2000 | P_CNTRL_1 | n+sbiaa | |
2001 | P_CNTRL_2 | ||
2002 | P_STATUS | ||
2003 | P_SPR_ADDR | destination address for port 2004 and 4014 (incremented with write ... not read) | |
2004 | P_SPR_DATA | read/write data | |
2005 | P_BKG_SCROLL | ||
2006 | P_VRAM_ADDR | ||
2007 | P_VRAM_DATA | ||
4000 | S_SQR1_A | tt_c_d_vvvv t=duty type, c=decay_looping/length, d=decay disable, v=volume/decay_rate | |
4001 | S_SQR1_B | e_rrr_o_sss e=sweep enable, r=sweep rate, o=decrease/increase, s=right shift amount | |
4002 | S_SQR1_C | wwwwwwww LSB of wavelength | |
4003 | S_SQR1_D | nnnnn_xxx n=length counter reload, x=MSB of wavelength | |
4004 | S_SQR2_A | tt_c_d_vvvv t=duty type, c=decay_looping/length, d=decay disable, v=volume/decay_rate | |
4005 | S_SQR2_B | e_rrr_o_sss e=sweep enable, r=sweep rate, o=decrease/increase, s=right shift amount | |
4006 | S_SQR2_C | wwwwwwww LSB of wavelength | |
4007 | S_SQR2_D | nnnnn_xxx n=length counter reload, x=MSB of wavelength | |
4008 | S_TRI_A | c_aaaaaaa c=linear counter start, a=linear counter load | |
4009 | S_TRI_B | ++++++++ unused | |
400A | S_TRI_C | wwwwwwww LSB of wavelength | |
400B | S_TRI_D | nnnnn_xxx n=length counter reload, x=MSB of wavelength | |
400C | S_NOI_A | ++_c_d_vvvv c=decay_looping/length, d=decay disable, v=volume/decay_rate | |
400D | S_NOI_B | ++++++++ unused | |
400E | S_NOI_C | g_+++_pppp g=random generation type, p=playback rate | |
400F | S_NOI_D | nnnnn_xxx n=length counter reload, x=MSB of wavelength | |
4010 | S_DMC_A | mm_++_ffff m=mode, f=frequency | |
4011 | S_DMC_B | +_vvvvvv_d v=load value of delta counter, d=LSB of DAC | |
4012 | S_DMC_C | aaaaaaaa DMA start address (shl 6) | |
4013 | S_DMC_D | cccccccc Length of DMA data (shl 4) | |
4014 | P_SPR_DMA | ||
4015 | S_Status | i_q_+_d_ntba i=IRQ(ro) status,q=DMC status, d=DMC, ntba=noise/triangle/square2/square1 | |
4016 | 4016 | ||
4017 | S_FrameCntr | d_s_++++++ d=divider rate, s=frame counter status |
Mapper 1: MMC1
8000:9FFFw | MMC1_0 | |
A000:BFFFw | MMC1_1 | |
C000:EFFFw | MMC1_2 | |
E000:FFFFw | MMC1_3 |
The Legend of Zelda uses the MMC1 chip to map the RAM/ROM banks for the CPU and PPU. MMC1 is controlled by writing to 8000-FFFF (assumes that this area is ROM where writes have no effect). There are 4 5-bit registers in the MMC1. Writing to 8000-9FFF sends data to register 0. A000-BFFF writes to register 1, C000-DFFF to register 2, and E000-FFFF to register 3.
The MMC1 register data is shifted in with 5 consecutive writes. Bit 0 of the written value goes to bit-0 on the first write then bit-1 on the second. After 5 the bit-pointer goes back to bit-0. If bit 7 of the written value is 1 then the 5-bit register is cleared and the pointer goes back to bit-0 for the NEXT write.