1: 5F CLRB D1E2: DD 21 STD <m0221 ; D1E4: 3F SWI D1E5: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: D1E6: 96 AF LDA <heartCounterRel ; D1E8: C6 02 LDB #$02 D1EA: 39 RTS T0_PlayerInput: D1EB: 0D 77 TST <gameMode ; Are we in a demo? D1ED: 26 2C BNE $D21B ; Yes ... handle demo commands ; D1EF: BD C3 29 JSR CharFromBuf ; D1F2: 4D TSTA D1F3: 27 53 BEQ $D248 ; D1F5: 0D 28 TST <fainting ; Fainting? D1F7: 26 F6 BNE $D1EF ; Yes ... drop all characters from the buffer D1F9: 81 20 CMPA #$20 D1FB: 27 18 BEQ $D215 ; D1FD: C6 1F LDB #$1F D1FF: 81 0D CMPA #$0D D201: 27 0F BEQ $D212 ; D203: C6 24 LDB #$24 D205: 81 08 CMPA #$08 D207: 27 09 BEQ $D212 ; D209: 5F CLRB D20A: 81 41 CMPA #$41 D20C: 25 04 BCS $D212 ; D20E: 81 5A CMPA #$5A D210: 23 03 BLS $D215 ; D212: 1F 98 TFR B,A D214: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction D215: 84 1F ANDA #$1F D217: 8D 33 BSR $D24C ; D219: 20 D4 BRA $D1EF ; D21B: 10 9E 0D LDY <nextDemoCommand ; D21E: E6 A0 LDB ,Y+ D220: 2A 07 BPL $D229 ; D222: 3F SWI ; Wait for 1.35 seconds D223: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: D224: 3F SWI ; Another 1.35 seconds (total 2.7 seconds) D225: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: D226: 7E C0 00 JMP Start ; Restart D229: AE A1 LDX ,Y++ D22B: CE 03 61 LDU #$0361 D22E: 3F SWI D22F: 06 ; SWI_6:Uncompress message X to given buffer U: D230: 33 41 LEAU 1,U D232: 3F SWI ; Wait for 1.35 seconds D233: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: D234: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction D235: 8D 15 D237: A6 C0 LDA ,U+ D239: 2A FA BPL $D235 ; D23B: 4F CLRA D23C: 8D 0E BSR $D24C ; D23E: 5A DECB D23F: 26 E8 BNE $D229 ; D241: 86 1F LDA #$1F D243: 8D 07 BSR $D24C ; D245: 10 9F 0D STY <nextDemoCommand ; D248: CC 01 02 LDD #$0102 ; Reload task every 60Hz (as fast as possible) D24B: 39 RTS ; Done D24C: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A ; Hold these D24E: 0D AD TST <scrollShowing ; Is a scroll showing? D250: 26 04 BNE $D256 ; No ... skip closing the scroll D252: 3F SWI ; Bring up normal display D253: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: D254: 3F SWI ; Show the command prompt D255: 0F ; SWI_F:Ready command prompt: D256: DE 11 LDU <m0211 ; D258: 81 1F CMPA #$1F ; User press ENTER? D25A: 27 13 BEQ $D26F ; Yes ... go process the input D25C: 81 24 CMPA #$24 ; A backspace? D25E: 27 1D BEQ $D27D ; Yes ... handle it D260: 3F SWI ; Print the character in A D261: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: D262: A7 C0 STA ,U+ ; Put this character in the buffer D264: 8E C6 7C LDX #$C67C ; Cursor data D267: 3F SWI ; Print cursor D268: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: D269: 11 83 03 11 CMPU #$0311 ; Have we reached the 32 char limit? D26D: 26 45 BNE $D2B4 ; No ... keep waiting for ENTER D26F: 4F CLRA ; Print a ... D270: 3F SWI ; ... space on the end of the line D271: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: D272: DC 03 LDD <CONST_FF ; D274: ED C1 STD ,U++ ; End mark on the end of the buffer D276: CE 02 F1 LDU #$02F1 ; Reset input parse ... D279: DF 11 STU <m0211 ; ... pointer to the beginning of the input D27B: 20 15 BRA $D292 ; Execute the command ; ; Backspace D27D: 11 83 02 F1 CMPU #$02F1 ; Already at the beginning? D281: 27 31 BEQ $D2B4 ; Yes ... ignore it D283: 33 5F LEAU -1,U ; No ... back up one D285: 8E D2 8C LDX #$D28C ; Back cursor ... D288: 3F SWI ; ... up one spot D289: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: D28A: 20 28 BRA $D2B4 ; Out ; String to back cursor up over character D28C: 00 24 24 1C 24 FF ; BACK BACK "_" BACK END ; Execute the command D292: 8E D8 94 LDX #$D894 ; Command first words D295: BD CB EC JSR DecodeInput ; Check for word match D298: 27 0D BEQ $D2A7 ; Blank input ... skip execution D29A: 2A 05 BPL $D2A1 ; Good command word ... execute the command D29C: BD CB E1 JSR $CBE1 ; Print three question marks (error) D29F: 20 06 BRA $D2A7 ; Continue ... skip execution ; D2A1: 48 ASLA ; 2 bytes per pointer D2A2: 8E D9 D0 LDX #$D9D0 ; Pointer to command functions D2A5: AD 96 JSR [A,X] ; Execute the command D2A7: CE 02 F1 LDU #$02F1 ; Start of input buffer D2AA: 0D AD TST <scrollShowing ; Is a scroll showing? D2AC: 27 06 BEQ $D2B4 ; Yes ... skip the command prompt D2AE: 0D 28 TST <fainting ; Are we fainting? D2B0: 26 02 BNE $D2B4 ; Yes ... skip the prompt D2B2: 3F SWI ; Print the command prompt D2B3: 0F ; SWI_F:Ready command prompt: D2B4: DF 11 STU <m0211 ; New start of command D2B6: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC ; Done
ATTACK command
CmdATTACK: D2B8: BD CC 31 JSR GetUserHand ; D2BB: EE C4 LDU ,U D2BD: 26 03 BNE $D2C2 ; D2BF: CE 0B 07 LDU #$0B07 D2C2: 1F 32 TFR U,Y D2C4: A6 4C LDA 12,U D2C6: 97 19 STA <m0219 ; D2C8: A6 4D LDA 13,U D2CA: 97 1B STA <m021B ; D2CC: 9B 19 ADDA <m0219 ; D2CE: 46 RORA D2CF: 44 LSRA D2D0: 44 LSRA D2D1: 9E 17 LDX <pStrength ; Strength D2D3: BD D4 36 JSR $D436 ; D2D6: D3 21 ADDD <m0221 ; D2D8: DD 21 STD <m0221 ; D2DA: A6 4A LDA 10,U ; Object class D2DC: 8B 0C ADDA #$0C ; Sound table offset D2DE: C6 FF LDB #$FF ; Full volume D2E0: 3F SWI ; Play sound of object D2E1: 1C ; SWI_1C:Play sound A at volume B: D2E2: A6 49 LDA 9,U ; Proper name D2E4: 81 13 CMPA #$13 ; Ring range? D2E6: 2D 0F BLT $D2F7 ; Too low D2E8: 81 15 CMPA #$15 ; Ring Range? D2EA: 2E 0B BGT $D2F7 ; Too high D2EC: 6A 46 DEC 6,U ; Subtract one from ring counter D2EE: 26 07 BNE $D2F7 ; Still good, go on D2F0: 86 16 LDA #$16 ; GOLD token D2F2: A7 49 STA 9,U ; Now a gold ring D2F4: BD D6 38 JSR $D638 ; Change object D2F7: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Our coordinates D2F9: BD CF 82 JSR GetCreatureAt ; Find creature D2FC: 27 77 BEQ $D375 ; None found ignore attack D2FE: CE 02 17 LDU #$0217 ; Pointer to player's raw strength D301: 1E 13 EXG X,U D303: A6 2A LDA 10,Y ; Class D305: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; Is it a ring? D307: 27 16 BEQ $D31F ; Yes-- can't miss D309: BD D3 D7 JSR $D3D7 ; Otherwise get calculate hit chance D30C: 2B 67 BMI $D375 ; Oops, missed D30E: 10 9E 24 LDY <torchPtr ; Torch pointer D311: 27 06 BEQ $D319 ; Oh, no! No torch ... D313: A6 29 LDA 9,Y ; Proper name of torch D315: 81 18 CMPA #$18 ; Well, it is dead! D317: 26 06 BNE $D31F ; No, go on D319: 3F SWI ; Random number D31A: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: D31B: 84 03 ANDA #$03 ; Between 0 and 3 D31D: 26 56 BNE $D375 ; Only one in three will hit D31F: 3F SWI ; Sound a hit D320: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D321: 12 ; 12 = Player hit D322: 3F SWI ; Print !!! D323: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D324: 16 F7 B0 ; "!!!" ; D327: BD D4 0C JSR $D40C ; D32A: 22 49 BHI $D375 ; ; ; Monster drops all objects D32C: 30 48 LEAX 8,U ; First in object link for monster D32E: AE 84 LDX ,X ; Get pointer to next object in list D330: 27 08 BEQ $D33A ; That's all D332: 6F 05 CLR 5,X ; Drop on floor D334: EC 4F LDD 15,U ; Coordinate from monster D336: ED 02 STD 2,X ; Now to object D338: 20 F4 BRA $D32E ; Keep going for all ; D33A: 9E 82 LDX <creatureCounts ; Creature counts on this level D33C: E6 4D LDB 13,U ; Creature type D33E: 6A 85 DEC B,X ; Take one of these types from the counts D340: 6F 4C CLR 12,U ; Monster dead D342: 3F SWI ; Redraw screen without monster D343: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D344: 3F SWI ; Sound monster dead D345: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D346: 15 ; 15 = Creature dying D347: EC C4 LDD ,U ; Monster strength ... D349: 8D 34 BSR DRight3 ; ... divided by 8 D34B: D3 17 ADDD <pStrength ; Add to our strength D34D: 2A 02 BPL $D351 ; No overflow D34F: 86 7F LDA #$7F ; Maximum positive value D351: DD 17 STD <pStrength ; New strength D353: A6 4D LDA 13,U ; What did we just kill? D355: 81 0A CMPA #$0A ; Demon... D357: 27 2D BEQ $D386 ; ...go to level 4 D359: 81 0B CMPA #$0B ; Killed the Wizard? D35B: 26 18 BNE $D375 ; No. It was a normal creature. Done. D35D: 0A 2B DEC <wizardDead ; Wizard is dead (creatures don't move) D35F: CC 07 13 LDD #$0713 ; Light level D362: DD 26 STD <m0226 ; Ambient light D364: 8E 0B 23 LDX #$0B23 ; Drop all but ... D367: 9F 0F STX <nextObjSlot ; ... first object (the Supreme Ring) D369: DC 00 LDD <CONST_00 ; Zero constant D36B: DD 29 STD <firstPackObject ; Nothing in pack D36D: DD 24 STD <torchPtr ; No torch D36F: DD 1F STD <rightHand ; Left hand empty D371: DD 1D STD <leftHand ; Right hand empty D373: 3F SWI ; Draw the display D374: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: D375: 3F SWI ; Update the heart rate (might have died) D376: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: ; ; Interesting ... fall through the divide-D-by-7 code. We'll take the time instead of ; adding an RTS op here. ; Shift D right routine entries DRight7: D377: 47 ASRA ; 7 (divide by 128) D378: 56 RORB DRight6: D379: 47 ASRA ; 6 (divide by 64) D37A: 56 RORB DRight5: D37B: 47 ASRA ; 5 (divide by 32) D37C: 56 RORB DRight4: D37D: 47 ASRA ; 4 (divide by 16) D37E: 56 RORB DRight3: D37F: 47 ASRA ; 3 (divide by 8) D380: 56 RORB DRight2: D381: 47 ASRA ; 2 (divide by 4) D382: 56 RORB DRight1: D383: 47 ASRA ; 1 (divide by 2) D384: 56 RORB D385: 39 RTS ; Done ; Demon killed D386: 8E DF 10 LDX #$DF10 ; Wizard picture D389: 3F SWI ; Beam him onto the screen D38A: 13 ; SWI_13:Beam on picture pointed to by X: D38B: 3F SWI ; Print first part of message D38C: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D38D: FF C0 57 3E A7 46 C0 90 51 32 28 1E 60 51 ; "_1F_ ENOUGH! I TIRE OF THIS PLAY..." D39B: 09 98 20 C0 E7 DE F0 ; D3A2: 3F SWI ; Print second part of message D3A3: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D3A4: E8 00 08 48 B0 0C 8A 0A 3C 0D 29 68 0A 23 ; " PREPARE TO MEET THY DOOM!!!" D3B2: 20 23 DE DD EF 60 ; D3B8: 3F SWI ; Pause for 1.35 seconds D3B9: 10 ; SWI_10:Pause for 1.35 seconds: D3BA: DE 24 LDU <torchPtr ; Keep only the ... D3BC: DF 29 STU <firstPackObject ; ... torch in the pack D3BE: 27 04 BEQ $D3C4 ; There was no torch ... no need to unlink it D3C0: 4F CLRA ; Clear any ... D3C1: 5F CLRB ; ... object chained ... D3C2: ED C4 STD ,U ; ... after torch in pack D3C4: CC 00 C8 LDD #$00C8 ; Drop a big ... D3C7: DD 15 STD <playerWeight ; ... strain on the user D3C9: 86 03 LDA #$03 ; Level 4 D3CB: 3F SWI ; Prepare level D3CC: 1A ; SWI_1A:Set up level: D3CD: BD CF 97 JSR GetRandCell ; Get random coordinates D3D0: DD 13 STD <playerY ; New coordinates D3D2: 3F SWI ; Beam off the wizard D3D3: 15 ; SWI_15:Beam wizard out: D3D4: 3F SWI ; Beam on the wizard D3D5: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: D3D6: 39 RTS ; Done D3D7: 34 56 PSHS U,X,B,A D3D9: 86 0F LDA #$0F D3DB: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; D3DD: EC C4 LDD ,U D3DF: A3 4A SUBD 10,U D3E1: BD CA 12 JSR Dleft2 ; D3E4: A3 84 SUBD ,X D3E6: 25 04 BCS $D3EC ; D3E8: 0A C1 DEC <temp1 ; D3EA: 26 F8 BNE $D3E4 ; D3EC: D6 C1 LDB <temp1 ; D3EE: C0 03 SUBB #$03 D3F0: 2A 09 BPL $D3FB ; D3F2: 50 NEGB D3F3: 86 19 LDA #$19 D3F5: 3D MUL D3F6: BD CA 99 JSR NegativeD ; D3F9: 20 03 BRA $D3FE ; D3FB: 86 0A LDA #$0A D3FD: 3D MUL D3FE: ED E3 STD ,--S D400: 3F SWI D401: 07 ; SWI_7:Get random number: D402: 1F 89 TFR A,B D404: 4F CLRA D405: E3 E1 ADDD ,S++ D407: 83 00 7F SUBD #$007F D40A: 35 D6 PULS A,B,X,U,PC D40C: 34 76 PSHS U,Y,X,B,A D40E: 1F 12 TFR X,Y D410: AE A4 LDX ,Y D412: A6 22 LDA 2,Y D414: 8D 20 BSR $D436 ; D416: 1F 01 TFR D,X D418: A6 43 LDA 3,U D41A: 8D 1A BSR $D436 ; D41C: E3 4A ADDD 10,U D41E: ED 4A STD 10,U D420: AE A4 LDX ,Y D422: A6 24 LDA 4,Y D424: 8D 10 BSR $D436 ; D426: 1F 01 TFR D,X D428: A6 45 LDA 5,U D42A: 8D 0A BSR $D436 ; D42C: E3 4A ADDD 10,U D42E: ED 4A STD 10,U D430: AE C4 LDX ,U D432: AC 4A CMPX 10,U D434: 35 F6 PULS A,B,X,Y,U,PC D436: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A D438: 0F C1 CLR <temp1 ; D43A: E6 63 LDB 3,S D43C: 3D MUL D43D: DD C2 STD <m02C2 ; D43F: A6 E4 LDA ,S D441: E6 62 LDB 2,S D443: 3D MUL D444: D3 C1 ADDD <temp1 ; D446: 08 C3 LSL <m02C3 ; D448: 59 ROLB D449: 49 ROLA D44A: ED E4 STD ,S D44C: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC
CLIMB command
CmdCLIMB: D44E: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Player's coordinates D450: BD CF E1 JSR ScanForHole ; Is there a hole here? D453: 2B 1A BMI $D46F ; No ... error D455: 97 C1 STA <temp1 ; Hold this for a bit D457: 8E D8 D9 LDX #$D8D9 ; Second words D45A: BD CB EC JSR DecodeInput ; Are we going up or down? D45D: 2F 10 BLE $D46F ; Syntax error on second word ... error D45F: D6 C1 LDB <temp1 ; The hole in this room D461: 81 04 CMPA #$04 ; Word is "UP" ? D463: 27 0D BEQ $D472 ; Yes ... try that D465: 81 05 CMPA #$05 ; Word is "DOWN" ? D467: 26 06 BNE $D46F ; No ... error D469: 86 01 LDA #$01 ; +1 D46B: C5 02 BITB #$02 ; Is there a hole or ladder going down? D46D: 26 09 BNE $D478 ; Yes ... change levels (no error) ; D46F: 7E CB E1 JMP $CBE1 ; Print three "???" and out ; D472: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; -1 D474: C1 01 CMPB #$01 ; Is there a ladder going up? D476: 26 F7 BNE $D46F ; No ... error ; ; Change the level D478: 3F SWI ; Print "PREPARE" D479: 16 ; SWI_16:Print PREPARE: D47A: 9B 81 ADDA <currentLevel ; Change level (up or down) D47C: 3F SWI ; Setup the level D47D: 1A ; SWI_1A:Set up level: D47E: 3F SWI ; Normal display D47F: 19 ; SWI_19:Bring up normal display: D480: 39 RTS ; Back to command processing
EXAMINE command
CmdEXAMINE: D481: 8E D4 95 LDX #$D495 ; Set the display function ... D484: 9F B2 STX <displayFunction ; ... to draw the inventory D486: 3F SWI ; Redraw the screen D487: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D488: 39 RTS ; Done SetForExamine: ; Clear the scratch screen, set the physical screen, set the "print to desired area" flag. ; Return the examine descriptor (#$0380). D489: 3F SWI ; Clear the scratch screen, return pointer to descriptor D48A: 09 ; SWI_9:Clear secondary screen: D48B: AE C4 LDX ,U ; This is the physical start of the scratch screen D48D: CE 03 80 LDU #$0380 ; Descriptor for the "EXAMINE" screen area D490: AF C4 STX ,U ; Point to the off-screen area D492: 0A B7 DEC <whereToPrint ; Printing goes to desired descriptor D494: 39 RTS DrawInventory: ; Function for drawing the inventory screen D495: 8D F2 BSR SetForExamine ; Activate the "examine" area D497: 0F B6 CLR <tabOrCR ; We are at the start of a line D499: CC 00 0A LDD #$000A ; Start "IN THIS ROOM" ... D49C: ED 44 STD 4,U ; ... indented 10 spaces D49E: 3F SWI ; Print "IN THIS ROOM" D49F: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D4A0: 62 5C 0A 21 33 04 9E F6 FC ; "IN THIS ROOM_1F_" ; D4A9: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Player's coordinates D4AB: BD CF 82 JSR GetCreatureAt ; Is there a creature here? D4AE: 27 10 BEQ $D4C0 ; No ... skip indicator D4B0: AE 44 LDX 4,U ; Set the cursor to ... D4B2: 30 0B LEAX 11,X ; ... center "!CREATURE!" ... D4B4: AF 44 STX 4,U ; ... on the line D4B6: 3F SWI ; Print "!CREATURE!" D4B7: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D4B8: 56 C7 22 86 95 91 77 F0 ; "!CREATURE!_1F_" ; D4C0: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; D4C2: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Player's coordinates D4C4: BD CF 53 JSR GetObjectAtCoor ; Find object on floor D4C7: 27 04 BEQ $D4CD ; No more on floor ... move to the pack D4C9: 8D 3A BSR $D505 ; Print object description D4CB: 20 F5 BRA $D4C2 ; Keep going ; D4CD: 0D B6 TST <tabOrCR ; At the start of the line? D4CF: 27 02 BEQ $D4D3 ; Yes ... no need for a CR D4D1: 8D 2B BSR $D4FE ; No ... print a CR D4D3: CC 1B 20 LDD #$1B20 ; A = character "!", B = count 32 D4D6: 3F SWI ; Print "!" D4D7: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: D4D8: 5A DECB ; Print line ... D4D9: 26 FB BNE $D4D6 ; ... of "!" D4DB: AE 44 LDX 4,U ; Skip cursor to ... D4DD: 30 0C LEAX 12,X ; ... center ... D4DF: AF 44 STX 4,U ; ... "BACKPACK" D4E1: 3F SWI ; Print "BACKPACK" D4E2: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D4E3: 40 82 35 C0 23 5F C0 ; "BACKPACK_1F_" ; D4EA: 8E 02 29 LDX #$0229 ; Head of object list D4ED: AE 84 LDX ,X ; Get next object D4EF: 27 0A BEQ $D4FB ; All done D4F1: 9C 24 CMPX <torchPtr ; Is this the lit torch? D4F3: 26 02 BNE $D4F7 ; No ... leave it D4F5: 63 46 COM 6,U ; Flip the color to show the torch is lit (we change this back every loop) D4F7: 8D 0C BSR $D505 ; Print object description D4F9: 20 F2 BRA $D4ED ; Next object ; D4FB: 0F B7 CLR <whereToPrint ; Printing goes to command line area D4FD: 39 RTS ; Done ; D4FE: 86 1F LDA #$1F ; Print a ... D500: 3F SWI ; ... line feed D501: 04 ; SWI_4:Display a single character in A: D502: 0F B6 CLR <tabOrCR ; Next print a tab (note this was already 0) D504: 39 RTS ; Done D505: 34 16 PSHS X,B,A ; Hold these D507: BD C6 17 JSR GetObjDscrpt ; Unpack the text to make this object description (X points to buffer) D50A: 3F SWI ; Print the object description D50B: 03 ; SWI_3:Display uncompressed message pointed to by X: D50C: 96 2C LDA <backgroundColor ; Set the background ... D50E: A7 46 STA 6,U ; ... color (we may have flipped it printing the torch) D510: 03 B6 COM <tabOrCR ; Whether to print a tab or CR D512: 27 0A BEQ $D51E ; 0 = Print the CR D514: EC 44 LDD 4,U ; Cursor D516: C3 00 10 ADDD #$0010 ; FF = Skip to ... D519: C4 F0 ANDB #$F0 ; ... second ... D51B: ED 44 STD 4,U ; ... column D51D: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction D51E: 8D DE BSR $D4FE ; Print a line feed D520: 35 96 PULS A,B,X,PC ; Done
GET command
CmdGET: D522: 8D 52 BSR $D576 ; Pointer for requested hand D524: 26 4D BNE $D573 ; Hand isn't empty ... error D526: BD CB BA JSR $CBBA ; ?? D529: 0F 91 CLR <restartFind ; Reset the iterator to the first object ; D52B: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Players coordinates D52D: BD CF 53 JSR GetObjectAtCoor ; Get the next object on this level at this coordinate D530: 27 41 BEQ $D573 ; End of list ... no match D532: 0D 90 TST <m0290 ; D534: 26 06 BNE $D53C ; Do proper match D536: A6 0A LDA 10,X ; Class match D538: 91 8F CMPA <holdIncantLen ; D53A: 20 04 BRA $D540 ; Skip proper match D53C: A6 09 LDA 9,X ; Proper match D53E: 91 8E CMPA <holdIncantWord ; D540: 26 E9 BNE $D52B ; Try next object D542: AF C4 STX ,U ; Object now in hand D544: 6C 05 INC 5,X ; 1 means carried D546: E6 0A LDB 10,X ; Class D548: 8E D9 FA LDX #$D9FA ; Weight table D54B: E6 85 LDB B,X ; Get the weight D54D: 4F CLRA ; Two byte value (positive value) D54E: 20 1B BRA $D56B ; Update the player's weight and screen
DROP command
CmdDROP: D550: 8D 24 BSR $D576 ; Get left or right hand object pointer D552: 27 1F BEQ $D573 ; Nothing to drop ... syntax error D554: 4F CLRA ; Hand ... D555: 5F CLRB ; ... is now ... D556: ED C4 STD ,U ; ... empty D558: 6F 05 CLR 5,X ; 0 = on floor D55A: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Drop at ... D55C: ED 02 STD 2,X ; ... player's position ... D55E: 96 81 LDA <currentLevel ; Object on ... D560: A7 04 STA 4,X ; ... player's level D562: E6 0A LDB 10,X ; Object class D564: 8E D9 FA LDX #$D9FA ; Weight table D567: E6 85 LDB B,X ; Get the weight of the object D569: 50 NEGB ; Negative (removing the weight) D56A: 1D SEX ; Two byte value ; D56B: D3 15 ADDD <playerWeight ; Update ... D56D: DD 15 STD <playerWeight ; ... carried weight D56F: 3F SWI ; Update the heart after the change in load D570: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: D571: 20 44 BRA $D5B7 ; Update hands and screen and done ; D573: 7E CB E1 JMP $CBE1 ; Print "???" error ; D576: 7E CC 31 JMP GetUserHand ; Get user-requested hand object
STOW command
CmdSTOW: D579: 8D FB BSR $D576 ; Get the left or right hand object D57B: 27 F6 BEQ $D573 ; Nothing in that hand ... error D57D: DC 29 LDD <firstPackObject ; Move this ... D57F: ED 84 STD ,X ; ... object to ... D581: 9F 29 STX <firstPackObject ; ... beginning of list D583: 4F CLRA ; Now ... D584: 5F CLRB ; ... empty ... D585: ED C4 STD ,U ; ... hand D587: 20 2E BRA $D5B7 ; Update hands, draw screen, done
PULL command
CmdPULL: D589: 8D EB BSR $D576 ; Get the left or right hand object D58B: 26 E6 BNE $D573 ; It isn't empty ... error and out D58D: BD CB BA JSR $CBBA ; D590: 8E 02 29 LDX #$0229 ; First pack object D593: 1F 12 TFR X,Y ; D595: AE 84 LDX ,X ; D597: 27 DA BEQ $D573 ; End of list ... object not found ... error D599: 0D 90 TST <m0290 ; ?? two words given? D59B: 26 06 BNE $D5A3 ; D59D: A6 0A LDA 10,X ; Class type D59F: 91 8F CMPA <holdIncantLen ; D5A1: 20 04 BRA $D5A7 ; Only check the class type ; D5A3: A6 09 LDA 9,X ; Proper type D5A5: 91 8E CMPA <holdIncantWord ; D5A7: 26 EA BNE $D593 ; Not a match ... keep looking D5A9: EC 84 LDD ,X ; Pointer to next object D5AB: ED A4 STD ,Y ; Pull the current object out of the object chain D5AD: AF C4 STX ,U ; Object now in hand D5AF: 4F CLRA ; We might use this to ... D5B0: 5F CLRB ; ... extinguish the torch D5B1: 9C 24 CMPX <torchPtr ; Did we just pull the lit torch? D5B3: 26 02 BNE $D5B7 ; No ... move on D5B5: DD 24 STD <torchPtr ; Clear the lit-torch pointer ; D5B7: 3F SWI ; Update the hands D5B8: 0D ; SWI_D:Print contents of hands on status line: D5B9: 3F SWI ; Redraw the screen D5BA: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D5BB: 39 RTS ; Done
INCANT command
CmdINCANT: D5BC: 8E D8 F3 LDX #$D8F3 ; Proper names D5BF: BD CB EC JSR DecodeInput ; Decode the input word D5C2: 2F 2B BLE $D5EF ; Word not found ... fail silently D5C4: 0D 7B TST <perfectMatch ; D5C6: 27 27 BEQ $D5EF ; Not an exact word match ... fail silently D5C8: DD 8E STD <holdIncantWord ; Hold this for a second D5CA: DE 1D LDU <leftHand ; Try object ... D5CC: 8D 02 BSR $D5D0 ; ... in left hand D5CE: DE 1F LDU <rightHand ; Now try object in right ; D5D0: 27 1D BEQ $D5EF ; No object in this hand ... skip D5D2: A6 4A LDA 10,U ; Is this a ... D5D4: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; ... ring? D5D6: 26 17 BNE $D5EF ; No ... skip D5D8: A6 47 LDA 7,U ; Already revealed? D5DA: 27 13 BEQ $D5EF ; Yes ... fail silently D5DC: 91 8E CMPA <holdIncantWord ; Input word matches this ring? D5DE: 26 0F BNE $D5EF ; No ... skip D5E0: A7 49 STA 9,U ; Yes ... this is the new proper name D5E2: 3F SWI ; Change the ring to the powerful one D5E3: 18 ; SWI_18:Change object to proper name and data: D5E4: 3F SWI ; Play the ring sound D5E5: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D5E6: 0D ; 0D = Ring D5E7: 3F SWI ; Update the hand display D5E8: 0D ; SWI_D:Print contents of hands on status line: D5E9: 6F 47 CLR 7,U ; Mark as revealed D5EB: 81 12 CMPA #$12 ; Did we just incant the "FINAL" ring? D5ED: 27 01 BEQ PlayerWins ; Yes ... player wins the game D5EF: 39 RTS ; Done PlayerWins: D5F0: 8E DF 39 LDX #$DF39 ; Star Wizard picture D5F3: 0A 9E DEC <initBeamIn ; Initialize the beam in D5F5: 3F SWI ; Beam on the Star Wizard D5F6: 13 ; SWI_13:Beam on picture pointed to by X: D5F7: 3F SWI ; Print the final message D5F8: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D5F9: FF C4 54 3D 84 D8 08 59 D1 2E C8 03 70 A6 ; "_1F_BEHOLD! DESTINY AWAITS THE HAND" D607: 93 05 10 50 20 2E 20 ; D60E: 3F SWI ; More final message D60F: 02 ; SWI_2:Uncompress message m and display: D610: C8 00 00 00 00 03 CC 00 81 C5 B8 2E 9D 06 ; " OF A NEW WIZARD..." D61E: 44 F7 BC ; D621: 20 FE BRA $D621 ; Infinite loop
REVEAL command
CmdREVEAL: D623: BD CC 31 JSR GetUserHand ; Get requested left/right hand object D626: EE C4 LDU ,U ; 0 if there is no object (EMPTY) D628: 27 14 BEQ $D63E ; Empty ... nothing to do D62A: A6 4B LDA 11,U ; Already revealed? D62C: 27 10 BEQ $D63E ; Yes, skip it now D62E: C6 19 LDB #$19 ; Base multiplier D630: 3D MUL ; Multiply D631: 10 93 17 CMPD <pStrength ; Are we strong enough? D634: 2E 08 BGT $D63E ; No, leave it unrevealed D636: A6 49 LDA 9,U ; Get proper name D638: 3F SWI ; Change object types D639: 18 ; SWI_18:Change object to proper name and data: D63A: 6F 4B CLR 11,U ; Revealed D63C: 3F SWI ; Update the hands line D63D: 0D ; SWI_D:Print contents of hands on status line: D63E: 39 RTS ; Done
TURN command
CmdTURN: D63F: 8E D8 D9 LDX #$D8D9 ; Second words D642: BD CB EC JSR DecodeInput ; Decode the user input D645: 2F 4C BLE $D693 ; Not found ... syntax error D647: D6 23 LDB <playerDir ; Current direction D649: 81 00 CMPA #$00 ; Turning LEFT? D64B: 26 07 BNE $D654 ; No ... try right D64D: 5A DECB ; Decrease direction ... turning CCW D64E: 8D 1D BSR $D66D ; Wrap direction and draw the screen D650: 8D 22 BSR LineMovesRight ; Turn left D652: 20 15 BRA $D669 ; Continue ; D654: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; Turning RIGHT? D656: 26 05 BNE $D65D ; No ... try around D658: 5C INCB ; Increase direction ... turning CW D659: 8D 12 BSR $D66D ; Wrap direction and draw the screen D65B: 20 0A BRA $D667 ; Do the turn ; D65D: 81 03 CMPA #$03 ; Turning AROUND? D65F: 26 32 BNE $D693 ; No ... syntax error D661: CB 02 ADDB #$02 ; Flip direction D663: 8D 08 BSR $D66D ; Wrap direction and draw the screen D665: 8D 1D BSR LineMovesLeft ; Turn right D667: 8D 1B BSR LineMovesLeft ; Turn right D669: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; D66B: 13 SYNC ; Wait for the refresh D66C: 39 RTS ; Done ; D66D: C4 03 ANDB #$03 ; Limit direction (wrap around) D66F: D7 23 STB <playerDir ; New direction D671: 7E C6 60 JMP $C660 ; Draw the screen ; LineMovesRight: ; For moving/turning left D674: 8D 20 BSR $D696 ; Prepare the display and draw the horizontal lines to frame the turn D676: 26 0B BNE $D683 ; Nothing to display ... abort D678: CC 00 08 LDD #$0008 ; Y=0, X=8 D67B: 8D 3D BSR DrawTurningLine ; Draw the turning line D67D: C3 00 20 ADDD #$0020 ; Move X right D680: 4D TSTA ; Keep going till ... D681: 27 F8 BEQ $D67B ; ... we flow off the right side D683: 39 RTS ; Done ; LineMovesLeft: ; For moving/turning right D684: 8D 10 BSR $D696 ; Prepare the display and draw the horizontal lines to frame the turn D686: 26 0A BNE $D692 ; Nothing to display ... abort D688: CC 00 F8 LDD #$00F8 ; Y=0, X=F8 D68B: 8D 2D BSR DrawTurningLine ; Draw the vertical line D68D: 83 00 20 SUBD #$0020 ; Move X left D690: 2A F9 BPL $D68B ; Keep going till we flow off the left side D692: 39 RTS ; Done ; D693: 7E CB E1 JMP $CBE1 ; Print "???" syntax error D696: DE B2 LDU <displayFunction ; Are we showing ... D698: 11 83 CE 66 CMPU #$CE66 ; ... the normal game screen? D69C: 26 1B BNE $D6B9 ; No, then out. Nothing to display in EXAMINE mode. D69E: 8E 80 80 LDX #$8080 ; ?? Zoom ? D6A1: 9F 4F STX <xScaleFactor ; ?? Zoom ? D6A3: 0F 8B CLR <drwMazeCellNum ; D6A5: 3F SWI ; Set the light level to animate turning D6A6: 00 ; SWI_0:Light level: D6A7: 3F SWI ; Clear the screen D6A8: 08 ; SWI_8:Clear display screen: D6A9: 8E D6 C6 LDX #$D6C6 ; Top and bottom lines shown while moving D6AC: 3F SWI ; Draw the two horizontal lines D6AD: 01 ; SWI_1:Draw picture X on screen: D6AE: 8E 00 11 LDX #$0011 ; Top Y coordinate ... 17 (line + 1) D6B1: 9F 2F STX <newPointY ; First Y coordinate D6B3: 8E 00 87 LDX #$0087 ; Bottom Y coordinate ... 135 (line -1) D6B6: 9F 33 STX <oldPointY ; Second Y coordinate D6B8: 4F CLRA ; Return that we ARE going to draw something D6B9: 39 RTS ; Done DrawTurningLine: D6BA: DD 31 STD <newPointX ; First X coordinate D6BC: DD 35 STD <oldPointX ; Second X coordinate D6BE: 8D 00 BSR $D6C0 ; ?? drawing then erasing? Two different screens? D6C0: BD CA B7 JSR DrawLine ; Draw the vertical line D6C3: 03 2C COM <backgroundColor ; ?? two passes ... we set it back D6C5: 39 RTS ; Done ; Top and bottom horizontal lines while turning D6C6: 10 00 ; Move to absolute (16,0) D6C8: 10 FF ; Line to absolute (255,16) D6CA: FF ; New line D6CB: 88 00 ; Move to absolute (0,136) D6CD: 88 FF ; Line to absolute (255,136) D6CF: FE ; End
MOVE command
CmdMOVE: D6D0: 8E D8 D9 LDX #$D8D9 ; Second words D6D3: BD CB EC JSR DecodeInput ; Decode the input word D6D6: 2D BB BLT $D693 ; Bad input ... error D6D8: 2E 09 BGT $D6E3 ; Requested direction ... go do it D6DA: 0A 73 DEC <halfStepForward ; No direction ... half step forward D6DC: 3F SWI ; Draw maze half step moving forward D6DD: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D6DE: 5F CLRB ; Moving direction 0 (forward) D6DF: 0F 73 CLR <halfStepForward ; Draw maze regularly now D6E1: 20 0C BRA $D6EF ; Make the move and add the stress of moving ; D6E3: 81 02 CMPA #$02 ; Word is "BACK" ? D6E5: 26 0C BNE $D6F3 ; No ... try others D6E7: 0A 74 DEC <halfStepBack ; Half step backward D6E9: 3F SWI ; Draw maze half step backards D6EA: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D6EB: C6 02 LDB #$02 ; Moving direction 2 (backwards) D6ED: 0F 74 CLR <halfStepBack ; Clear half-step flag D6EF: 8D 2F BSR MoveCheckWall ; Try the move D6F1: 20 1B BRA $D70E ; Add the stress of moving ; D6F3: 81 01 CMPA #$01 ; Word is "RIGHT" ? D6F5: 26 0A BNE $D701 ; No ... try others D6F7: C6 01 LDB #$01 ; Moving direction 1 (right) D6F9: 8D 25 BSR MoveCheckWall ; Try the move D6FB: 26 11 BNE $D70E ; Add the stress of moving D6FD: 8D 85 BSR LineMovesLeft ; Line moving left (player moving right) D6FF: 20 0D BRA $D70E ; Add the stress of moving D701: 81 00 CMPA #$00 ; Word is "LEFT" ? D703: 26 8E BNE $D693 ; No ... error and out D705: C6 03 LDB #$03 ; Moving direction 3 (left) D707: 8D 17 BSR MoveCheckWall ; Try the move D709: 26 03 BNE $D70E ; Add the stress of moving D70B: BD D6 74 JSR LineMovesRight ; Line moving right (player moving left) ; ; Stress from moving D70E: DC 15 LDD <playerWeight ; Player's weight ... D710: BD D3 7F JSR DRight3 ; ... divided by 8 ... D713: C3 00 03 ADDD #$0003 ; ... plus 3 D716: D3 21 ADDD <m0221 ; Add ... D718: DD 21 STD <m0221 ; ... exertion D71A: 3F SWI ; Update the heart rate D71B: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: D71C: 0A B4 DEC <flipScreens ; D71E: 13 SYNC ; Wait for heart rate change D71F: 39 RTS ; Out MoveCheckWall: D720: 34 06 PSHS B,A ; Hold D722: 6F E2 CLR ,-S ; Temporary on stack for return boolean (init to OK) D724: DB 23 ADDB <playerDir ; Get the player's direction D726: C4 03 ANDB #$03 ; Mask it (only 4 directions) D728: D7 8A STB <drwMazeDir ; Movement direction D72A: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Player's coordinates D72C: BD D1 36 JSR $D136 ; Try to step in direction D72F: 27 07 BEQ $D738 ; Step made ... no wall hit D731: 3F SWI ; Play sound of hitting wall D732: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D733: 14 ; 14 = Wall hit D734: 6A E4 DEC ,S ; Return not-0 ... did not move D736: DC 13 LDD <playerY ; Coordinates did not change ; D738: DD 13 STD <playerY ; Set new (if OK) coordinates D73A: BD C6 60 JSR $C660 ; Redraw the maze D73D: 6D E0 TST ,S+ ; Return not-zero if hit wall D73F: 35 86 PULS A,B,PC ; Restore
USE command
CmdUSE: D741: BD CC 31 JSR GetUserHand ; Get requested hand D744: 27 21 BEQ $D767 ; Nothing in the hand ... fail silently D746: EC 09 LDD 9,X ; Get the object data D748: C1 05 CMPB #$05 ; Class is TORCH? D74A: 26 0B BNE $D757 ; No ... try others D74C: 9F 24 STX <torchPtr ; This is our new torch D74E: BD D5 7D JSR $D57D ; Automatically stow it D751: 3F SWI ; Play TORCH sound D752: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D753: 11 ; 11 = Torch D754: 3F SWI ; Update the display D755: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D756: 39 RTS ; Done ; D757: 1F 13 TFR X,U ; Object pointer now to U D759: 8E D7 6B LDX #$D76B ; USE routines per proper name D75C: A1 84 CMPA ,X ; Is this our object's routine? D75E: 27 08 BEQ $D768 ; Yes ... do it D760: 30 03 LEAX 3,X ; Next in table D762: 8C D7 7A CMPX #$D77A ; Tried them all? D765: 25 F5 BCS $D75C ; No ... keep looking D767: 39 RTS ; No routine ... fail silently ; D768: 6E 98 01 JMP [$01,X] ; Execute the routine UseFunctions: D76B: 05 ; THEWS flask D76C: D7 7A ; Routine address ; D76E: 09 ; HALE flask D76F: D7 83 ; Routine address ; D771: 08 ; ABYE flask D772: D7 87 ; Routine address ; D774: 04 ; SEER scroll D775: D7 A2 ; Routine address ; D777: 07 ; VISION scroll D778: D7 A0 ; Routine address UseTHEWS: D77A: CC 03 E8 LDD #$03E8 ; Big increase in strength D77D: D3 17 ADDD <pStrength ; Update ... D77F: DD 17 STD <pStrength ; ... player strength D781: 20 0F BRA $D792 ; Make the FLASK sound UseHALE: D783: 4F CLRA ; Clear all ... D784: 5F CLRB ; ... exertion D785: 20 09 BRA $D790 ; Update and make the FLASK sound UseABYE: D787: 9E 17 LDX <pStrength ; Strength ... D789: 86 66 LDA #$66 ; ... times $66 ... D78B: BD D4 36 JSR $D436 ; ... is new ... D78E: D3 21 ADDD <m0221 ; ... exertion D790: DD 21 STD <m0221 ; Store new exertion D792: C6 17 LDB #$17 ; Now an EMPTY ... D794: E7 49 STB 9,U ; ... FLASK D796: 6F 4B CLR 11,U ; We revealed it by drinking it D798: 3F SWI ; Play the FLASH sound D799: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D79A: 0C ; 0C = Flask D79B: 3F SWI ; Update the hands D79C: 0D ; SWI_D:Print contents of hands on status line: D79D: 3F SWI ; Update the heart rate D79E: 0C ; SWI_C:Update heart rate: D79F: 39 RTS ; Done UseVISION: D7A0: 4F CLRA ; 0 means VISION scroll D7A1: 8C ; CMPX opcode to skip next instruction UseSEER: D7A2: 86 FF LDA #$FF ; FF means SEER scroll D7A4: 97 94 STA <scrollType ; set the scroll type D7A6: 6D 4B TST 11,U ; Has this been revealed? D7A8: 26 0C BNE $D7B6 ; No ... fail silently D7AA: 3F SWI ; Play open-scroll sound D7AB: 1B ; SWI_1B:Play sound i at full volume: D7AC: 0E ; 0E = Scroll D7AD: 0F AD CLR <scrollShowing ; 0 means scroll is showing D7AF: 8E CD B2 LDX #$CDB2 ; Set display to ... D7B2: 9F B2 STX <displayFunction ; ... the map display D7B4: 3F SWI ; Redraw the screen D7B5: 0E ; SWI_E:Display playing screen: D7B6: 39 RTS ; Done
ZLOAD command
CmdZLOAD: D7B7: 8D 03 BSR $D7BC ; Parse the next word D7B9: 0A B8 DEC <tapeTrigger ; Trigger ZLOAD D7BB: 39 RTS ; Done D7BC: 8E 03 13 LDX #$0313 ; Start of scratch buffer D7BF: 33 88 20 LEAU $20,X ; End is 16 bytes later D7C2: 3F SWI ; Fill scratch buffer with FFs D7C3: 12 ; SWI_12:Fill X to U with FFs: D7C4: 7E CB 96 JMP GetNextWord ; Parse the next word and return
ZSAVE command
CmdZSAVE: D7C7: 8D F3 BSR $D7BC ; Parse the next word into the scratch buffer D7C9: BF 00 7E STX CASSPTR ; This will be the name of the file D7CC: CC 00 0F LDD #$000F ; Block type 0 (header) length = 16 D7CF: FD 00 7C STD CASSBLKTYPE ; Prepare for first BLKOUT D7D2: 0C B8 INC <tapeTrigger ; Trigger ZSAVE D7D4: 39 RTS ; Done ; ############################################### Data from here down ##########################################################
Initial Backpack Objects
;Initial backpack objects ; DemoObjects: D7D5: 0D ; Iron sword (Elvish = 02) D7D6: 0F ; Pine torch (Solar = 0A) D7D7: 10 ; Leather shield (Seer = 04) D7D8: FF ; End of list ; GameObjects: D7D9: 11 ; Wooden sword D7DA: 0F ; Pine torch D7DB: FF ; End of list GameTasks: D7DC: D1 EB ; T0_PlayerInput D7DE: D1 C2 ; T1_Draw3DScreen D7E0: D1 D5 ; T2_UpdateHeart D7E2: D1 9B ; T3_UpdateTorch D7E4: D0 27 ; T4_MakeCreature D7E6: 00 00 ; End of task list InitCopyTable: D7E8: 0C 01 03 ; Copy 0C bytes to 103 D7EB: 7E C3 71 ; SWI2 Vector: JMP $C371 D7EE: 7E C3 52 ; SWI Vector: JMP $C352 D7F1: 7E C2 7D ; IRQ Vector: JMP $C27D D7F4: 7E C2 7D ; FIRQ Vector: JMP $C27D ; ; Initialize a few local variables D7F7: 17 02 02 ; Copy 17 bytes to 202 D7FA: 01 ; 202 Constant 1 D7FB: FF FF ; 203:204 Constant FFFF D7FD: 00 80 ; 205:206 X Center of screen D7FF: 00 4C ; 207:208 Y Center of screen D801: D8 70 ; 209:20A Pointer to visible screen descriptor D803: D8 76 ; 20B:20C Pointer to drawing screen descriptor D805: D9 88 ; 20D:20E Pointer to demo commands D807: 0B 15 ; 20F:210 Pointer to next available game object slot D809: 02 F1 ; 211 Next input to parse D80B: 0C 16 ; 213:214 Player starting point (for demo) D80D: 00 23 ; 215:216 Player weight D80F: 17 A0 ; 217:218 Player strength ; ; Examine area: 19 rows ; Hand area: 1 rows ; Command area: 4 rows ; ------- ; 24 rows (24 * 8 bytes = 192 ... the screen height) ; ; $380 ; "Examine" area text descriptor D811: 54 03 80 ; Copy 54 bytes to 380 D814: 10 00 ; Starts at $1000 D816: 02 60 ; 608 characters (19 rows of 32) D818: 00 00 ; Cursor starts at beginning D81A: 00 ; Normal color (background is black) D81B: FF ; Do not mirror to second screen buffer ; ; $388 ; "Hand line" area text descriptor ; Two rows allows for a character at the very end of row 1 without ; scrolling the 1 line. D81C: 23 00 ; Starts at $2300 D81E: 00 40 ; 64 characters (2 rows of 32) D820: 00 00 ; Cursor starts at beginning D822: FF ; Reversed color (background is white) D823: 00 ; Auto mirror to second screen buffer ; ; $390 ; "Command Area" text descriptor D824: 24 00 ; Starts at $2400 D826: 00 80 ; 128 bytes (4 rows of 32) D828: 00 00 ; Cursor starts at beginning D82A: 00 ; Normal color (background is black) D82B: 00 ; Auto mirror to second screen buffer CreaturesOnLevels: ; $0398 ;1 D82C: 09 09 04 02 ; 9 spiders, 9 snakes, 4 giants, 2 blobs D830: 00 00 00 00 ; 0 knights, 0 hatchet-giants, 0 scorpions, 0 shield-knights D834: 00 00 00 00 ; 0 wraiths, 0 galdrogs, 0 demons, 0 wizards ; ;2 D838: 02 04 00 06 ; 2 spiders, 4 snakes, 0 giants, 6 blobs D83C: 06 06 00 00 ; 6 knights, 6 hatchet-giants D840: 00 00 00 00 ; 0 wraiths, 0 galdrogs, 0 demons, 0 wizards ; ;3 D844: 00 00 00 04 ; 0 spiders, 0 snakes, 0 giants, 4 blobs D848: 00 06 08 04 ; 0 knights, 6 hatchet-giants, 8 scorpions, 4 shield-knights D84C: 00 00 01 00 ; 0 wraiths, 0 galdrogs, 1 demons, 0 wizards ; ;4 D850: 00 00 00 00 ; 0 spiders, 0 snakes, 0 giants, 0 blobs D854: 00 00 08 06 ; 0 knights, 0 hatchet-giants, 8 scorpions, 6 shield-knights D858: 06 04 00 00 ; 6 wraiths, 4 galdrogs, 0 demons, 0 wizards ; ;5 D85C: 02 02 02 02 ; 2 spiders, 2 snakes, 2 giants, 2 blobs D860: 02 02 02 04 ; 2 knights, 2 hatchet-giants, 2 scorpions, 4 shield-knights D864: 04 08 00 01 ; 4 wraiths, 8 galdrogs, 0 demons, 1 wizards ; $0B11 D868: 04 0B 11 ; Copy 4 bytes to B11 ?? ; ?? D86B: 04 00 00 05 D86F: 00 ; End of initialization copy list
Screen Descriptors
There are two graphics pages. One is displayed while the other is being drawn on. RAM 0x209 points to the visible screen. RAM 0x20B points to the drawing screen. To flip the pages the pointers are swapped.
Each screen is divided into three sections (3*2 = 6 descriptors below):
- Play field
- Hands/heart
- 4 lines of text
D870: 10 00 ; Start of upper play-field 0x1000
D872: 23 00 ; End of play-field (152 rows)
D874: 20 46 ; SAM value 0010000__001000_110 (G6R,G6C Display=8*512=0x1000)
D876: 28 00 ; Start of upper play-field 0x2800
D878: 3B 00 ; End of play-field (152 rows)
D87A: 20 A6 ; SAM value 0010000__010100_110 (G6R,G6C Display=20*512=0x2800)
D87C: 23 00 ; Start of hand/heart row
D87E: 24 00 ; End of hand/heart row (8 rows)
D880: 00 00
D882: 3B 00 ; Start of hand/heart row
D884: 3C 00 ; End of hand/heart row (8 rows)
D886: 00 00
D888: 24 00 ; Start of text lines
D88A: 28 00 ; End of text lines (4*8 rows)
D88C: 00 00
D88E: 3C 00 ; Start of text lines
D890: 40 00 ; End of text lines (4*8 rows)
D892: 00 00
First Words
; FirstWords: D894: 0F D895: 30 03 4A 04 6B ; 00 "ATTACK" D89A: 28 06 C4 B4 40 ; 01 "CLIMB" D89F: 20 09 27 C0 ; 02 "DROP" D8A3: 38 0B 80 B5 2E 28 ; 03 "EXAMINE" D8A9: 18 0E 5A 00 ; 04 "GET" D8AD: 30 12 E1 85 D4 ; 05 "INCANT" D8B2: 20 18 F7 AC ; 06 "LOOK" D8B6: 20 1A FB 14 ; 07 "MOVE" D8BA: 20 21 56 30 ; 08 "PULL" D8BE: 30 24 5B 14 2C ; 09 "REVEAL" D8C3: 20 27 47 DC ; 0A "STOW" D8C7: 20 29 59 38 ; 0B "TURN" D8CB: 18 2B 32 80 ; 0C "USE" D8CF: 28 34 C7 84 80 ; 0D "ZLOAD" D8D4: 28 35 30 D8 A0 ; 0E "ZSAVE"
Second Words
D8D9: 06
D8DA: 20 18 53 50 ; 00 "LEFT"
D8DE: 28 24 93 A2 80 ; 01 "RIGHT"
D8E3: 20 04 11 AC ; 02 "BACK"
D8E7: 30 03 27 D5 C4 ; 03 "AROUND"
D8EC: 10 2B 00 ; 04 "UP"
D8EF: 20 08 FB B8 ; 05 "DOWN"
Proper Names
; index class text
D8F3: 19
D8F4: 38 67 58 48 AD 28 ; 00: 01 "SUPREME"
D8FA: 28 54 FA B0 A0 ; 01: 01 "JOULE"
D8FF: 31 0A CB 26 68 ; 02: 04 "ELVISH"
D904: 38 DA 9A 22 49 60 ; 03: 03 "MITHRIL"
D90A: 20 A6 52 C8 ; 04: 02 "SEER"
D90E: 28 28 82 DE 60 ; 05: 00 "THEWS"
D913: 20 64 96 94 ; 06: 01 "RIME"
D917: 30 AC 99 A5 EE ; 07: 02 "VISION"
D91C: 20 02 2C 94 ; 08: 00 "ABYE"
D920: 20 10 16 14 ; 09: 00 "HALE"
D924: 29 66 F6 06 40 ; 0A: 05 "SOLAR"
D929: 30 C5 27 BB 45 ; 0B: 03 "BRONZE"
D92E: 30 6D 56 0C 2E ; 0C: 01 "VULCAN"
D933: 21 13 27 B8 ; 0D: 04 "IRON"
D937: 29 59 57 06 40 ; 0E: 05 "LUNAR"
D93C: 21 60 97 14 ; 0F: 05 "PINE"
D940: 38 D8 50 D1 05 90 ; 10: 03 "LEATHER"
D946: 31 2E F7 90 AE ; 11: 04 "WOODEN"
D94B: 28 4C 97 05 80 ; 12: 01 "FINAL"
D950: 30 4A E2 C8 F9 ; 13: 01 "ENERGY"
D955: 18 52 32 80 ; 14: 01 "ICE"
D959: 20 4C 99 14 ; 15: 01 "FIRE"
D95D: 20 4E F6 10 ; 16: 01 "GOLD"
D961: 28 0A D8 53 20 ; 17: 00 "EMPTY"
D966: 21 48 50 90 ; 18: 05 "DEAD"
Class Names
ClassNames: D96A: 06 D96B: 28 0C C0 CD 60 ; 00 "FLASK" D970: 20 64 97 1C ; 01 "RING" D974: 30 A6 39 3D 8C ; 02 "SCROLL" D979: 30 E6 84 95 84 ; 03 "SHIELD" D97E: 29 27 77 C8 80 ; 04 "SWORD" D983: 29 68 F9 0D 00 ; 05 "TORCH" DemoCommands: D988: 01 ; one word D989: D8 A3 ; EXAMINE ; D98B: 03 ; three words D98C: D8 BA ; PULL D98E: D8 DE ; RIGHT D990: D9 83 ; TORCH ; D992: 02 ; two words D993: D8 CB ; USE D995: D8 DE ; RIGHT ; D997: 01 ; one word D998: D8 B2 ; LOOK ; D99A: 01 ; one word D99B: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D99D: 03 ; three words D99E: D8 BA ; PULL D9A0: D8 DA ; LEFT D9A2: D9 79 ; SHIELD ; D9A4: 03 ; three words D9A5: D8 BA ; PULL D9A7: D8 DE ; RIGHT D9A9: D9 7E ; SWORD ; D9AB: 01 ; one word D9AC: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9AE: 01 ; one word D9AF: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9B1: 02 ; two words D9B2: D8 95 ; ATTACK D9B4: D8 DE ; RIGHT ; D9B6: 02 ; two words D9B7: D8 C7 ; TURN D9B9: D8 DE ; RIGHT ; D9BB: 01 ; one word D9BC: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9BE: 01 ; one word D9BF: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9C1: 01 ; one word D9C2: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9C4: 02 ; two words D9C5: D8 C7 ; TURN D9C7: D8 DE ; RIGHT ; D9C9: 01 ; one word D9CA: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9CC: 01 ; one word D9CD: D8 B6 ; MOVE ; D9CF: FF ; End of list ; Command function jump table CommandTable: D9D0: D2 B8 ; 00 ATTACK D9D2: D4 4E ; 01 CLIMB D9D4: D5 50 ; 02 DROP D9D6: D4 81 ; 03 EXAMINE D9D8: D5 22 ; 04 GET D9DA: D5 BC ; 05 INCANT D9DC: C7 51 ; 06 LOOK D9DE: D6 D0 ; 07 MOVE D9E0: D5 89 ; 08 PULL D9E2: D6 23 ; 09 REVEAL D9E4: D5 79 ; 0A STOW D9E6: D6 3F ; 0B TURN D9E8: D7 41 ; 0C USE D9EA: D7 B7 ; 0D ZLOAD D9EC: D7 C7 ; 0E ZSAVE ; Object pictures by class ClassPictures: D9EE: DC 19 ; Flask D9F0: DC 21 ; Ring D9F2: DC 2A ; Scroll D9F4: DB FA ; Shield D9F6: DC 0F ; Sword D9F8: DC 07 ; Torch ; Object weights by class ClassWeights: D9FA: 05 ; Flask D9FB: 01 ; Ring D9FC: 0A ; Scroll D9FD: 19 ; Shield D9FE: 19 ; Sword D9FF: 0A ; Torch ObjectData: ; Object descriptors by object index ; CC RR MM PP: Class, Reveal, Magic Attack, Physical Attack ; nn Class Proper DA00: 01 FF 00 05 ; 00 Ring Supreme DA04: 01 AA 00 05 ; 01 Ring Joule DA08: 04 96 40 40 ; 02 Sword Elvish DA0C: 03 8C 0D 1A ; 03 Shield Mithril DA10: 02 82 00 05 ; 04 Scroll Seer DA14: 00 46 00 05 ; 05 Flask Thews DA18: 01 34 00 05 ; 06 Ring Rime DA1C: 02 32 00 05 ; 07 Scroll Vision DA20: 00 30 00 05 ; 08 Flask Abye DA24: 00 28 00 05 ; 09 Flask Hale DA28: 05 46 00 05 ; 0A Torch Solar DA2C: 03 19 00 1A ; 0B Shield Bronze DA30: 01 0D 00 05 ; 0C Ring Vulcan DA34: 04 0D 00 28 ; 0D Sword Iron DA38: 05 19 00 05 ; 0E Torch Lunar DA3C: 05 05 00 05 ; 0F Torch Pine DA40: 03 05 00 0A ; 10 Shield Leather DA44: 04 05 00 10 ; 11 Sword Wooden DA48: 01 00 00 00 ; 12 Ring Final DA4C: 01 00 FF FF ; 13 Ring Energy DA50: 01 00 FF FF ; 14 Ring Ice DA54: 01 00 FF FF ; 15 Ring Fire DA58: 01 00 00 05 ; 16 Ring Gold DA5C: 00 00 00 05 ; 17 Flask Empty DA60: 05 05 00 05 ; 18 Torch Dead ObjectSpecial: ; Special object properties by proper-index ; ; Thanks to Aaron Oliver for pointing out: ; Note that the physical and magic defense of the shields is swapped. This is a well known ; bug in the code. These values are multipliers. 80 means 1. 40 means 0.5. ; ; In this table the leather and bronze shields have a little reduction for magic and no ; reduction for physical. Since these are purely physical shields, the numbers should be ; reversed. The mithril shield has 0.5 for both physical and magic. ; DA64: 00 03 12 00 ; Supreme Ring (proper, strikes, ??, ??) DA68: 01 03 13 00 ; Joule Ring (proper, strikes, ??, ??) DA6C: 03 40 40 00 ; Mithril Shield (proper, magic defense, physical defense, ??) DA70: 06 03 14 00 ; Rime Ring (proper, strikes, ??, ??) DA74: 0A 3C 0D 0B ; Solar Torch (proper, minutes, physical illumination, magic illumination) DA78: 0B 60 80 00 ; Bronze Shield (proper, magic defense, physical defense, ??) DA7C: 0C 03 15 00 ; Vulcan Ring (proper, strikes, ??, ??) DA80: 0E 1E 0A 04 ; Lunar Torch (proper, minutes, physical illumination, magic illumination) DA84: 0F 0F 07 00 ; Pine Torch (proper, minutes, physical illumination, magic illumination) DA88: 10 6C 80 00 ; Leather Shield (proper, magic defense, physical defense, ??) DA8C: 18 00 00 00 ; Dead Torch (proper, minutes, physical illumination, magic illumination) DA90: FF ; End of list ObjectDist: ; This table defines how objects are distributed to creatures on the various ; levels. There are 18 types of objects from most powerful to least. Each ; type of object gets one byte ... two nibbles. The first nibble indicates ; where the object first appears. The second nibble indicates how many there ; are. For instance, the ABYE FLASK first appears on level 1. There are 6 of them. ; They are assigned to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then wrapping back around to level 1 again ; for the last one. The most powerful creatures on each level are given the most ; important objects. The Demon on level 2 gets a SEER SCROLL, though you can never ; pick it up. ; ; Note that the code assigns objects through level 5 even though there isn't a ; level 5. Based on the types of objects assigned to level 5, I believe this is ; a bug in the wrapping code and not a level that got left out. ; ; Level 0 1 2 3 4 ?5? DA91: 41 ; 00 Supreme Ring 1 start 4 -- -- -- -- 00 -- DA92: 31 ; 01 Joule Ring 1 start 3 -- -- -- 01 -- -- DA93: 31 ; 02 Elvish Sword 1 start 3 -- -- -- 02 -- -- DA94: 32 ; 03 Mithril Shield 2 start 3 -- -- -- 03 04 -- DA95: 23 ; 04 Seer Scroll 3 start 2 -- -- 05 06 07 -- DA96: 23 ; 05 Thews Flask 3 start 2 -- -- 08 09 0A -- DA97: 11 ; 06 Rime Ring 1 start 1 -- 0B -- -- -- -- DA98: 13 ; 07 Vision Scroll 3 start 1 -- 0C 0D 0E -- -- DA99: 16 ; 08 Abye Flask 6 start 1 -- 0F 14 10 11 12 13 DA9A: 14 ; 09 Hale Flask 4 start 1 -- 15 16 17 18 -- DA9B: 14 ; 0A Solar Torch 4 start 1 -- 19 1A 1B 1C -- DA9C: 16 ; 0B Bronze Shield 6 start 1 -- 1D 22 1E 1F 20 21 DA9D: 01 ; 0C Vulcan Ring 1 start 0 23 -- -- -- -- -- DA9E: 04 ; 0D Iron Sword 4 start 0 24 25 26 27 -- -- DA9F: 08 ; 0E Lunar Torch 8 start 0 28 2E 29 2F 2A 2B 2C 2D DAA0: 08 ; 0F Pine Torch 8 start 0 30 36 31 37 32 33 34 35 DAA1: 03 ; 10 Leather Shield 3 start 0 38 39 3A -- -- -- DAA2: 04 ; 11 Wooden Sword 4 start 0 3B 3C 3D 3E -- -- ; ; These are added to the backpack after all other objects have been created: ; 11 Wooden Sword 3F ; 0F Pine Torch 40 ; ; These are the objects created for the demo: ; 0D Iron Sword 3F ; 0F Pine Torch 40 ; 10 Leather Shield 41
Check List
TODO put these tables side-by-side
Start With
Level 0
Creature | Carrying |
Level 1
Creature | Carrying |
BLOB | |
BLOB | |
BLOB | |
Level 2
Creature | Carrying |
BLOB | |
BLOB | |
BLOB | |
Level 3
Creature | Carrying |
Level 4
Creature | Carrying |
BLOB | |
BLOB | |
CreaturePictures: DAA3: DE 26 ; Spider DAA5: DF CA ; Snake DAA7: DD 41 ; Giant DAA9: DE 59 ; Blob DAAB: DE 82 ; Knight DAAD: DD 51 ; Hatchet-giant DAAF: DE 3F ; Scorpion DAB1: DE 9D ; Shield-knight DAB3: DE 07 ; Wraith DAB5: DD A3 ; Galdrog DAB7: DF 65 ; Demon DAB9: DF 10 ; Wizard MonsterData: ; To-kill See MShield Damage PShield task-speed (tenths of seconds) DABB: 00 20 00 FF 80 FF 17 0B ; Spider DAC3: 00 38 00 FF 50 80 0F 07 ; Snake DACB: 00 C8 00 FF 34 C0 1D 17 ; Giant DAD3: 01 30 00 FF 60 A7 1F 1F ; Blob DADB: 01 F8 00 80 60 3C 0D 07 ; Knight DAE3: 02 C0 00 80 80 30 11 0D ; Hatchet-giant DAEB: 01 90 FF 80 FF 80 05 04 ; Scorpion DAF3: 03 20 00 40 FF 08 0D 07 ; Shield-knight DAFB: 03 20 C0 10 C0 08 03 03 ; Wraith DB03: 03 E8 FF 05 FF 03 04 03 ; Galdrog DB0B: 03 E8 FF 06 FF 00 0D 07 ; Demon DB13: 1F 40 FF 06 FF 00 0D 07 ; Wizard
Text Characters
Characters are 5x7 printed on 8x8 boundaries. The "extra" rows/columns allow for spacing between the characters. All 7 rows of a character are 5-bit-packed into 5 bytes and unpacked every single time needed.
DB1B: 30 00 00 00 00 ; SPACE 00110 > 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 ..... ..X.. XXXX. .XXX. XXXX. XXXXX XXXXX .XXXX
DB20: 31 15 18 FE 31 ; A 00110 > 00100 01010 10001 10001 11111 10001 10001 ..... .X.X. X...X X...X X...X X.... X.... X...X
DB25: 37 A3 1F 46 3E ; B 00110 > 11110 10001 10001 11110 10001 10001 11110 ..... X...X X...X X.... X...X X.... X.... X....
DB2A: 33 A3 08 42 2E ; C 00110 > 01110 10001 10000 10000 10000 10001 01110 ..... X...X XXXX. X.... X...X XXXX. XXXX. X....
DB2F: 37 A3 18 C6 3E ; D 00110 > 11110 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 11110 ..... XXXXX X...X X.... X...X X.... X.... X..XX
DB34: 37 E1 0F 42 1F ; E 00110 > 11111 10000 10000 11110 10000 10000 11111 ..... X...X X...X X...X X...X X.... X.... X...X
DB39: 37 E1 0F 42 10 ; F 00110 > 11111 10000 10000 11110 10000 10000 10000 ..... X...X XXXX. .XXX. XXXX. XXXXX X.... .XXXX
DB3E: 33 E3 08 4E 2F ; G 00110 > 01111 10001 10000 10000 10011 10001 01111
DB43: 34 63 1F C6 31 ; H 00110 > 10001 10001 10001 11111 10001 10001 10001 X...X .XXX. ....X X...X X.... X...X X...X .XXX.
DB48: 33 88 42 10 8E ; I 00110 > 01110 00100 00100 00100 00100 00100 01110 X...X ..X.. ....X X..X. X.... XX.XX X...X X...X
DB4D: 30 42 10 86 2E ; J 00110 > 00001 00001 00001 00001 00001 10001 01110 X...X ..X.. ....X X.X.. X.... X.X.X XX..X X...X
DB52: 34 65 4C 52 51 ; K 00110 > 10001 10010 10100 11000 10100 10010 10001 XXXXX ..X.. ....X XX... X.... X.X.X X.X.X X...X
DB57: 34 21 08 42 1F ; L 00110 > 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 11111 X...X ..X.. ....X X.X.. X.... X.X.X X..XX X...X
DB5C: 34 77 5A D6 31 ; M 00110 > 10001 11011 10101 10101 10101 10001 10001 X...X ..X.. X...X X..X. X.... X...X X...X X...X
DB61: 34 63 9A CE 31 ; N 00110 > 10001 10001 11001 10101 10011 10001 10001 X...X .XXX. .XXX. X...X XXXXX X...X X...X .XXX.
DB66: 33 A3 18 C6 2E ; O 00110 > 01110 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 01110
DB6B: 37 A3 1F 42 10 ; P 00110 > 11110 10001 10001 11110 10000 10000 10000 XXXX. .XXX. XXXX. .XXX. XXXXX X...X X...X X...X
DB70: 33 A3 18 D6 4D ; Q 00110 > 01110 10001 10001 10001 10101 10010 01101 X...X X...X X...X X...X X.X.X X...X X...X X...X
DB75: 37 A3 1F 52 51 ; R 00110 > 11110 10001 10001 11110 10100 10010 10001 X...X X...X X...X X.... ..X.. X...X X...X X...X
DB7A: 33 A3 07 06 2E ; S 00110 > 01110 10001 10000 01110 00001 10001 01110 XXXX. X...X XXXX. .XXX. ..X.. X...X .X.X. X.X.X
DB7F: 37 EA 42 10 84 ; T 00110 > 11111 10101 00100 00100 00100 00100 00100 X.... X.X.X X.X.. ....X ..X.. X...X .X.X. X.X.X
DB84: 34 63 18 C6 2E ; U 00110 > 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 01110 X.... X..X. X..X. X...X ..X.. X...X ..X.. XX.XX
DB89: 34 63 15 28 84 ; V 00110 > 10001 10001 10001 01010 01010 00100 00100 X.... .XX.X X...X .XXX. ..X.. .XXX. ..X.. X...X
DB8E: 34 63 1A D7 71 ; W 00110 > 10001 10001 10001 10101 10101 11011 10001
DB93: 34 62 A2 2A 31 ; X 00110 > 10001 10001 01010 00100 01010 10001 10001 X...X X...X XXXXX ..X.. ..... .XXX. .....
DB98: 34 62 A2 10 84 ; Y 00110 > 10001 10001 01010 00100 00100 00100 00100 X...X X...X ....X ..X.. ..... X...X .....
DB9D: 37 C2 22 22 1F ; Z 00110 > 11111 00001 00010 00100 01000 10000 11111 .X.X. .X.X. ...X. ..X.. ..... ....X .....
DBA2: 31 08 42 10 04 ; ! 00110 > 00100 00100 00100 00100 00100 00000 00100 ..X.. ..X.. ..X.. ..X.. ..... ..XX. .....
DBA7: 30 00 00 00 1F ; _ 00110 > 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 11111 .X.X. ..X.. .X... ..X.. ..... ..X.. .....
DBAC: 33 A2 13 10 04 ; ? 00110 > 01110 10001 00001 00110 00100 00000 00100 X...X ..X.. X.... ..... ..... ..... .....
DBB1: 30 00 00 00 04 ; . 00110 > 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00100 X...X ..X.. XXXXX ..X.. XXXXX ..X.. ..X..
Heart Pictures
DBB6: 00 00 01 01 00 00 00
; ........
; ........
; .......X
; .......X
; ........
; ........
; ........
DBBD: 00 A0 F0 F0 E0 40 00
; ........
; X.X.....
; XXXX....
; XXXX....
; XXX.....
; .X......
; ........
DBC4: 00 01 03 03 01 00 00
; ........
; .......X
; ......XX
; ......XX
; .......X
; ........
; ........
DBCB: 00 B0 F8 F8 F0 E0 40
; ........
; X.XX....
; XXXXX...
; XXXXX...
; XXXX....
; XXX.....
; .X......
; Sound effect parameters/samples ??
DBD2: 00 80 00 01 ; Wall-hit and 1st part of wizard strike
DBD6: 00 50 00 04 ; 2nd part of wizard strike
DBDA: 00 50 00 05 ; Monster death
DBDE: 03 ; Left
DBDF: DC 4F ; Left wall open
DBE1: DC 6B ; Left wall with physical door
DBE3: DC 9B ; Left magic door
DBE5: DC 33 ; Left wall solid
DBE7: 00 ; Front
DBE8: DC 6A ; Front wall open (draw nothing)
DBEA: DC 8B ; Front wall with physical door
DBEC: DC A9 ; Front wall magic door
DBEE: DC 45 ; Front wall (lines at top and bottom)
DBF0: 01 ; Right
DBF1: DC 5D ; Right wall open
DBF3: DC 7B ; Right wall with physical door
DBF5: DC A2 ; Right magic door
DBF7: DC 3C ; Right wall solid
DBF9: FF ; End
Object Pictures
; Shield
DBFA: 86 AC ; Move to absolute (172,134)
DBFC: 80 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,128)
DBFE: 7A BA ; Line to absolute (186,122)
DC00: 80 A8 ; Line to absolute (168,128)
DC02: FC ; Draw short lines
DC03: 3E ; Short line to relative (-4,6)
DC04: 04 ; Short line to relative (8,0)
DC05: 00 ; End of short lines
DC06: FE ; End of image
; Torch DC07: 76 3C ; Move to absolute (60,118) DC09: FC ; Draw short lines DC0A: F7 ; Short line to relative (14,-2) DC0B: FF ; Short line to relative (-2,-2) DC0C: 2A ; Short line to relative (-12,4) DC0D: 00 ; End of short lines DC0E: FE ; End of image
; Sword DC0F: 72 50 ; Move to absolute (80,114) DC11: 7C 64 ; Line to absolute (100,124) DC13: FF ; Start new line DC14: 76 52 ; Move to absolute (82,118) DC16: 72 56 ; Line to absolute (86,114) DC18: FE ; End of image
; Flask DC19: 6E A2 ; Move to absolute (162,110) DC1B: FC ; Draw short lines DC1C: 51 ; Short line to relative (2,10) DC1D: 0E ; Short line to relative (-4,0) DC1E: B1 ; Short line to relative (2,-10) DC1F: 00 ; End of short lines DC20: FE ; End of image
; Ring DC21: 7A 3C ; Move to absolute (60,122) DC23: FC ; Draw short lines DC24: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2) DC25: 1F ; Short line to relative (-2,2) DC26: FF ; Short line to relative (-2,-2) DC27: F1 ; Short line to relative (2,-2) DC28: 00 ; End of short lines DC29: FE ; End of image
; Scroll DC2A: 76 C2 ; Move to absolute (194,118) DC2C: FC ; Draw short lines DC2D: 1F ; Short line to relative (-2,2) DC2E: 34 ; Short line to relative (8,6) DC2F: F1 ; Short line to relative (2,-2) DC30: DC ; Short line to relative (-8,-6) DC31: 00 ; End of short lines DC32: FE ; End of image
Walls and Doors
; Left wall
DC33: 10 1B ; Move to absolute (27,16)
DC35: 26 40 ; Line to absolute (64,38)
DC37: 72 40 ; Line to absolute (64,114)
DC39: 88 1B ; Line to absolute (27,136)
DC3B: FE ; End of image
; Right wall
DC3C: 10 E5 ; Move to absolute (229,16)
DC3E: 26 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,38)
DC40: 72 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,114)
DC42: 88 E5 ; Line to absolute (229,136)
DC44: FE ; End of image
; Front wall (line at top and bottom)
DC45: 26 40 ; Move to absolute (64,38)
DC47: 26 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,38)
DC49: FF ; Start new line
DC4A: 72 40 ; Move to absolute (64,114)
DC4C: 72 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,114)
DC4E: FE ; End of image
; Left wall open
DC4F: 26 1D ; Move to absolute (29,38)
DC51: 26 40 ; Line to absolute (64,38)
DC53: 72 40 ; Line to absolute (64,114)
DC55: 72 1B ; Line to absolute (27,114)
DC57: FF ; Start new line
DC58: 10 1B ; Move to absolute (27,16)
DC5A: 26 40 ; Line to absolute (64,38)
DC5C: FE ; End of image
; Right wall open
DC5D: 26 E5 ; Move to absolute (229,38)
DC5F: 26 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,38)
DC61: 72 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,114)
DC63: 72 E5 ; Line to absolute (229,114)
DC65: FF ; Start new line
DC66: 10 E5 ; Move to absolute (229,16)
DC68: 26 C0 ; Line to absolute (192,38)
DC6A: FE ; End of image
; Left wall physical door
DC6B: 80 28 ; Move to absolute (40,128)
DC6D: 41 28 ; Line to absolute (40,65)
DC6F: 44 38 ; Line to absolute (56,68)
DC71: 77 38 ; Line to absolute (56,119)
DC73: FF ; Start new line
DC74: 5C 30 ; Move to absolute (48,92)
DC76: 5D 34 ; Line to absolute (52,93)
DC78: FD DC 33 ; Jump to DC33
; Right wall with physical door
DC7B: 80 D8 ; Line to absolute (216,128)
DC7D: 41 D8 ; Line to absolute (216,65)
DC7F: 44 C8 ; Line to absolute (200,68)
DC81: 77 C8 ; Line to absolute (200,119)
DC83: FF ; Start new line
DC84: 5C D0 ; Move to absolute (208,92)
DC86: 5D CC ; Line to absolute (204,93)
DC88: FD DC 3C ; Jump to DC3C
;Front wall with physical door
DC8B: 72 6C ; Line to absolute (108,114)
DC8D: 43 6C ; Line to absolute (108,67)
DC8F: 43 94 ; Line to absolute (148,67)
DC91: 72 94 ; Line to absolute (148,114)
DC93: FF ; Start new line
DC94: 5E 7E ; Move to absolute (126,94)
DC96: 5E 82 ; Line to absolute (130,94)
DC98: FD DC 45 ; Jump to DC45
; Left magic door
DC9B: 80 28 ; Line to absolute (40,128)
DC9D: 42 32 ; Line to absolute (50,66)
DC9F: 75 3A ; Line to absolute (58,117)
DCA1: FE ; End of image
; Right magic door
DCA2: 80 D8 ; Move to absolute (216,128)
DCA4: 42 CE ; Line to absolute (206,66)
DCA6: 75 C6 ; Line to absolute (198,117)
DCA8: FE ; End of image
; Front magic door
DCA9: 71 6C ; Move to absolute (108,113)
DCAB: 43 80 ; Line to absolute (128,67)
DCAD: 72 94 ; Line to absolute (148,114)
DCAF: FE ; End of image
; Creature on left
DCB0: 64 1C ; Move to absolute (28,100)
DCB2: FC ; Draw short lines
DCB3: 44 ; Short line to relative (8,8)
DCB4: 2E ; Short line to relative (-4,4)
DCB5: 42 ; Short line to relative (4,8)
DCB6: 4C ; Short line to relative (-8,8)
DCB7: 00 ; End of short lines
DCB8: FE ; End of image
; Creature on right
DCB9: 64 E4 ; Move to absolute (228,100)
DCBB: FC ; Draw short lines
DCBC: 4C ; Short line to relative (-8,8)
DCBD: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DCBE: 4E ; Short line to relative (-4,8)
DCBF: 44 ; Short line to relative (8,8)
DCC0: 00 ; End of short lines
DCC1: FE ; End of image
; Table for drawing holes/ladders
DCC2: DD 0E ; Hole in ceiling
DCC4: DC CA ; Ladder through ceiling
DCC6: DD 2A ; Hole in floor
DCC8: DC D0 ; Ladder through floor
Holes and Ladders
; Ladder through ceiling DCCA: FB DC D6 ; Ladder subroutine DCCD: FD DD 0E ; Hole in ceiling ; Ladder through floor DCD0: FB DC D6 ; Ladder subroutine DCD3: FD DD 2A ; Hole in floor ; Ladder subroutine DCD6: 18 74 ; Move to absolute (116,24) DCD8: 80 74 ; Line to absolute (116,128) DCDA: FF ; Start new line DCDB: 18 8C ; Move to absolute (140,24) DCDD: 80 8C ; Line to absolute (140,128) DCDF: FF ; Start new line DCE0: 1C 74 ; Move to absolute (116,28) DCE2: 1C 8C ; Line to absolute (140,28) DCE4: FF ; Start new line DCE5: 28 74 ; Move to absolute (116,40) DCE7: 28 8C ; Line to absolute (140,40) DCE9: FF ; Start new line DCEA: 34 74 ; Move to absolute (116,52) DCEC: 34 8C ; Line to absolute (140,52) DCEE: FF ; Start new line DCEF: 40 74 ; Move to absolute (116,64) DCF1: 40 8C ; Line to absolute (140,64) DCF3: FF ; Start new line DCF4: 4C 74 ; Move to absolute (116,76) DCF6: 4C 8C ; Line to absolute (140,76) DCF8: FF ; Start new line DCF9: 58 74 ; Move to absolute (116,88) DCFB: 58 8C ; Line to absolute (140,88) DCFD: FF ; Start new line DCFE: 64 74 ; Move to absolute (116,100) DD00: 64 8C ; Line to absolute (140,100) DD02: FF ; Start new line DD03: 70 74 ; Move to absolute (116,112) DD05: 70 8C ; Line to absolute (140,112) DD07: FF ; Start new line DD08: 7B 74 ; Move to absolute (116,123) DD0A: 7B 8C ; Line to absolute (140,123) DD0C: FF ; Start new line DD0D: FA ; Return ; Hole in ceiling DD0E: 22 64 ; Move to absolute (100,34) DD10: 18 5C ; Line to absolute (92,24) DD12: 18 A4 ; Line to absolute (164,24) DD14: 22 9C ; Line to absolute (156,34) DD16: 22 64 ; Line to absolute (100,34) DD18: 18 64 ; Line to absolute (100,24) DD1A: FF ; Start new line DD1B: 22 9C ; Move to absolute (156,34) DD1D: 18 9C ; Line to absolute (156,24) DD1F: FF ; Start new line DD20: 1C 2F ; Move to absolute (47,28) DD22: 1C 60 ; Line to absolute (96,28) DD24: FF ; Start new line DD25: 1C A1 ; Move to absolute (161,28) DD27: 1C D2 ; Line to absolute (210,28) DD29: FE ; End of image ; Hole in floor DD2A: 76 64 ; Move to absolute (100,118) DD2C: 80 5C ; Line to absolute (92,128) DD2E: 80 A4 ; Line to absolute (164,128) DD30: 76 9C ; Line to absolute (156,118) DD32: 76 64 ; Line to absolute (100,118) DD34: 80 64 ; Line to absolute (100,128) DD36: FF ; Start new line DD37: 76 9C ; Move to absolute (156,118) DD39: 80 9C ; Line to absolute (156,128) DD3B: FF ; Start new line DD3C: 1C 2F ; Move to absolute (47,28) DD3E: 1C D2 ; Line to absolute (210,28) DD40: FE ; End of image
Club Giant Picture
DD41: 68 62 ; Move to absolute (98,104)
DD43: FC ; Draw short lines
DD44: D7 ; Short line to relative (14,-6)
DD45: D4 ; Short line to relative (8,-6)
DD46: 14 ; Short line to relative (8,2)
DD47: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DD48: 30 ; Short line to relative (0,6)
DD49: 1D ; Short line to relative (-6,2)
DD4A: 0D ; Short line to relative (-6,0)
DD4B: FD ; Short line to relative (-6,-2)
DD4C: 29 ; Short line to relative (-14,4)
DD4D: 00 ; End of short lines
DD4E: FD DD 62 ; Jump to DD62
Hatchet Giant Picture
; Giant (with hatchet)
DD51: 68 62 ; Move to absolute (98,104)
DD53: 5E 7C ; Line to absolute (124,94)
DD55: 60 7E ; Line to absolute (126,96)
DD57: 6A 64 ; Line to absolute (100,106)
DD59: FF ; Start new line
DD5A: 66 84 ; Move to absolute (132,102)
DD5C: 5C 72 ; Line to absolute (114,92)
DD5E: 66 76 ; Line to absolute (118,102)
DD60: 6E 72 ; Line to absolute (114,110)
; Common Giant
DD62: 66 84 ; Line to absolute (132,102)
DD64: FC ; Draw short lines
DD65: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DD66: 56 ; Short line to relative (12,10)
DD67: 56 ; Short line to relative (12,10)
DD68: 17 ; Short line to relative (14,2)
DD69: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DD6A: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DD6B: EA ; Short line to relative (-12,-4)
DD6C: BB ; Short line to relative (-10,-10)
DD6D: BB ; Short line to relative (-10,-10)
DD6E: EA ; Short line to relative (-12,-4)
DD6F: EA ; Short line to relative (-12,-4)
DD70: 00 ; End of short lines
DD71: 4E 5C ; Move to absolute (92,78)
DD73: FC ; Draw short lines
DD74: C2 ; Short line to relative (4,-8)
DD75: 51 ; Short line to relative (2,10)
DD76: 3E ; Short line to relative (-4,6)
DD77: CF ; Short line to relative (-2,-8)
DD78: FC ; Short line to relative (-8,-2)
DD79: 42 ; Short line to relative (4,8)
DD7A: 13 ; Short line to relative (6,2)
DD7B: 00 ; End of short lines
DD7C: 6A 5A ; Move to absolute (90,106)
DD7E: FC ; Draw short lines
DD7F: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DD80: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2)
DD81: F3 ; Short line to relative (6,-2)
DD82: 62 ; Short line to relative (4,12)
DD83: 39 ; Short line to relative (-14,6)
DD84: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DD85: 0C ; Short line to relative (-8,0)
DD86: E4 ; Short line to relative (8,-4)
DD87: 8A ; Short line to relative (-12,-16)
DD88: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DD89: 00 ; End of short lines
DD8A: 56 54 ; Move to absolute (84,86)
DD8C: FC ; Draw short lines
DD8D: 54 ; Short line to relative (8,10)
DD8E: 65 ; Short line to relative (10,12)
DD8F: 2E ; Short line to relative (-4,4)
DD90: CA ; Short line to relative (-12,-8)
DD91: BA ; Short line to relative (-12,-10)
DD92: A1 ; Short line to relative (2,-12)
DD93: D4 ; Short line to relative (8,-6)
DD94: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DD95: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DD96: D2 ; Short line to relative (4,-6)
DD97: 13 ; Short line to relative (6,2)
DD98: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DD99: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DD9A: F6 ; Short line to relative (12,-2)
DD9B: 24 ; Short line to relative (8,4)
DD9C: 72 ; Short line to relative (4,14)
DD9D: 58 ; Short line to relative (-16,10)
DD9E: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DD9F: C5 ; Short line to relative (10,-8)
DDA0: BE ; Short line to relative (-4,-10)
DDA1: 00 ; End of short lines
DDA2: FE ; End of image
Galdrog Picture
DDA3: 50 7C ; Move to absolute (124,80)
DDA5: 5E 72 ; Line to absolute (114,94)
DDA7: 6E 78 ; Line to absolute (120,110)
DDA9: 84 70 ; Line to absolute (112,132)
DDAB: 68 4E ; Line to absolute (78,104)
DDAD: 84 30 ; Line to absolute (48,132)
DDAF: 44 48 ; Line to absolute (72,68)
DDB1: 54 20 ; Line to absolute (32,84)
DDB3: 16 58 ; Line to absolute (88,22)
DDB5: 34 72 ; Line to absolute (114,52)
DDB7: 5C 80 ; Line to absolute (128,92)
DDB9: 34 8E ; Line to absolute (142,52)
DDBB: 16 A8 ; Line to absolute (168,22)
DDBD: 58 E0 ; Line to absolute (224,88)
DDBF: 44 B8 ; Line to absolute (184,68)
DDC1: 84 D0 ; Line to absolute (208,132)
DDC3: 70 B2 ; Line to absolute (178,112)
DDC5: 84 90 ; Line to absolute (144,132)
DDC7: 6E 88 ; Line to absolute (136,110)
DDC9: 5E 8E ; Line to absolute (142,94)
DDCB: 50 84 ; Line to absolute (132,80)
DDCD: FF ; Start new line
DDCE: 84 70 ; Move to absolute (112,132)
DDD0: FC ; Draw short lines
DDD1: C5 ; Short line to relative (10,-8)
DDD2: 92 ; Short line to relative (4,-14)
DDD3: BE ; Short line to relative (-4,-10)
DDD4: C3 ; Short line to relative (6,-8)
DDD5: 43 ; Short line to relative (6,8)
DDD6: 5E ; Short line to relative (-4,10)
DDD7: 72 ; Short line to relative (4,14)
DDD8: 45 ; Short line to relative (10,8)
DDD9: 00 ; End of short lines
DDDA: 52 7A ; Move to absolute (122,82)
DDDC: FC ; Draw short lines
DDDD: 78 ; Short line to relative (-16,14)
DDDE: E9 ; Short line to relative (-14,-4)
DDDF: 8D ; Short line to relative (-6,-16)
DDE0: EC ; Short line to relative (-8,-4)
DDE1: 33 ; Short line to relative (6,6)
DDE2: 0C ; Short line to relative (-8,0)
DDE3: 24 ; Short line to relative (8,4)
DDE4: 72 ; Short line to relative (4,14)
DDE5: 47 ; Short line to relative (14,8)
DDE6: E7 ; Short line to relative (14,-4)
DDE7: 00 ; End of short lines
DDE8: 16 A8 ; Move to absolute (168,22)
DDEA: FC ; Draw short lines
DDEB: 2D ; Short line to relative (-6,4)
DDEC: C2 ; Short line to relative (4,-8)
DDED: 3D ; Short line to relative (-6,6)
DDEE: 30 ; Short line to relative (0,6)
DDEF: 4B ; Short line to relative (-10,8)
DDF0: 4B ; Short line to relative (-10,8)
DDF1: ED ; Short line to relative (-6,-4)
DDF2: B2 ; Short line to relative (4,-10)
DDF3: 9D ; Short line to relative (-6,-14)
DDF4: 71 ; Short line to relative (2,14)
DDF5: 3D ; Short line to relative (-6,6)
DDF6: DD ; Short line to relative (-6,-6)
DDF7: 91 ; Short line to relative (2,-14)
DDF8: 7D ; Short line to relative (-6,14)
DDF9: 52 ; Short line to relative (4,10)
DDFA: 63 ; Short line to relative (6,12)
DDFB: A3 ; Short line to relative (6,-12)
DDFC: 2D ; Short line to relative (-6,4)
DDFD: ED ; Short line to relative (-6,-4)
DDFE: 2D ; Short line to relative (-6,4)
DDFF: CB ; Short line to relative (-10,-8)
DE00: CB ; Short line to relative (-10,-8)
DE01: D0 ; Short line to relative (0,-6)
DE02: DD ; Short line to relative (-6,-6)
DE03: 42 ; Short line to relative (4,8)
DE04: ED ; Short line to relative (-6,-4)
DE05: 00 ; End of short lines
DE06: FE ; End of image
Wraith Picture
DE07: 3E 44 ; Move to absolute (68,62)
DE09: 44 58 ; Line to absolute (88,68)
DE0B: 38 64 ; Line to absolute (100,56)
DE0D: FF ; Start new line
DE0E: 4A 5A ; Move to absolute (90,74)
DE10: 46 4A ; Line to absolute (74,70)
DE12: FC ; Draw short lines
DE13: 33 ; Short line to relative (6,6)
DE14: F5 ; Short line to relative (10,-2)
DE15: F5 ; Short line to relative (10,-2)
DE16: C1 ; Short line to relative (2,-8)
DE17: 5A ; Short line to relative (-12,10)
DE18: 62 ; Short line to relative (4,12)
DE19: 0E ; Short line to relative (-4,0)
DE1A: 00 ; End of short lines
DE1B: 64 50 ; Move to absolute (80,100)
DE1D: FC ; Draw short lines
DE1E: B3 ; Short line to relative (6,-10)
DE1F: 17 ; Short line to relative (14,2)
DE20: 34 ; Short line to relative (8,6)
DE21: EB ; Short line to relative (-10,-4)
DE22: 0A ; Short line to relative (-12,0)
DE23: 3D ; Short line to relative (-6,6)
DE24: 00 ; End of short lines
DE25: FE ; End of image
Spider Picture
DE26: 7C A0 ; Move to absolute (160,124)
DE28: FC ; Draw short lines
DE29: C2 ; Short line to relative (4,-8)
DE2A: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DE2B: E4 ; Short line to relative (8,-4)
DE2C: 24 ; Short line to relative (8,4)
DE2D: 2C ; Short line to relative (-8,4)
DE2E: EC ; Short line to relative (-8,-4)
DE2F: 04 ; Short line to relative (8,0)
DE30: 04 ; Short line to relative (8,0)
DE31: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DE32: 42 ; Short line to relative (4,8)
DE33: 00 ; End of short lines
DE34: 7C A8 ; Move to absolute (168,124)
DE36: FC ; Draw short lines
DE37: C1 ; Short line to relative (2,-8)
DE38: 21 ; Short line to relative (2,4)
DE39: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DE3A: F2 ; Short line to relative (4,-2)
DE3B: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DE3C: 41 ; Short line to relative (2,8)
DE3D: 00 ; End of short lines
DE3E: FE ; End of image
Scorpion Picture
DE3F: 70 4A ; Move to absolute (74,112)
DE41: FC ; Draw short lines
DE42: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DE43: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DE44: 2C ; Short line to relative (-8,4)
DE45: 42 ; Short line to relative (4,8)
DE46: 14 ; Short line to relative (8,2)
DE47: 14 ; Short line to relative (8,2)
DE48: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DE49: 0C ; Short line to relative (-8,0)
DE4A: CC ; Short line to relative (-8,-8)
DE4B: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DE4C: 0C ; Short line to relative (-8,0)
DE4D: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DE4E: 00 ; End of short lines
DE4F: 7C 5A ; Move to absolute (90,124)
DE51: FC ; Draw short lines
DE52: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DE53: 0C ; Short line to relative (-8,0)
DE54: 2C ; Short line to relative (-8,4)
DE55: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DE56: 04 ; Short line to relative (8,0)
DE57: 00 ; End of short lines
DE58: FE ; End of image
Blob Picture
; Body outline
DE59: 52 82 ; Move to absolute (130,82)
DE5B: FC ; Draw short lines
DE5C: 28 ; Short line to relative (-16,4)
DE5D: 7D ; Short line to relative (-6,14)
DE5E: 5F ; Short line to relative (-2,10)
DE5F: 50 ; Short line to relative (0,10)
DE60: 5B ; Short line to relative (-10,10)
DE61: F5 ; Short line to relative (10,-2)
DE62: 2F ; Short line to relative (-2,4)
DE63: D5 ; Short line to relative (10,-6)
DE64: 17 ; Short line to relative (14,2)
DE65: 17 ; Short line to relative (14,2)
DE66: F3 ; Short line to relative (6,-2)
DE67: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DE68: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DE69: 14 ; Short line to relative (8,2)
DE6A: DD ; Short line to relative (-6,-6)
DE6B: 8F ; Short line to relative (-2,-16)
DE6C: 8D ; Short line to relative (-6,-16)
DE6D: DB ; Short line to relative (-10,-6)
DE6E: EC ; Short line to relative (-8,-4)
DE6F: 00 ; End of short lines
; Eyes
DE70: 56 82 ; Move to absolute (130,86)
DE72: FC ; Draw short lines
DE73: 33 ; Short line to relative (6,6)
DE74: 31 ; Short line to relative (2,6)
DE75: 1B ; Short line to relative (-10,2)
DE76: 91 ; Short line to relative (2,-14)
DE77: 3B ; Short line to relative (-10,6)
DE78: 5F ; Short line to relative (-2,10)
DE79: F5 ; Short line to relative (10,-2)
DE7A: 00 ; End of short lines
; Mouth
DE7B: 6C 74 ; Move to absolute (116,108)
DE7D: 72 76 ; Line to (118,114)
DE7F: 78 90 ; Line to (144,120)
DE81: FE ; End of image
Knight Picture
DE82: 22 7C ; Move to absolute (124,34)
DE84: FC ; Draw short lines
DE85: 04 ; Short line to relative (8,0)
DE86: 1F ; Short line to relative (-2,2)
DE87: 0E ; Short line to relative (-4,0)
DE88: FF ; Short line to relative (-2,-2)
DE89: 00 ; End of short lines
DE8A: 50 8E ; Move to absolute (142,80)
DE8C: 40 88 ; Line to absolute (136,64)
DE8E: 2E 92 ; Line to absolute (146,46)
DE90: 40 9C ; Line to absolute (156,64)
DE92: 52 8C ; Line to absolute (140,82)
DE94: 4C 88 ; Line to absolute (136,76)
DE96: 40 92 ; Line to absolute (146,64)
DE98: 3A 8C ; Line to absolute (140,58)
DE9A: FD DE B3 ; Jump to DEB3
Shield Knight Picture
DE9D: 1E 7E ; Line to absolute (126,30)
DE9F: FC ; Draw short lines
DEA0: 50 ; Short line to relative (0,10)
DEA1: 0F ; Short line to relative (-2,0)
DEA2: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DEA3: 00 ; End of short lines
DEA4: 2C 96 ; Move to absolute (150,44)
DEA6: 34 A6 ; Line to absolute (166,52)
DEA8: 4C A4 ; Line to absolute (164,76)
DEAA: 5C 96 ; Line to absolute (150,92)
DEAC: 4C 88 ; Line to absolute (136,76)
DEAE: 34 86 ; Line to absolute (134,52)
DEB0: 2C 96 ; Line to absolute (150,44)
DEB2: FF ; Start new line
; Common knight
DEB3: 50 8C ; Move to absolute (140,80)
DEB5: 80 98 ; Line to absolute (152,128)
DEB7: 84 A0 ; Line to absolute (160,132)
DEB9: 84 90 ; Line to absolute (144,132)
DEBB: 7E 90 ; Line to absolute (144,126)
DEBD: 54 82 ; Line to absolute (130,84)
DEBF: FF ; Start new line
DEC0: 54 7E ; Move to absolute (126,84)
DEC2: 7E 6E ; Line to absolute (110,126)
DEC4: 84 6E ; Line to absolute (110,132)
DEC6: 84 5C ; Line to absolute (92,132)
DEC8: 80 66 ; Line to absolute (102,128)
DECA: 50 74 ; Line to absolute (116,80)
DECC: FF ; Start new line
DECD: 50 8C ; Move to absolute (140,80)
DECF: FC ; Draw short lines
DED0: 3A ; Short line to relative (-12,6)
DED1: D9 ; Short line to relative (-14,-6)
DED2: 83 ; Short line to relative (6,-16)
DED3: DE ; Short line to relative (-4,-6)
DED4: AD ; Short line to relative (-6,-12)
DED5: E6 ; Short line to relative (12,-4)
DED6: A1 ; Short line to relative (2,-12)
DED7: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DED8: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DED9: 61 ; Short line to relative (2,12)
DEDA: 26 ; Short line to relative (12,4)
DEDB: EA ; Short line to relative (-12,-4)
DEDC: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DEDD: 3D ; Short line to relative (-6,6)
DEDE: DD ; Short line to relative (-6,-6)
DEDF: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DEE0: 00 ; End of short lines
DEE1: 34 80 ; Move to absolute (128,52)
DEE3: 14 80 ; Line to absolute (128,20)
DEE5: FC ; Draw short lines
DEE6: 0E ; Short line to relative (-4,0)
DEE7: 21 ; Short line to relative (2,4)
DEE8: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DEE9: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DEEA: 0E ; Short line to relative (-4,0)
DEEB: 00 ; End of short lines
DEEC: 4A 66 ; Move to absolute (102,74)
DEEE: FC ; Draw short lines
DEEF: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DEF0: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DEF1: D0 ; Short line to relative (0,-6)
DEF2: 08 ; Short line to relative (-16,0)
DEF3: 30 ; Short line to relative (0,6)
DEF4: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DEF5: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DEF6: 01 ; Short line to relative (2,0)
DEF7: 30 ; Short line to relative (0,6)
DEF8: 02 ; Short line to relative (4,0)
DEF9: D0 ; Short line to relative (0,-6)
DEFA: 01 ; Short line to relative (2,0)
DEFB: 87 ; Short line to relative (14,-16)
DEFC: 00 ; End of short lines
DEFD: 2E 6E ; Move to absolute (110,46)
DEFF: 40 66 ; Line to absolute (102,64)
DF01: 40 64 ; Line to absolute (100,64)
DF03: 1E 66 ; Line to absolute (102,30)
DF05: 14 62 ; Line to absolute (98,20)
DF07: 1E 5E ; Line to absolute (94,30)
DF09: 40 60 ; Line to absolute (96,64)
DF0B: 40 62 ; Line to absolute (98,64)
DF0D: 14 62 ; Line to absolute (98,20)
DF0F: FE ; End of image
Moon Wizard Picture
DF10: 2E 62 ; Move to absolute (98,46)
DF12: FC ; Draw short lines
DF13: 21 ; Short line to relative (2,4)
DF14: 2F ; Short line to relative (-2,4)
DF15: 2D ; Short line to relative (-6,4)
DF16: FD ; Short line to relative (-6,-2)
DF17: CE ; Short line to relative (-4,-8)
DF18: C2 ; Short line to relative (4,-8)
DF19: F2 ; Short line to relative (4,-2)
DF1A: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DF1B: 0F ; Short line to relative (-2,0)
DF1C: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DF1D: 3F ; Short line to relative (-2,6)
DF1E: 21 ; Short line to relative (2,4)
DF1F: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DF20: E3 ; Short line to relative (6,-4)
DF21: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DF22: 00 ; End of short lines
DF23: 68 9A ; Move to absolute (154,104)
DF25: FC ; Draw short lines
DF26: 21 ; Short line to relative (2,4)
DF27: 2F ; Short line to relative (-2,4)
DF28: 2D ; Short line to relative (-6,4)
DF29: FD ; Short line to relative (-6,-2)
DF2A: CE ; Short line to relative (-4,-8)
DF2B: C2 ; Short line to relative (4,-8)
DF2C: F2 ; Short line to relative (4,-2)
DF2D: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DF2E: 0F ; Short line to relative (-2,0)
DF2F: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DF30: 3F ; Short line to relative (-2,6)
DF31: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DF32: 12 ; Short line to relative (4,2)
DF33: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DF34: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DF35: 00 ; End of short lines
DF36: FD DF 65 ; Jump to DF65
Star Wizard Picture
DF39: 28 56 ; Move to absolute (86,40)
DF3B: 40 5C ; Line to absolute (92,64)
DF3D: 2A 64 ; Line to absolute (100,42)
DF3F: 36 52 ; Line to absolute (82,54)
DF41: 38 68 ; Line to absolute (104,56)
DF43: 28 56 ; Line to absolute (86,40)
DF45: FF ; Start new line
DF46: 42 8C ; Move to absolute (140,66)
DF48: FC ; Draw short lines
DF49: 70 ; Short line to relative (0,14)
DF4A: AD ; Short line to relative (-6,-12)
DF4B: 35 ; Short line to relative (10,6)
DF4C: 1B ; Short line to relative (-10,2)
DF4D: B3 ; Short line to relative (6,-10)
DF4E: 00 ; End of short lines
DF4F: 60 92 ; Move to absolute (146,96)
DF51: 78 94 ; Line to absolute (148,120)
DF53: 64 88 ; Line to absolute (136,100)
DF55: 6A 9A ; Line to absolute (154,106)
DF57: 74 8A ; Line to absolute (138,116)
DF59: 60 92 ; Line to absolute (146,96)
DF5B: FF ; Start new line
DF5C: 50 74 ; Move to absolute (116,80)
DF5E: FC ; Draw short lines
DF5F: 53 ; Short line to relative (6,10)
DF60: EC ; Short line to relative (-8,-4)
DF61: E4 ; Short line to relative (8,-4)
DF62: 4D ; Short line to relative (-6,8)
DF63: B0 ; Short line to relative (0,-10)
DF64: 00 ; End of short lines
Demon Picture
DF65: 40 7C ; Move to absolute (124,64)
DF67: FC ; Draw short lines
DF68: 4E ; Short line to relative (-4,8)
DF69: C0 ; Short line to relative (0,-8)
DF6A: 7B ; Short line to relative (-10,14)
DF6B: 9C ; Short line to relative (-8,-14)
DF6C: D4 ; Short line to relative (8,-6)
DF6D: E4 ; Short line to relative (8,-4)
DF6E: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DF6F: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DF70: DD ; Short line to relative (-6,-6)
DF71: 1C ; Short line to relative (-8,2)
DF72: 96 ; Short line to relative (12,-14)
DF73: 03 ; Short line to relative (6,0)
DF74: 00 ; End of short lines
DF75: 1C 82 ; Move to absolute (130,28)
DF77: FC ; Draw short lines
DF78: 03 ; Short line to relative (6,0)
DF79: 45 ; Short line to relative (10,8)
DF7A: 71 ; Short line to relative (2,14)
DF7B: DA ; Short line to relative (-12,-6)
DF7C: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DF7D: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2)
DF7E: E1 ; Short line to relative (2,-4)
DF7F: 00 ; End of short lines
DF80: 30 86 ; Move to absolute (134,48)
DF82: 36 8E ; Line to absolute (142,54)
DF84: 74 A4 ; Line to absolute (164,116)
DF86: 84 84 ; Line to absolute (132,132)
DF88: 82 76 ; Line to absolute (118,130)
DF8A: 78 5E ; Line to absolute (94,120)
DF8C: 5A 6E ; Line to absolute (110,90)
DF8E: 84 84 ; Line to absolute (132,132)
DF90: 48 6A ; Line to absolute (106,72)
DF92: FF ; Start new line
DF93: 40 66 ; Move to absolute (102,64)
DF95: FC ; Draw short lines
DF96: 1F ; Short line to relative (-2,2)
DF97: BD ; Short line to relative (-6,-10)
DF98: F1 ; Short line to relative (2,-2)
DF99: 53 ; Short line to relative (6,10)
DF9A: 00 ; End of short lines
DF9B: 42 66 ; Move to absolute (102,66)
DF9D: FC ; Draw short lines
DF9E: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DF9F: 32 ; Short line to relative (4,6)
DFA0: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2)
DFA1: 73 ; Short line to relative (6,14)
DFA2: 00 ; End of short lines
DFA3: 58 70 ; Move to absolute (112,88)
DFA5: 48 78 ; Line to absolute (120,72)
DFA7: FF ; Start new line
DFA8: 3E 84 ; Move to absolute (132,62)
DFAA: 14 80 ; Line to absolute (128,20)
DFAC: 34 7A ; Line to absolute (122,52)
DFAE: 40 7A ; Line to absolute (122,64)
DFB0: 3C 7C ; Line to absolute (124,60)
DFB2: 72 80 ; Line to absolute (128,114)
DFB4: 50 82 ; Line to absolute (130,80)
DFB6: 44 82 ; Line to absolute (130,68)
DFB8: 3E 84 ; Line to absolute (132,62)
DFBA: FF ; Start new line
DFBB: 28 82 ; Move to absolute (130,40)
DFBD: FC ; Draw short lines
DFBE: FF ; Short line to relative (-2,-2)
DFBF: 1E ; Short line to relative (-4,2)
DFC0: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2)
DFC1: F2 ; Short line to relative (4,-2)
DFC2: 3F ; Short line to relative (-2,6)
DFC3: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DFC4: 0F ; Short line to relative (-2,0)
DFC5: C0 ; Short line to relative (0,-8)
DFC6: FF ; Short line to relative (-2,-2)
DFC7: 31 ; Short line to relative (2,6)
DFC8: 00 ; End of short lines
DFC9: FE ; End of image
Snake Picture
DFCA: 84 82 ; Move to absolute (130,132)
DFCC: 70 7A ; Line to absolute (122,112)
DFCE: 5C 7C ; Line to absolute (124,92)
DFD0: 5E 7E ; Line to absolute (126,94)
DFD2: 5E 82 ; Line to absolute (130,94)
DFD4: 5C 84 ; Line to absolute (132,92)
DFD6: 70 82 ; Line to absolute (130,112)
DFD8: 80 8C ; Line to absolute (140,128)
DFDA: 84 88 ; Line to absolute (136,132)
DFDC: 84 72 ; Line to absolute (114,132)
DFDE: 78 6C ; Line to absolute (108,120)
DFE0: 6A 76 ; Line to absolute (118,106)
DFE2: 78 70 ; Line to absolute (112,120)
DFE4: 7C 74 ; Line to absolute (116,124)
DFE6: 7C 7E ; Line to absolute (126,124)
DFE8: FF ; Start new line
DFE9: 64 78 ; Move to absolute (120,100)
DFEB: FC ; Draw short lines
DFEC: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DFED: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DFEE: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DFEF: E0 ; Short line to relative (0,-4)
DFF0: F1 ; Short line to relative (2,-2)
DFF1: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DFF2: EE ; Short line to relative (-4,-4)
DFF3: 06 ; Short line to relative (12,0)
DFF4: 2E ; Short line to relative (-4,4)
DFF5: E2 ; Short line to relative (4,-4)
DFF6: 11 ; Short line to relative (2,2)
DFF7: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DFF8: 2E ; Short line to relative (-4,4)
DFF9: 22 ; Short line to relative (4,4)
DFFA: 20 ; Short line to relative (0,4)
DFFB: 00 ; End of short lines
DFFC: FE ; End of image
DFFD: 4B 53 4B ; "KSK" Initials of Keith S. Kiyohara, co-creator of the game