Each memory bank: 0000 - 033F - 32x26 foreground tiles 0340 - 07FF 0800 - 0B3F - 32x26 background tiles 0B40 - 0FFF The lower bit of video register 50xx selects the memory bank and the screen flipping for cocktail mode (if cocktail mode is available via dipswitch). When the 2nd bank is selected (and switch) then the screen is flipped. The next-to-lowest bit control the color palette for both foreground and background.
From phoenix.cpp:
map(0x0000, 0x3fff).rom(); map(0x4000, 0x4fff).bankr("bank1").w(FUNC(phoenix_state::phoenix_videoram_w)); /* 2 pages selected by bit 0 of the video register */ map(0x5000, 0x53ff).w(FUNC(phoenix_state::phoenix_videoreg_w)); map(0x5800, 0x5bff).w(FUNC(phoenix_state::phoenix_scroll_w)); map(0x6000, 0x63ff).w("cust", FUNC(phoenix_sound_device::control_a_w)); map(0x6800, 0x6bff).w("cust", FUNC(phoenix_sound_device::control_b_w)); map(0x7000, 0x73ff).portr("IN0"); /* IN0 or IN1 */ map(0x7800, 0x7bff).portr("DSW0"); /* DSW */
Upper bit of DSW (0x78xx) is a screen-blanking flag. 0=in_VBLANK 1=not_in_VBLANK
0x7000 Bit goes from 1 to 0 when a button is pressed: 0xBF..1011_1111 = button 'left' 0xDF..1101_1111 = button 'right' 0xEF..1110_1111 = button 'fire' 0x7F..0111_1111 = button 'shield' 0xFD..1111_1101 = button '1 player start' 0xFB..1111_1011 = button '2 players start' 0xFE..1111_1110 = coin is inserted 0xFF..1111_1111 = no button pressed
Music: Melody chip used is a 18 pin DIL IC: Matsushita MN6221AA (and rare MN6221AB playing different tunes). For technical details and the differences with tunes, see: https://eleken.y-lab.org/melody_ic/MN6221.shtml
Tune1 -- Alarm sound Tune2 -- Fuer Elise, Beethoven 0x6800 = 1000_1111 Tune3 -- ESTUDIO (Phoenix theme song) 0x6800 = 1100_1111 Tune4 -- single notes
Switch Settings
LL_BB_C_xx_M LL: Number of lives 11 = three 01 = four 10 = five 00 = six BB: Bonus lives at 11 = 3K/30K 01 = 4K/40K 10 = 5K/50K 00 = 6K/60K C: Coinage 1 = 1 coin for 1 credit 0 = 2 coins for 1 credit M: Cabinet mode 1 = cocktail 0 = upright
5000 | videoRegister | Lower bit selects the RAM bank |
5800 | scrollRegister | Screen scrolling |
6000 | soundControlA | Sound control A |
6800 | soundControlB | Sound control B |
7000 | IN0 | Player inputs |
7800 | DSW0 | DIP switch settings |