TRS80 Hardware
Memory Map
- 0000-2FFF Level 2 ROM
- 3000-37DF Unused
- 37E0-37FF Memory Mapped I/O
- 3800-38FF Keyboard map
- 3900-3BFF (Keyboard map shadow)
- 3C00-3FFF 1KB Video RAM
- 4000-41FF RAM used by the ROM routines
- 4200-4FFF Usable RAM in a 4K machine
- 5000-7FFF Usable RAM in a 16K machine
- 8000-BFFF Additional RAM in a 32K machine
- C000-FFFF Still more RAM in a 48K machine
Start of user RAM for program storage: 42E9
0033 | PrintChar | Print a character to the screen |